April 9, 2018

EVBA Monthly Meeting

Roll Call of Officers: Kim Parker, Jim Tate, Michelle Sulecki, Kelly Cressman

Minutes approval from last month- Approved

New Items:

  1. Nominations for next year’s board members
  2. President- Kim Parker
  3. Vice President- Denise Belperio
  4. Secretary- Kelly Cressman
  5. Treasurer- Cheryl Alexander
  6. Vice Pres of Hospitality- Jim Tate

-Lillie Howard has volunteered for Uniforms outdoor uniforms

  1. Awards Ceremony (Banquet) -update
  2. May 23rd Lucian 6-9:30pm. Invites ready to go out. Figuring out best way to do that. We would like RSVPs. Jim Tate suggested invites go home with the kids. We will get the directors involved in handing out the invites to the kids. Will have a spreadsheet to track.
  3. Costs are $35 per adult $30 for the students, seniors, directors are free.
  4. DeniseDelperio is heading the committee and organizing all aspects.
  5. Deadline to RSVP and hand money in is May11th.
  6. Invitation will go out this week.
  7. Need senior graduation pics and baby pics. Please send all pics long with whatever pictures you may have taken during outdoor and indoor season. Deadline is May11th.
  1. Wildwood--need help from people staying that may have kitchens. Would need your cell phone. Everyone is welcome to come by and see if we need help--the apartment is going to be a new experience for all of us.
  2. There will be a mandatory meeting for all parents. Time and date TBD.
  3. Food donations for Wildwood will go on Signup Genius after Home Show.
  4. Menu is not finalized yet. Will be emailed out as soon as it is.
  5. Gift cards are welcome (Acme, ShopRite, Visa gift cards). Will let the body know what would be preferred once menu is final.
  6. Will have shifts and volunteer needs on Sign Up Genius. Not sure of times. Will put in closer to event. Sometimes may not be posted until the night before. Depends on the director’s instructions, practice and performance times.
  1. Home Show—Sunday the 29th
  2. We created a paper signup sheet for the Home Show for parents who had attended the meeting.
  3. We need as many donations as possible to offset the cost we put out.
  4. Sing Up Genius is live with all slots were we need help
  5. Our Program ad is accepting Ad Pat Kane will be doing he programs and the signs needed. April 20th. Will be emailing out again to the body.
  6. 60% of our sales our going to TIA this year. Changed from last year. We will price programs and items accordingly. We may print 75 Programs.
  7. We will be informed from TIA what he set ticket price will be.
  8. Drumline is first, Guard will be going on in the afternoon. We would like the guard parents to come in the morning and help drumline so the parents can see the kids perform and vs versa in the afternoon so guard parents can see.
  9. Will be putting the approximately the same times from last year
  10. 42 groups performing
  11. Michele Geiger has volunteered to get baskets for a silent auction. We will talk to the township about a raffle license
  12. Will need student ambassadors- directing traffic and helping units to their areas. Can check with student alliance.
  13. All donations welcome. What we don’t use will be used for Wildwood.
  14. Alumni parents will be helping
  1. Volunteers for the groups (guard this weekend 4/14 at William Penn)
  2. Need volunteers for both drumline and guard, especially guard this weekend.
  3. Possible suggestions to get more help:
  4. Can send a blast from Signup Genius with all the parents emails
  5. Send an email to just Outdoor parents. Looking for help for the next two weeks.
  6. We are discussing some ideas (maybe a parent social, etc)
  1. Treasurer Report
  2. $3107 in bingo account.
  3. We did receive$1000 check from American Water Company for George Cox. Expect to receive the check for Kathleen Randell at the end of April. Paper work was signed and submitted.
  4. Still waiting on some incoming funds
  5. Fundraiser at Sal Vito’s on April 24th. Will run from open to close. Includesdine in and takeout delivery. Will receive 15% of all sales mentioning Marching Vikings.
  6. Outdoor market has been postponed indefinitely
  1. Hospitality- See Wildwood and Home Show details.

Meeting Adjourned

Next meeting May 14 at 8pm