Healthwatch Cheshire East

Board meeting

17th October 18:00 for 18:30 start

Room one Wesley Centre, Sandbach CW11 1DG


Maggie Harwood ( Chair) , Marion Goddard,Adrian Lindop , Alison Kaye , Stefan Pyra , Maggie Harwood, Trevor Lerman), Ian Carruthers,

Caroline O’ Brien (Director), Jan Hutflesz (Director).

Phil Johnston (Staff), Keisha Forteau (Staff)

Guest speaker: Jill Greenwood Commissioning Manager for: Children’s, Families & Adults Directorate, Nik Darwin
Senior Information Officer, Customer Relations Adults, Community, Health and Wellbeing Services

Apologies: Mike O’Regan, Saskia Ritchie, Marcin Marcinkiewicz,Kate Sibthorp, Lisa Digby, Gail Heath,

Agenda Item / Comments/Actions / By whom/By Date
  1. Minutes of last meeting
  • Accuracy
/ Page 3 –
Cheshire commissioning group is Kate not Marion
Learning disability partnership board missing
CEC safeguarding – Adrian’s is children’s not adults
Page 5 –
should read rural areas that had a speaker that let them down maybe we could offer to stand in at a speaker short notice
Page 6
last item should read Kate and Maggie not Kate and Marion
Item 8 –
changed to on-going not permanent about the deputy
  • Outstanding issues
/ Trevor chaired a meeting of 23 patient group chairs no one has heard of us – people were concerned and confused about the difference between health voice and Healthwatch
Trevor and Jacquie Grinham are meeting with the chair of health voice to look at differentiating between health voice and Healthwatch Trevor to provide date.
Marion has not got a date for adult safeguarding
East Cheshire NHS trust Alison needs the date which she needs to attend / TL JG
  • Conflicts of interest
/ None
  1. Presentation Jill Greenwood and Nik Darwin Cheshire East council
  • Jill Greenwood thanked the board for the fantastic work they have put in so far and the progress that has been made
  • Jill highlighted Healthwatch’s Youth Engagement Event as an example of the progress being made.
  • Jill went on to outline the new role of the Council as a commissioning organisation with services being more and more delivered by external bodies.
  • Nik outlined the expected outcomes of Healthwatch Cheshire East to the board
  • A copy of their presentation is attached.
  • Maggie would like to know the new management structure at CEC – Jill will send a copy of the structure when the last few appointment have been made.
/ JG
  1. Work Planning ½ day Work Shop Feed Back
/ Phil presented a report on the ½ day work planning workshop.
Healthwatch England’s Development Tool was used in the first exercise by the board to make an assessment of the progress made to date. In the second exercise the board identified some key area it wanted to have outcomes around.
Phil to circulate the report to all board members, task and finish groups will consider the outcomes identified in the report. Update will be given at next board meeting. / PJ
  1. Youth and young people’s engagement
/ Ian gave update on the event held by Healthwatch on Friday 11th October. It had been an effective meeting which had brought together a range of people and organisation that work with young people in Cheshire East around health and social issues.
Keisha is writing up the event and will circulate when completed.
A key outcome from the event has been twentyorganisations agreeing to do a range of activities with young people that will help us better understand how to engage young people in the health and social care agenda. / KF
5/ Community Engagement and Awareness Raising Plan (20 min) / Press campaign
Board informed on the Healthwatch Cheshire East media partnership to begin week commencing 21st October 2013 to February 2014, in which Healthwatch Cheshire East will have a ½ page presence in local newspapers on a three weekly basis which include
  • Crewe Chronicle
  • Crewe Extra
  • Macclesfield Express
  • Wilmslow Express
  • Congleton Chronicle
  • Sandbach Chronicle
  • Alsager Chronicle
Phil outlined the need to have a press media policy and suggested this should ensure;
Board members are seen as the Voice of Healthwatch in their local community
Board member should not talk directly to the press without the backing of a press release
Board members should refer all unsolicited press enquiries to Phil
Board members personal detail will never be release to the press
Phil to produce press policy and circulate to board for comment.
Alison suggested how stickers could be used to advertise HealthwatchKeisha to look into.
Phil to circulate to board a list detailing their geography of interest, task and finish groups, and external organisation they formaly represent Healthwatch on. Board members are asked to add any other relevant organisation they are a member of.
Keisha and Trevor meeting to discuss advertisement of Healthwatch on prescriptions / PJ
  • Directors report
/ Caroline outlined changes to staffing and the action that had been taken to ensure we had staff resources in place to make sure that our current work plan is delivered.
These arrangements are all in the short term and the directors are meeting on the 23rd of October at 14.30, in Macclesfield to discuss and agree the staff resources required over the next year.
Then on the 14th of November at 10.00, again in Macclesfield a further meeting to consider the budget for 2014/15 would be held by the directors.
Caroline invited 2 to 3 board members to nominate themselves to attend these meetings and represent the board.
It was agreed that;
Marion and Maggie would attend staffing on the 23rd October.
Alison and Stefan to attend budget meeting on the 14th of November.
This offer is also to be circulated to board members who have been unable to attend the meeting.
Phil to email out summary of the current budget / MG/MH
  • H&WBB update
/ Mike has sent apologies to the board and will update at the next board meeting
  • AOB
/ Saskia has attended CWP engagement group and invited herself on to management group .
Board members are encouraged to respond robustly to any comments that we are not making progress as the self-assessment at our work planning workshop demonstrated we are making significant progress on all of the areas outlined in Healthwatch England’s Impact and Outcome Development Framework.
Date of next meeting /
  • 28th November
  • Chair: Gail Heath
  • Middlewich Community Church Hall
  • Please note this meeting starts at 16.00