Text: Anders Ellqvist
Publicerad : 2016-03-15

Ron Delnevo, europachefför ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) ochBjörn Eriksson, ordförandeförSäkerhetsbranschen.

International support for Swedish cash uprising
During the year Cash rebellion existed there have Swedish initiative attracted the attention of foreign media as the New York Times and the Chinese state television.
- Sweden is the only country in the world where the value of cash in circulation decreases.In all other countries actually increases the cash in terms of value, said Ron Delnevo, European director of the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA), the Cash Uprising one-year anniversary.
We recently celebrated Cash uprising first "and hopefully last birthday", as the originator Björn Eriksson expressed himself during a -årsjubileet celebrated the Coin Cabinet in Stockholm's Old Town.He paints a picture of "the country just in time" that the issue of settlement of cash has become "the land of extreme."The uprising during the year received great international attention, where the outside world is surprised that Sweden in this matter is an extremely community, according to BjörnEriksson.Leading foreign media like the New York Times and the Chinese state television has wide-eyed attention to the Swedish phenomenon.The question of cash the be or not to be is also a matter of concern for advocates of ATMs in the organization ATMIA (ATM Industry Association).Their European Manager Ron Delnevo has had frequent contacts with the Swedish Cash uprising and fighting on the same side.In the UK there is also movement "Cash Uproar", which looks with horror at the Swedish development."Shameful Swedish development"Ron Delnevo speaks passionately about the cash the significance and gives a long series of arguments to keep notes and coins.- the fact that the Swedish banks barely handle cash is a shameful development, he says, pointing to a niggardly attitude of the major Swedish banks, which discriminates against cash in their efforts to make money for shareholders.- the Swedish banks can take in modern ATM technology and add a small fee to cash as it operates in many other countries.He explains that they now are ATMs that also serves as deposit boxes, and then reuses the cash and also handle coins.So the banks will not have expensive handling and transport of valuables.In addition, the Swedish concern about excessive bank robbery in his eyes.- Sweden is the only country in the world where the value of cash in circulation decreases.In all other countries actually increases the cash in terms of value, said Ron Delnevo and continues:- We can only hope that the Swedish banks and politicians take their senses to come."Manipulative behavior"Björn Eriksson, who is chairman of the security industry and initiator cash uprising, highlights a few points in the debate on cash.- There is a manipulative behavior by the banks on this issue.They can charge for card use and teach raise fees on cash are becoming increasingly rare.- Several community groups are the cashless society a threat.There are many left outside in a cashless society, he says, and gives examples of pensioners, refugees, small business owners, former criminals, rural dwellers and others.The cash will remain longRiksbank has recently gone out that there have been reports in the media that the cash would could disappear within five years."This information is not true," the Riksbank continues: "The Riksbank's forecasts indicate that cash will remain for the foreseeable future, that is probably in the 2030s."The Riksbank also notes that in the current situation is made ​​about 20 percent of all payments over the counter with cash and nearly 90 percent of the Swedish people say they have used cash in the past month."This shows that there is still a large amount of transactions with cash in Sweden.""The madness that we are"Björn Eriksson believes that it is madness that they even have needed to create the network Cash uprising to "point out the obvious right to use cash in the Swedish society ".On Cash Uprising site's morale remained high.In it, among other things: "As long as society is threatened with becoming cashless we will remain and fight for people's right to decide over their own money.We have now become many supporters and we are continuing all the time to grow. "Cash uprising on Facebook currently has nearly 3300 people who like group.Investigation is ongoingBjörn Eriksson points out that they will continue to drive cash uprising intensively during the coming year and he thinks to see some understanding of both the politicians and the central bank in question.a public inquiry called Swedish cash is currently underway where the results will be ready after the summer.a number of consultation responses have already been received and, for example, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions opinion is concern for what is a safety can happen at a major iT failure or major power outages and it also points to the groups outside of the cashless society."Notes and coins is an old proven and effective means of payment and it's set position that access to cash is across the country, "writes SKL in its opinion.No problem with the dual rolesBjörn Eriksson admits it in the security industry are different opinions about the cashless society.But he would have trouble combining his two roles, as spokesperson for cash uprising, and as chairman of the security industry, says he is "nonsense".- We might think differently in this matter.But I argue that it is better to cash for safety for the most part are well protected on the bank, instead of the majority are in shops where protection is weaker and crude higher risk.