The role of non-governmental organisations in poverty alleviation among the youth in
Busiisi Sub-County in Hoima District
A report submitted to the School of Distance and Open Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the commonwealth Diploma in
Youth Development Work of MakerereUniversity
I hereby declare that this is my original work and it has never been by submitted to this institution or any other institution for any award.
Researcher …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Signature ………………………………………………
Date ……………………………………………………
Supervisor …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature ………………………………………………
Date ……………………………………………………
I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor Mrs Bbuye Juliana for the continued efforts in guiding, correcting and discussing with me this study. It is great that you have always been my key role model and am very grateful for the support you have rendered to me
Sincere thanks go to my wonderful parents Mr Ndyanabaisi Francis and Mrs Mbabazi Gorret for their time and moral support without which I would have not reached where Iam.
Special thanks go to my lovely sister Mpairwe Jackline for moral and financial support she rendered to me through my education career up to the production of this work. Without you I might not havecompleted this education.
Thanks go to my sisters Kabasinguzi Sylvia, Birungi Winfred, Asiimwe Angella and my beloved brothers Bagonza Phillip, Bainomugisa Godfrey, Businge Ronald and John for the great support you rendered to me. The contributions of my friends Muyombya Andrew, Osinde Stephen, Mbabazi Ronald and Mutaganywa Tahir are highly appreciated for you will always be good friends.
Thanks go to Kugonza Kenneth, Paul, Irene and Judith who have always been giving me joy when am writing this work thank you for being good kids.
I cannot end without mentioning my Almighty God who has guided me throughout the completion of this work.
1.1 Background of the study area
1.2Statement of the problem
1.3Objectives of the study area
1.4Research questions
1.5Scope and the purpose of the study
CHAPTER TWO……………......
2.0 Introduction
2.1 The Role of NGO’s in poverty alleviation among the youth
2.2 NGO contribution to poverty alleviation among the youth
2.3 Contributions of NGOs to Poverty alleviation
2.4 Problems that are affected by NGOs in poverty alleviation among the youth in Busiisi sub-county Hoima district………………………………………………………………………………
2.5 Solutions to the problems faced by NGOs in poverty alleviation among the youth
2.6 Characteristics of poverty
2.7 Poverty alleviation strategies among youth
2.8 Programs of poverty alleviation among youth
3.2Research design
3.3Description of the study area
3.4 Population of the study
3.5Sampling techniques
3.6Methods of data collection.
3.6.3Focus Group Discussion
3.6.4Interviews Schedules
3.6.5Documentary Review
3.6.6Data processing and analysis
4.1The Contributions brought by NGOs in Busiisi Sub County
Plate l: Growing of Maize supported by HODFA
Plate 2: Improved cassava variety supplied by Africa 2000 Net work
Plate 3:Poultry Keeping
Plate4: Brick making in Kibingo village with the support of loans from HOFOKAM
Table 2:Showing number of animals supplied by NGOs in 2009 to the young people
Plate 11: A primary school supported by World Vision
Plate 12:Monitors laying plots in the forest to monitor human impact in the forest
Plate 13:Tree planting supported by CSWCT as a way of saving environment
Table 3:Showing the different NGOs involved in poverty alleviation among youth in Busiisi Sub county Hoima District
Plate 14:The location of Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust
4.2Challenges that affect NGOs in Poverty Alleviation among Youth
Table 4:Showing response on how challenges affecting NGOs can be minimized among youth
NGO Non-government Organizations
WHO World Health Organization
PEAP Poverty Eradication Action Plan
PMA Plan for Modernization Agriculture
NAADS National Agriculture Advisory Services
PHC Primary Health Care
MFPED Ministry Of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
UNDP United Nation Development Program
EPRC Economic Policy Research Centre
GDP Growth Domestic Policy
DHS Democratic and health Survey
MFI Micro Finance Institutions
HIPC High Indebted Poor Communities
DFID Department For International Development
PMTCT Prevention of Mother To Child HIV Transmit ion
ANCs Antenatal Clinics
ARVs Antiretroviral drugs
AVIS International Services Volunteers Association
UNO United Nation Organization
TASO The AIDS Support Organization
CSWCT Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust
The study was carried out to assess the role of Non Governmental Organization towards poverty alleviation among youth in Busiisi. The major objectives were to identify the different NGOs operating in BusiisiSubCounty and how they have contributed towards changes which are in the SubCounty.
The data was collected through use of the Questionnaires,observation and interviews.
