Name ______

Room Documentation Homework

Task: Choose one room in your house and document it as you would a crime scene. Use the check list as a guide to document your room.


1.  360 view of house (6 pictures minute) 10 pts

2.  Floor plan of house (documented room floor level only) 10pts

3.  Rough draft of one room in your house (Be sure to take all measurement using 2 reference points.) (30 pts)

A)  Show all measurements (use a tape measure)

B)  Use feet and inches

C)  Use the principals and methods from class

D)  Include a label for North

E)  Include a legend or key: victims name, address of the crime scene, the name of the person drafting the sketch, date, case number(use date) and weather conditions

F)  Label items with letters for furniture and numbers for evidence

4.  Final Sketch of room (Be sure to identify your scale factor and have a legend.) 25 pts

A)  Include measurements but draw distances to scale

B)  Drafted in a neater form than the rough copy; use a pen and ruler to make lines.

C)  The key/legend (letters for furniture and numbers for evidence)

D)  Identify the scale that you used, Identify North, Victims name, address of the crime scene and the name of the person drafting the sketch, date, case number, and weather conditions.

E)  Your sketch is NEAT and easily understood

F)  Optional: Use a CAD computer or website (ie 5 pts

5.  A panoramic view of room that you just sketch (10pts)

6.  Pick three objects and photograph them. These items should be in your rough and final sketch. (10pts)

A)  One picture six feet away from object

B)  One close up picture

C)  One picture next to a ruler. (Ruler must be placed next to the highest point.)

*All pictures maybe put into a word document and printed out that way.

Helpful Websites:

Video on processing a crime scene

Sirchie Labs
