Roe Angling Limited
1.1Appointment of Committee
(a)A Committee will be elected at the Annual General meeting to deal with the day to day activities of the Company as directed by the Directors.
1.2 Appointment of Office Holders
The following office holders will be elected at the Annual General Meeting –
(b)Vice Chairperson
1.3The voting and subsequent election of a Committee and Office Holders will be in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.
1.Applications for membership
1.1Membership numbers will be limited to 700 for all classes of adult members. There are no restrictions on the number of junior and juvenile members.
1.2Applications for membership will be open to the public from 1st Nov each year.
1.3 Applications must be made in writing to the Secretary on the appropriate form.
1.4 Applications must be accompanied with the appropriate membership subscription.
1.5 Applications must indicate the class of membership being applied for.
1.6In relation to renewal of membership –
(a) The previous year’s membership card must be produced at the time of purchase of the new membership card; and
(b)A return of the previous year’s catch must be made when renewing membership. The Company’s registered office is 97 Castle Park, Limavady BT49 0SW.
1.7All members must notify the Secretary if they change their address during their membership. All contact details for each member must be kept up to date.
2.0Classes of Membership
2.1There will be six classes of membership – namely
(a)Ordinary Adult Membership
(b)Adults in receipt of the Basic State Pension
(c)Disabled Adult Membership for those holders of Blue Badge permit
(d)Honorary Adult Membership
(e)Juvenile Members for those aged up to 17 years as at 31st May each year.
(f)Junior Members for those aged up to 11 years as at 31st May each year.
3. Membership Subscriptions
3.1Membership subscriptions shall be decided at Annual General Meeting.
3.2Scale of subscriptions – These prices increase by £2.50 each year.
(a)Ordinary Adult Membership- £75.00
(b)Adults in receipt of Basic State Pension - £35.00
(c)Disabled Adult Membership – £10
(d)Honorary Adult Membership – No subscription fee
(e)Juvenile Members – £20.00
(f)Junior Members – £10
Above prices are correct for 2017
3.3Subscriptions should be paid to the Treasurer or Secretary as early in the season as possible and before the 31st of May. Only one reminder is sent. Late fees will incur a £25 surcharge.
3.4Applicants who are unable to pay the full subscriptions may request to pay by instalments provided that a deposit of 10% accompanies the application for membership.
3.5Remittance by post should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. The
previous year’s membership card should be tendered when renewing membership.
4.Membership Cards
4.1Membership cards will be issued upon approval of the application.
4.2Members are personally responsible for the custody of their membership cards and any fishing or other papers or documents which may be issued. The loss of membership cards or of any such documents should be reported immediately to the Secretary of the Company.
4.3Membership cards must be carried when fishing water preserved by the company. It must be shown at the request of river watchers or bailiffs and the owners of lands or their agents.
4.4A membership card is issued to each member annually on receipt of payment of subscription for which it constitutes the receipt.
5. General Meetings and Annual General Meetings
(1) The Company must hold its first annual general meeting within eighteen months after the date of its incorporation.
(2) An annual general meeting must be held in each subsequent year and not more than fifteen months may elapse between successive annual general meetings.
(3) The directors may call a general meeting at any time.
(4) The minimum periods of notice required to hold a general meeting of the Company are:
(a) twenty-eight clear days for an annual general meeting or a general meeting called for the passing of a special resolution;
(b) fourteen clear days for all other general meetings.
6. Quorum for general meetings
(1) No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present.
(2) A quorum is:
(a) 50 members present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote upon the business to be conducted at the meeting; or
(b) one tenth of the total membership at the time;
whichever is the lesser.
(3) The authorized representative of a member organization shall be counted in the quorum.
(4) If:
(a) a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the
meeting; or
(b) during a meeting a quorum ceases to be present;
The meeting shall be adjourned to such time and place as the directors shall determine.
(c) the directors must reconvene the meeting and must give at least seven clear days’ notice of the reconvened meeting stating the date, time and place of the meeting.
