Called to order 7:02

Ron - Membership Applications need to be filled out each year

Introduced Band directors

Minutes from Meeting from June - motion to approve (Janelle Meitier, seconded by Ken Drury, motion carried)

Treasurer's Report - date should be July and August

Do students' accounts rollover? Yes

Motion to approve : Maureen Gahagan, seconded by Laurie Beck, motion carried)

Student accounts are no longer in Charms - If a graduated senior had money in their account, it can be held for 1 year for a sibling. Then it is rolled over to the scholarship fund. (if more than 1 year passes and a sibling is enrolled, this money can be applied for.)

Good idea to re-communicate new collection location for Bottles/Cans - on website, email, etc.

Director's Reports -

Joe Stork

●  Introduced Donnie Allen (Band Director) Donnie has already contributed at both band camps

●  Competition Band - do not need any more chaperones

●  Need volunteers for CCC

○  Sign up Genius was suggested - particular need for Runners, concessions, Logistics


●  T-shirts are available - No Cash!

●  We are not hosting WGI this year - possibly in 2017(?)

●  Winter Guard meeting - 10/4 at Northside Blodgett

●  Lessons start next wednesday

●  Kids - we're pushing them! Ask them about dot books, memorizing music, etc

●  CCC - Lanyards instead of t-shirts for volunteers

●  Spirit Wear - Eileen Schmidlin will be starting that up soon, look for her email, it will be a short run

Donnie Allen - introduced himself - 30 years experience, judging as well, Brass specialist

Eric Griffin - teaches Performance Band and Electronic Music and Electronic Music Production

●  2 concert bands, and Wind Ensemble (audition only)

●  Theatre Manager (HS only)

●  Performance Band - great progress

○  Need to fit uniforms - volunteers? After school on Monday 14th (see Sheryl Swett)

○  First performance has been changed since 1st football game was moved to Saturday in Waverly at 7pm

■  A motion was made to cancel this weekend's performance (Janelle McKee) Motion was carried by a vote of 15 hands

○  Is Calendar on Charms? Yes

■ (there is a link on the website)

○  Charms contains all student information (but no student $ accounts)

■  School code is cpphsbands

■  Public Information - report times, dress code, etc.

■  If a student misses an event, an email will be generated, and a zero grade will be recorded

○  Badge readers will be coming for recording students whereabouts during lessons

Ron Beck -

Where to sign up for chaperoning? Information will be coming

Parade of Lights is at the end of November

Halloween parade

CCC and Bandtoberfest - This is where you can help!!!

Annual Band Trip (Presented by Eric Griffin)

Trip last year had some issues - too much stopping and not well organized

Consider moving up the Fruit Fundraiser to help with student accounts

There is a District holiday on the 15th - does this change the cost of the trip?

Must have at least 50 students for trip

Trip Information is on Charms

Fundraising -

Ad Sales ~$4000, Coupon Fundraiser ~$6000

CCC and Bandtoberfest raises funds for the Band Parent Organization

Fundraiser Leaders needed for :

●  Fruit

●  Coffee and Tea

●  Vitrix

●  Wreaths

(Comment from Parent - please make sure guard gets information on fundraisers)

Other suggestions:

Bob Evans, Applebees

Next BPO meeting is on 10/8

Meeting Adjourned