Weekly Update September 20, 2017

Important Dates: Wednesday, Sept. 27 Field trip to the Farmer’s Market

Thursday, Sept. 28 No school - Conferences

Friday, Sept. 29 No school - Conferences

What’s Happening?

We are going to the Farmer’s Market on Wednesday, September 27. This will be an all-day trip so the students will need to pack a BAG LUNCH for that day. They will have an opportunity to buy items at the market. Often, we purchase produce that we will bring back to the classroom for cooking and snacks.

Day Care Services

Some parents have been interested in after school day services for their child. St. Sebs PAL Program offers before and after school child care that some of our families have used. It may or may not be a good fit for your situation. There are other child care providers in the area that may be able to better serve your needs. Perhaps this would be a good topic at the next Parent meeting. It’s always good to share those services with each other.


Our first Parent/Student/Teacher conferences are coming up September 28 and 29. These first conferences will be short (15 minutes) but please sign up for one. We have almost everyone signed up for a conference for next week. You still have time to sign up. Just return the form and we’ll get you on the schedule!

Box Tops and Coke Points

As you know, St. Coletta collects Box Tops and Coke points that we can turn in for cash and school items. Many thanks to Nancy Heltemes for providing this service for our school for many years! We will continue to collect Box Tops and Coke points. Holden’s mom, Krysti has agreed to take on the responsibility! Thanks Krysti

Here’s What Works Best

When returning things to school (permission slips, Think Sheets, or anything that needs to be seen by a parent or staff member) please use the student folders that come home each day. That is the first place that the staff look when we are expecting papers returned OR if there is communication that you are sending to school that is important for us to see. It doesn’t work as well when things are simply in their book bag or in their expandafile. I apologize if you sent things back to school and we did not see it immediately. The purpose of the folders is a safe and convenient way to send important information back and forth.

The doorbell at Door 15 is now working!!! We have tested it multiple times and can assure you that it works. Thanks to Pablo (Doninik’s dad) for helping to fix the issue.

Reflection: “Stop trying to be someone you’re not. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.”