Romeo and Juliet Act III Quiz

Romeo and Juliet Act III Quiz

Romeo and Juliet Act III Quiz

1. Who accuses Benvolio of having a quarrelsome temperament?

2. How does Romeo cause Mercutio to die? He stands between

3. What does Romeo blame for his bad luck when he kills Tybalt?

4. Who speaks in oxymoronic language, echoing Romeo?

5. Why is Friar Laurence so angry with Romeo?

6. What does the Friar prevent Romeo from doing to himself?

7. What birds do Romeo and Juliet “argue” about at dawn?

8. What do the birds symbolize?

9. What city does Romeo go to in his banishment?

10. How does Lady Capulet propose to eliminate Romeo?

11. What does Juliet’s father tell her when she refuses to marry?

12. What does Juliet think Romeo looks like as he departs her room?

13. What is the belief that the world is arranged in a hierarchy called?

14. Why does Capulet think that Juliet refuses to marry? Because she is still sad about

15. Who betrays Juliet at the end of Act III?

16. What is iambic pentameter?

17. Who says a “plague on both your houses”?

18. What does Juliet want to do with Romeo when he dies?

19. Who does Juliet say she would rather marry than Paris?

20. What is astrology?