Essential elements / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Development of topic and ideas / -No thesis, underdeveloped or vague
-Few or no relevant details / -Inconsistent or basic development of thesis, theme, or topic.
-Lacks elaboration / -Consistently and fully developed theses, theme or topic
-Draws a conclusion
-Details are specific, enhance development, and are elaborated upon / -Clearly and fully developed, original, insight thesis, theme, topic and conclusion.
-Rich supporting details are fully elaborated upon and enhance development.
Organization and format / -Lacks focus and organization or unclear focus organizational strategies
-Format of paper is not consistent with assignment / -Establish but does not maintain focus
-Organizational strategy includes some transitions / -Clear and appropriate focus
-among ideas
-Most of the paper is formatted correctly / -Clear and appropriate focus
-Effective use of transitions
-Writer expresses relationships among ideas
-Entire paper is formatted correctly
Word choice and sentence structure / -Poor sentence structure; many fragments and/or run-ons
-Limited vocabulary; or consistently inappropriate for purpose / -Sentences reflect little variety in length and kind (mostly simple sentences)
-Word choice is basic / -Sentences reflect some variety in length and kind
-Occasional if any tense/subject verb agreement errors
-Word choice is clear and reasonably precise / -Sentences reflect variety in length and kind (compound and complex sentences)
-- Few if any tense/subject verb agreement errors
-Word choice is rich and varied
Grammar usage and mechanics / -Errors in grammar, usage and mechanics make writing unclear; or distract
-Few or no citations / -Some errors in grammar, usage and mechanics
-Pattern of minor citation errors / -Few errors in grammar, usage and mechanics
-Some citation errors / -Mastery of grammar, usage, and mechanics
Few or no citation errors

Romeo and Juliet Final essay outline




Ms. Boshes

Romeo and Juliet Final Essay

Romeo and Juliet Final Essay

Introductory paragraph

-Who your character is in the play

-If you believe they are the truest friend in the play with three reasons why (this is your thesis). For example: Capulet is not the truest friend in the play because he does not give second chances, he does not listen to other people’s opinions, and he cares too much about what other people think of him

Body paragraphs

-Explain the reasons why you believe your character is or is not the truest friend in the play using quotes from the play.

-For example: Capulet shows how he only wants what’s best for himself when he is talking to Juliet about marrying Paris. “Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o’ Thursday, Or never after look me in the face: Speak not, reply not, do not answer me; My fingers itch. Wife, we scarce thought us blest That God had lent us but this only child; But now I see this one is one too much, And that we have a curse in having her: Out on her, hilding” (Romeo & Juliet. 3.5.17-26).


-Summarize the points you made in your body paragraphs and restate your thesis.