Findings showedthat young people have benefited from NGOs in BusiisiSubCounty through acquiring loans to start up Business, which has helped them to be self reliant. Sensitization has been carried out by the NGOs, HODFA, and this has helpedyoung people who have been shown how to carry out agriculture as agri business. Young people have alsobeen helped to acquire basic necessities, asa way of reducing poverty, they are getting involved in different activities to promote development.
It was concluded that the contribution of NGOs toward poverty alleviation programs,to a large extent lies in the hands of individuals,especially where these NGOs bring the programmes, and yet the local young people are the one to be involved in the running of these programmes, if they are to benefit.It was recommended that sustainability measures should be put in place so that the projects are long term benefit, provision of employment centres especially markets and industries to the young people in BusiisiSubCounty should be done. It was further recommended that social services like health centres, school, water electricity and roads be extended and improved. Decentralisation should be promoted so that young people keep to their cradle lands. A bottom up approach be encouraged for easy identification of needs and helping in decision making and the proper allocation of resources, co-ordination where by the government fosters but does not dominate, Government should be in position to monitor the progress and help these NGOs when it is called upon.
Non-Governmental organizations are organizations that are not part of any government. A key distinction is between not-for-profit groups and for-profit corporations; the vast majority of NGOs are not-for-profit. In some countries, particularly socialist ones, some NGOs are government-organised. The purposes of NGOs cover the entire range of human interests and may be domestic or international in scope. Many NGOs are key sources of information for governments on issues such as human rights abuses and environmental degradation. Some NGOs fulfill quasi-governmental functions for ethnic groups that lack a state of their own. NGOs may be financed by private donations, international organizations, governments, or a combination of these. In Britain, quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations, or “quangos’’, are organizations that have no elected boards and receive public funds which they also disburse.
NGO is a term that has become widely accepted as referring to the legally constituted NGO created by natural or legal persons with no participation or presentation of any government. In the case where NGOs are funded totally or partially by government, NGOs maintains its Non-Governmental status and excluded government representatives from membership in the organization unlike intergovernmental organization. These NGOs are defined as civil society organizations. (Drezes’sen, 1989).
1.1Background of the study area
In Uganda, there are many NGOs which participate in different activities towards poverty alleviation among the young people. They contribute 80% in development and most of them are based at district level as well as Sub county level. These NGOs help focus on future investment to target the raising income as well as improve the quality of life of young people.They carry out measures to increase on the house hold income,they focus on road improvement, land, agriculture, rural market, employment, labour productivity, rural credit and financial services, micro and small scale enterprises. They carry out measures to improvethe quality of life of the youth,they target the provision of basic services like Primary Health Care, Primary education, water and the environment as well as disaster management.
On the other hand, poverty has no universal definition but it can be defined in absolute or relative terms. Ravallion (1996) defines poverty as lack of command over market goods. According to Fields (1994) poverty is an inability of an individual or a family to command sufficient resources to satisfy basic needs. Absolute poverty is the situation where the house hold is unable to feed, clothe or house itself ( a situation where people are un able to meet their survival needs and basic requirements). And Relative poverty is the situation of unequal distribution of income and other valued goods and services in a society. The people feel deprived when they compare themselves with others who may be better off although they may not be living in absolute poverty.
Since 1987 a period of economic recovery program was implemented. Uganda embarked on poverty alleviation among the youth, because of the record of the war on poverty proclaimed by many countries. Uganda in 1980s saw a reassessment of the role of NGOs in the economic development though by no means of retreat from anti poverty goals. The NGOs strategy is a growth orient policy that uses labour, strengthening of institution, infrastructure and market incentives and at the end of the distribution of the information and adoption of technology, provision of basic social services to the poor youth in the area of PHC, education, nutrition and family planning services. Land in Uganda is considered a very important natural resource where 90% of the country’s young population live, in rural areas and depend on agriculture, and the productivity is low which make 80% of the population in Uganda living below the poverty line(us$24) per month and in 1995/96,45.6%. To the population pressure and land being fixed, it needs proper planning to make the best use of it.
Busiisi sub-county as an area of study, found in Hoima district which is in Bunyoro Kingdom in mid western Uganda and other sub-countries in Hoima district include; Kigorobya, Buseruka, Kitoba, Kyabigambire. Busiisi sub-county has got different parishes which include; Kibingo,Kihukya, Kasingo, Kihomboza, and Katasiha. In those areas, agriculture is the major economic activity where by 80% of the young people grow crops on small scale like maize,rice,cocoa,cassava,beans all this at subsistence level. There are also other activities like brick laying, poultry, and cattle keeping. All these require support from NGOs to performsome services for the purpose to achieve efficiency.
