November17th 2016 Spinn-Offs.FROM LAB TO MARKET,

9:30 Conference Room Matgas

Training Program FUNMAT

Target: Young reserchers. Senior researchers are welcome

1- Why a spin-off ?. PRUAB activities in business creation. Presentation of cases and experiences.

Speaker: Julia Palma. PRUAB
Summary: We’ll discuss the reasons why a researcher might be interested in creating a spin-off company, what benefits you can get for your career and for society, how a researcher should be trained to take over a company, what are the qualities of a entrepreneur or "multi-entrepreneur” of spin-offs. The Catalan ecosystem Catalan for supporting entrepreneurship will also be presented.

2- “Synergism between Nanomol research group and Nanomol technologies”

Speakers: Nora Ventosa, Santi Sala

Since the late 90’, Nanomol group of ICMAB-CSIC has been intensively working on the development of new scalable platforms for the manufacturing of nanomedicines with the required quality to reach the clinical practice. These platforms are currently unavailable in pharmaceutical chemical industries. The spin-off Nanomol Technologies was created for bridging the gap between nanotechnologies developed in this particular academic environment and their implementation mainly in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
In this presentation will be shown how the collaboration between Nanomol group and Nanomol technologies has helped to the growth of both of them.

3- Presentation of Oxolutia. Oxolutia path and "lessons learned".

Speaker: Albert Calleja 40 min

Summary: OXOLUTIA SL, spin-off del ICMAB-CSIC, ha logrado recientemente inversión privada de tipo venture capital por valor de 300.000 €. Ello sucede después de 6 años de intenso desarrollo tecnológico, acuerdos de transferencia, aumento de la plantilla y primeras ventas. Se comentarán detalles de la trayectoria seguida, las proyecciones actuales de entrada en el mercado y, especialmente, una visión personal de todo el proceso, que se espera sea de interés para todos aquellos investigadores interesados en crear spin-offs como instrumentos efectivos de transferencia del conocimiento público a la sociedad.

4- Roundtable with some researcher involved in spin-offs experiences


Julia Palma.

Entrepreneurship promotion manager at Research Park UAB. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Since 2008

Provide support from the ‘ideas generation’ stages through the introduction and maturity of a product/service to entrepreneurs, such as identifying funding, identifying potential partners and/or facilitating the negotiation of agreements.
Coordinate and manage initiatives to promote the entrepreneurship culture among the researchers at the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona):

Oversee and formalize cooperation agreements among areas and departments of the University and companies.
Manage and promote the network and interaction between University, researches, regulatory bodies, Firms and potential investors.
Project Management: applying and management of competitive funds.

Albert Calleja


Since 2013Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral researcher ICMAB-CSIC


R+D ManagerQUALITY CHEMICALS Esparreguera, Barcelona


Postdoctoral ResearcherDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy University of Barcelona


OXOLUTIASL is a spin-off company arising from ICMAB-CSIC aiming at licensing technology in the field of thin films and nanostructures of functional oxides by chemical solution deposition. Interestingly, inkjet printing is used to deposit the precursor solutions digitally on a drop-on-demand basis. In addition, the company commercializes ceramic targets for physical vapour deposition and customized isothermal electrical furnaces.
OXOLUTIAhas been awarded the entrepreneur prize of FONDO DE EMPRENDEDORES REPSOL for developing inorganic solar cells by 3D inkjet printing.
Recently, the company has been invested by the venture capital firm VICTORIA with 300,000€ to push technological development and commercialization of the technologies.

Nora Ventosa

Scientific researcher at ICMAB-CSIC since 2003

Chemical Engineer, expert in Organic Chemistry, Institut Químic de Sarrià , 1988.

Doctor en Ciències Químiques, Universitat Ramon Llull, 1996.

Specialities: Supercritical fluids, Nanoparticles, Solvent effects in organic chemistry

Nora Ventosa is a scientific researcher of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). In the Department of Molecular Nanoscience and Organic Materials of ICMAB she leads a research line devoted to the development and application of green procedures for structuring molecular materials at micro- and nano-scale using compressed fluids. She is co-director of the Nanomol group belonging to the TECNIO network, which comprises the principal centers and agents involved in technological transfer in Catalonia. Since 2007, she is affiliated researcher of the Biomedical Research Networking center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), where she participates in several interdisciplinary projects. Since February 2009, she holds a Chair of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Parc de Recerca UAB-Santander. She is co-founder of the start-up company “Nanomol Technologies S.A.”

