Romeo & Juliet Project – Who is to Blame for Romeo & Juliet’s Death?
Your group’s task is to uncover who is ultimately responsible for Romeo & Juliet’s tragic death. Although the characters took their own lives, many other characters contributed to their final decision to end their lives. Select at least 3 characters from the play and defend how these characters are responsible for leading to Romeo & Juliet’s tragic demise.
Below are the tasks you must complete for this project:
· Pre-Presentation Pie Chart – Who is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death? Individually, you must decide who you think contributed to the characters’ deaths. Once you have completed this activity, you must present your arguments to your group members and defend your choices.
· As a group (3-4 students), decide on the 3 characters you all agree are responsible. Group’s decision must be a consensus, which means everyone must agree before a final decision is made.
· Once you have decided on the 3 guilty parties, develop a prosecution’s arguments for the each character selected, and draw a large-scale version of the pie chart on your poster paper.
· In addition to creating a poster-sized pie chart, you also must find textual evidence from the play defending your final decisions on each character’s guilt. For each character, include a detailed explanation to defend how guilty this person is compared to the other two characters on your chart (percentage assigned in the pie chart and why). In addition, you also must include 2 quotes directly from the play where this person’s actions or behaviors led to their guilty role. Include page numbers for each quote.
· Your final task will be to present your pie charts and evidence to your classmates as though you are the prosecution for the trials against these characters.
Rubric will score the following:
Visual Presentation (5 points) – Poster and Pie Chart is visually appealing and percentages are accurately portrayed on the poster. Poster elements and text are large and easy to read!
Analysis of 3 Characters (15 points) – Includes a detailed explanation to support the percentage of guilt assigned to this character. Also, textual evidence is provided for additional support of guilt.
Presentation (5 points) – Presentation clearly outlines each character’s guilt. Every group contributes to the final product and the class presentation. Group members are ready to answer any questions classmates or the teacher may have following the presentation.
Total Score – 25 points