Different NGOs operate Worldwide, in Africa, andUganda and in Busiisi subcounty. These organization involve some transfer of certain public function and services to in order to improve on the development of an area. If these NGOs achieve their objectives in Busiisi sub county, by the next 20 years poverty among the youth will be reduced ata rate less than 10% (absolute poverty) and below 30% (relative poverty). This can be done through the expansion of health centres, Primary schools, access to safe and clean water, increased income for house hold as well as security of the youngpeople and property.(MFPED, 2006). It is because of this background that, a study is done to find out the role of NGOs in alleviating poverty among the youth.
1.2Statement of the problem
A big number (90%) of young people in BusiisiSubCounty are living below the poverty line,and this isfar much higher than the 31% nation wide. NGOs play an important role in poverty alleviation for the development of the rural area where they get involved in areas such as provision of safe water, roads, sanitation facilities, primary health care, but their role is not fully known in Busiisi subcounty. When these NGOs come into existence, it is a big challenge since most times they come in the middle of the financial year when most of public organizations budgets and priorities areas have been set. But they also come with different plans, objectives, conditions, priorities, and strings attached which do not favour young people’s immediate needs. Therefore this study set out to examine the roles of NGOs in poverty alleviation among the youth of Busiisi sub-county Hoima.
1.3Objectives of the study area
The study was based on the following objectives;
1To identify the different NGOs involved in poverty alleviation among the youth in BusiisiSub County Hoima District.
2To establish the contribution and changes brought by NGOs in Busiisi subcounty Hoima district.
3To examine the challenges affecting NGOs in poverty alleviation among the youth in Busiisi subcounty Hoima district.
1.4Research questions
The study was guided by the following research questions:
1.What are the different NGOs involved in poverty alleviation among the youth in Busiisi sub-county?
2.What are the contributions and changes brought by NGOs in BusiisiSubcounty Hoima district?
3.What are the problems facing NGOs in poverty alleviation among the youth in Busiisi subcounty Hoima district?
1.5Scope and the purpose of the study
The research was carried out in Hoima district specifically in Busiisi sub-county . The study aims at identifying the NGOs which are operating in Busiisi subcounty in the process of poverty alleviation among the youth and how they have contributed to the development of this rural area and for how long are they going to operate and in which areas are they operating within Busiisi.
Literature on the role of NGOs in poverty alleviation in Busiisi sub-county is reviewed. young people’s views about the problem are explored and their perception of how they can solve such problems is shown in the documents already written . There are different issues to be considered in poverty alleviation among the youth in rural areas and what has been written about them is considered from international perspectives and is narrowed down to Uganda up to Hoima then Busiisi sub-county. The literature is reviewed following the objectives of the study.
2.1The Role of NGO’s in poverty alleviation among the youth
It is not easy to identify which of the sectors an organization belongs to. When a business exerts significant influence over an NGO’s operations, the term business-organised NGO (BONGO) is used. Governments often contract with NGOs to provide certain public services. If a government exerts significant influence over an NGO, it is called a government organized NGO (GONGO) or quasi-non governmental organization (QUANGO). The divisions get juzzy. It is often difficult to determine when an NGO is independent of a business or government partner and when it’s partner, in fact, controls the NGO.
In most NGO/business and NGO/government partnerships, the NGO retains its independence. For example, the Ford Foundation and the Soros Foundation are well known. These organizations engage in charitable activities and administer research grants while taking advantage of the tax law benefits. These foundations operate independently of the founding business; they are not BONGOs.
You are likely to encounter additional local language (s) names for NGO- type Organisations.
Beyond providing services, a second and perhaps more important function of NGOs is as a facilitator of citizens’ participation in their societies. NGOs enables all voices to be heard when individuals form a group with others who have similar values and interests. NGOs often aim to promote understanding between citizens and the state.
NGOs contribute to a civil society by providing a means for expressing and actively addressing the varied and complex needs of society. They are seen as serving several essential functions.
NGOs promote pluralism, diversity, and tolerance in a society while protecting and strengthening cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic and other identities.
NGOs advance science and thoughts; develop culture and art; protect the environment; and support all activities and concerns that make a vibrant civil society.
NGOs motivate citizens in all aspects of society to act, rather than depend on state power and beneficence.
NGOs create an alternative to centralized state agencies and provide services with greater independence and flexibility (Anheier et al 2001).