Patient Survey on proposed merger of Churchwood Medical Practice, Hastings Old Town Surgery, Warrior Square Surgery and Roebuck 3 Surgery (Dr. Chopra)
Churchwood Medical Practice, Hastings Old Town Surgery, Warrior Square Surgery and Roebuck 3 Surgery are looking to merge their practices. The merged practices will retain their own separate identities at their existing sites. Patients will still have the named GP they have currently but the merger will provide an opportunity for increased patient choice.
FUTURE PLANSWe plan to operate from the existing premises:
- Plans have been submitted to relocate Hastings Old Town Surgery to the ICE House. If the planning application is successful, as part of this merger it is planned to relocate Roebuck 3 Surgery with Hastings Old Town Surgery within the ICE House.
- Churchwood Surgery will remain where it is currently located although there are plans to redevelop the existing premises to create a fit for purpose health centre.
- Warrior Square Surgery will remain within Cavendish House until suitable alternative premises / land can be identified develop a fit for purpose health centre.
1. A more flexible workforce to meet the needs of our patients. This merger would provide an opportunity to share clinical cover. Patients will be offered an appointment at one of the other practices in the event that an appointment is not available in their own practice.
2. The practices’ clinical systems would be merged. This would ensure that if a patient was to attend one of the other practices then the clinician would be able to access the patient’s full medical history and any relevant documents.
3. Recruitment of additional staff to support the existing clinical teams such as Paramedic Practitioners, Clinical Pharmacists and Nurse Practitioners who could work across the practices.
4. Merging practices would enable clinicians to specialise in clinical roles (for example, in the treatment of heart disease or diabetes).
5. Merging practices would enable the practices to provide greater flexibility with regard to opening times including opening surgeries at the weekend and later in the evenings.
6. Redeveloping the existing premises would enable a wider range of services to be delivered providing specialist clinics that are currently only available at the hospital, district nurses, health visitors and a range of social services including housing and debt advisors. New services could be introduced such as dermatology, micro suction, community cardiology and ultrasound so that our patients would not have to travel to another GP practice or secondary care.
7. The merged practices would offer trainee GPs and student nurses an opportunity to gain experience working within a number of practices. At present Dr Freeman is a GP trainer and Dr Namvar is currently undertaking training so that he can become a GP trainer.
8. Policies and protocols will be developed across the practices so that regardless of which practice the patient attends here will be the same high quality processes in place. Clinicians will have greater support to share best practices and discuss any issues of concern.
9. Patients will benefit from the practices sharing knowledge and experience and most notably learning from the practices that have received an overall ‘good’ rating from recent CQC visits.
Next steps:
We would like your thoughts on our plans and would be very grateful if you complete the short questionnaire below:
1)Which surgery do you attend? ______
2)When was the last time you saw a Doctor or Nurse?
(1) In the past 3 months O (2) 3-6 Months O (3) Over 6 Months O
3)Was the above information helpful?
(1) Yes O(2) No O(3) Not sure / Need more information O
4)Do you support the above plans to merge the practices?
(1) Yes O(2) No O(3) Not sure / Need more information O
If you would like to comment on your answer please add your comments in the box below:
5)If you would like to speak to a member of the practice team for further information, please provide us with your name and a contact address / phone number:
Name: ______
Contact Details: ______
Many thanks for your time. Please put your completed questionnaire in the box provided.