Math 1Course Syllabus – 2014-2015

Room 502 Teacher: Mrs. Salisbury Email:

Course Description

Math I is the cornerstone to advanced mathematics. This course will prepare you for the rest of your math career. I anticipate incorporating technology, real life applications, and having fun while learning. I expect students to come to class with a “can do” attitude and to try their hardest everyday. Students are responsible for their learning and must complete assignments, attend tutoring, and ask questions to progress. We will be working together to achieve maximum student success!

Assessments: Tests will be announced at the beginning of each unit. This will give you plenty of time to prepare. There will be one test per unit.

Quizzes: will be given periodically throughout units in order to monitor student progress. They will not always be announced…so be prepared!

Materials: You will need to bring the following materials with you to class every day.

  • Pencils!!!, eraser, & red pen for checking homework
  • 3-ring binder (with 4 dividers) and paper
  • Colored Pencils
  • Headphones (when instructed to use by teacher)
  • Box of Kleenex (we go through a lot of these during the year)
  • Calculator: TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator

Student Expectations

1)Respect one another. Among other things, this means that only one person speaks at a time, no

cell phones in class, use respectful language, and everyone puts forth an honest effort.

2)Participate as much as possible. Mathematics is all about exploring ideas.

3)Come to class on time, every day, prepared to work for the full class time.

4)No food or drink in class—bottled water is okay.

5)If you need help, please ask for it!

6)Be aware of all info in the student handbook. All rules in the student handbook apply to every

class period, every day.

A NOTE ABOUT CELL PHONES: There are to be no headphones(except when instructed to use by teacher), cell phones or other electronicdevices seen or heard during class. If this happens, the device will be taken and can be picked up in the office at the end of the day by a parent or guardian. This is the school wide policy


50%Tests/Quarter Tests



Quarter grades are computed

bynumeric average using a

100-point scale.

Other Classroom Procedures

Passes for Leaving Class: You will be allowed 2

emergency passes per quarter. Passes may not be

used at the beginning of class, during a test, or

while I am teaching. I will keep record of passes

used. There will be incentives provided forthose

that have all passes remaining at the end of each


Make-Up Work: If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and do the investigation and homework within 2 days. Refer to the Unit checklist to get the assignments, or go to my website. Extra masters are kept in the folders in the Integrated II crate in the front of the room. I will answer questions about specific problems, but it is up to you to do any investigations you missed on your own time. For each day absent, students are given five (5) days to complete make-up work. Missed quizzes or tests can be made up before or after school (you may be given an alternate form of the test/quiz). On the day you return from an absence, see me immediately to schedule the make-up test or quiz. It must be made up within five days of the absence. After five days, the grade becomes a zero. A grade of zero will be recorded in the gradebook until the test is made up.

Exceptions:Students absent on the day of a test or quiz are expected to make it up the day they return. If you are absent from class for a field trip or other school-related activity, the 5-day rule does not apply. Instead, you are responsible for getting all work before you leave. If you are out on a review day, you are still responsible for taking tests on the following day.

Tardy Policy1sttardy:Warning

2nd tardy:Parent Contact

3rd tardy:Discipline referral to


4th tardy:Level 1 discipline

5th tardy:Level 1 discipline

6th tardy:Insubordination