Revision Seminar (Term 3, Wk 2): Greek or Roman? The Impact of Empire
The theme of this seminar is what ‘Romanisation’ means, and whether it is a useful concept for understanding the physical remains of Asia Minor. Preparation for this seminar should take the following form:
I: Reading: (* Key text, but share these out within your groups and make notes summarising their arguments)
*G. Woolf, ‘Becoming Roman, Staying Greek’ in Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 40 (1994) 116-143 – shelved in Arts Periodicals under ‘Cambridge’ and with extra copies in A&A box in office.
Oxford Classical Dictionary ‘Romanisation’
G. Woolf, Becoming Roman, ch 1;
Papers by Millett and Reece in T. Blagg & M. Millett eds., The Early Roman Empire in the West
My paper in S. Scott and J. Webster eds., Roman Imperialism and Provincial Art (2003)
Farrington’s paper in S. MacCready & F. H. Thompson eds., Roman Architecture in the Greek World
K. Welch, ‘Greek stadia and Roman spectacles’, JRA 11 (1998) 117-45
K. Welch, ‘Negotiating Roman spectacle architecture in the Greek world’ in B. Bergmann and C. Kondoleon eds., The art of ancient spectacle (New Haven and London, 1999), 125-45.
- What does Romanisation mean?
- How can we judge the extent of Romanisation in a province?
- How do these factors apply to the Greek East?
- What are the problems and implications with the concept of ‘Romanisation’?
- Is Romanisation a useful way to look at the art and architecture of the Greek East
I have divided you into groups focussing on either ‘Greek’ or ‘Roman’ aspects of the subject – depending on which group you are in, be prepared to argue for or against the Romanisation of Asia Minor.
II: Research on images
Search through your notes and the lecture powerpoints to find examples of artefacts or buildings which either support or undermine the idea that Asia Minor was increasingly ‘Romanised’ during the course of the Roman Empire, depending on which group you are in.
There are also CDs with the images on them available to borrow from the box in the office. Look at other websites too (see module bibliography).
III: Preparing your presentation
There will only be a one hour seminar in week 2. You need to arrange for your group to meet beforehand to prepare your presentation. One group will focus on arguing for Roman identity, the other for Greek identity. Check the groups list to see which you are arguing for.