Field of Expertise: Synthesis of molecular nanocarriers for active-delivery and development of scalable platforms for the preparation of nanomedicines.

Santi Sala


Since 2007

Manager and founding partner NANOMOL TECHNOLOGIES SA Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona)


NANOMOL TECHNOLOGIES is a science and innovation driven company providing cutting edge solutions to process, structure and characterize, at micro and nanoscale, active molecules of pharma, biotech and cosmetic companies. Our mission is to generate revolutionary nanomedicines and drug delivery systems with outstanding therapeutic efficacy and patient’s compliance. NANOMOL TECHNOLOGIES born in UAB Research Park by the end of 2010, is a spin-off company co-founded by researchers of Nanomol research group of the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona ICMAB-CSIC and Networking Center on Biomedical Research CIBER-BBN. This group belongs to TECNIO network, the brand name created by Catalan Agency ACC1Ó to join Catalan research groups with strongest activities in applied research and technology transfer. Over the last fifteen years, we have worked to develop and apply new technologies based on the use of compressed and supercritical fluids for preparing micro and nanoparticulate materials in one single process step. Compressed fluids or supercritical fluids are classified as green solvents and are being proposed as alternative solvents in many manufacturing processes. These technologies allow the production of materials with high added value in the form of powders, dispersion or emulsion, with beneficial properties in terms of administration and application. They provide a response to common problems encountered in pharmaceutical development such as the low selectivity and high toxicity with which some active molecules act in the organism, the high dosage rate required, and further limitations such as a low bioavailability of therapeutic active molecules or their inability to penetrate biological membranes.

Promotion of NANOMOL group ICMAB-CSIC applied research activities at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona CSIC. IPR commercialization. Since 2006

Predoctoral researcher. Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona, CSIC

2000 - 2005


9,30 Sala de actos de Matgas.

Programa de formación FUNMAT

Dirigida a: Investigadores en formación. Todos los investigadores.

9:30 Presentación: Riccardo Rurali

9:35- ¿Por qué una spin-off?.Ecosistema catalán de creación de empresas. Presentación de casos y experiencias. PonenteJulia Palma 20 min

Resumen: Comentaremos las razones por las cuales un investigador puede estar interesado en emprender y crear una empresa, qué beneficios puede obtener para su carrera y para la sociedad, cómo debe formarse un investigador para hacerse cargo de una empresa, cuáles son las cualidades de un emprendedor o “multi-emprendedor de spinoffs”. También se presentará el ecosistema catalán de apoyo a la creación de empresas tecnológicas.

10:00- Sinergia entre el grupo de investigación Nanomol y la empresa Nanomol Technologies. Ponentes: Nora Ventosa y Santi Sala 40 min

Resumen: Desde finales de los 90 ', el grupo Nanomol de ICMAB-CSIC ha estado trabajando intensamente en el desarrollo de nuevas plataformas escalables para la fabricación de nanomedicinas con la calidad requerida para alcanzar la práctica clínica. Actualmente, estas plataformas no están disponibles en las industrias químicas farmacéuticas. La spin-off Nanomol Technologies fue creada para tender un puente entre las nanotecnologías desarrolladas en este ambiente académico en particular y su implementación principalmente en las industrias farmacéutica y biotecnológica.

En esta presentación se mostrará cómo la colaboración entre el grupo Nanomol y las tecnologías Nanomol ha contribuido al crecimiento de ambos.

10:45 - Presentación de Oxolutia. Trayectoria de la spin-off, etapa de crecimiento,principales hitos conseguidos hasta la fecha, y proyecciones actuales de entrada en el mercado.Ponente Albert Calleja 40 min

Resumen: OXOLUTIA SL, spin-off del ICMAB-CSIC, ha logrado recientemente inversión privada de tipo venture capital por valor de 300.000 €. Ello sucede después de 6 años de intenso desarrollo tecnológico, acuerdos de transferencia, aumento de la plantilla y primeras ventas. Se comentarán detalles de la trayectoria seguida, las proyecciones actuales de entrada en el mercado y, especialmente, una visión personal de todo el proceso, que se espera sea de interés para todos aquellos investigadores interesados en crear spin-offs como instrumentos efectivos de transferencia del conocimiento público a la sociedad.

11:30- Mesa redonda con algunas empresas del PRUAB y otras experiencias 30 min