(d) if no quorum is present at the reconvened meeting within fifteen minutes of the time specified for the start of the meeting the members present in person or by proxy at that time shall constitute the quorum for that meeting.
7. Chairing general meetings
(1) If the directors have appointed a chairman, the chairman shall chair general meetings if present and willing to do so.
(2) The person chairing a meeting in accordance with this article is referred to as “the chairman of the meeting”.
(3) The chairman of the meeting may adjourn a general meeting at which a quorum is
present if—
(a) the meeting consents to an adjournment, or
(b) it appears to the chairman of the meeting that an adjournment is necessary to protect the safety of any person attending the meeting or ensure that the business of the meeting is conducted in an orderly manner.
8. Voting :Annual general meetings.
(1) Every member shall have one vote.
(2) Any vote at a general meeting must be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is duly demanded in accordance with the Articles.
(3) The result of the vote must be recorded in the Minutes of the Company but the number or proportion of the votes cast need not be recorded.
(a) The motion is contained in an authenticated document which has been received at the registered office by 1st September to allow for the 28 days beginning the circulation date.
(b) a copy of the proposed motion has been sent to every eligible member;
(c) A resolution in writing agreed by a simple majority (or in the case of a special
resolution by a majority of not less than 75%) of the members who would have been entitled to vote upon it had it been proposed at a general meeting shall be effective provided that:
(d) a simple majority (or in the case of a special resolution a majority of not less than 75%) of members has signified its agreement to the resolution.
10. No right to inspect accounts and other records
Except as provided by law or authorized by the directors or an ordinary resolution of the company, no person is entitled to inspect any of the company’s accounting or other records or documents merely by virtue of being a member.
11. Committee meetings
Meetings shall be held as agreed and as required.
Attendance. Members are required to attend 75% of committee meetings to be eligible to stand for re-election.
Quorum. The quorum to hold a committee meeting shall be 6.
Introduction and interpretation
12.The basic principle is well stated as follows:
- “The company is entitled to demand of a member conduct of the highest standard. Confidence in his integrity would be shaken were the least suspicion, however, ill-founded, to arise that he could in anyway be influenced by improper motives or be involved in illegal fishing methods”.
- The term “improper motives” includes, but is not limited to, “financial motives”.
- “There are circumstances in which a tie of kinship or friendship, or some other association or loyalty which does not give rise to a financial interest, can materially influence the way in which a member or Officer carries out his or her duties, or may be reasonably suspected of having such an influence. The rules of the Company require the disclosure of all such non-pecuniary interests. Such a requirement can be couched only in general terms, since it is impossible to specify all types of situation that might arise. Nevertheless, members and Officers must be left in no doubt that their duties extend beyond the declaration of interests that are definable in pecuniary terms”.
4.This Code applies to all members of Roe Angling Limited.
5. All Members have a responsibility to comply with the provisions of the Code.11.3 In this Code-
"meeting" means any meeting of-
(a) the Company; or directors;
(b) the Committee of the Company;
(c) any of the Company's sub-committees or joint committees;
"member" includes all classes of members.
12.6 All members must comply with this Code whenever they-
(a) conduct the business of the Company (which, in this Code, includes the business of the office to which they are elected or appointed); or
(b) act, claim to act or give the impression they are acting as a representative of the Company, and references to official capacity are construed accordingly;
(c) attend any meeting of the Company or attend any meeting on behalf of the Company.
(d) at all times when angling and/or traversing over any land with the purpose of angling.
General obligations
12.7 You must treat others with respect.
12.8 You must not-
(a) do anything which may cause the Company to breach any equality, race or other discrimination legislation;
(b) bully or harass any person;
(c) intimidate or attempt to intimidate any person
12.9 You must not-
(a) disclose information given to you in confidence by anyone, or information acquired by you which you believe, or ought reasonably to be aware, is of a confidential nature, except where-
(i) you have the consent of a person authorised to give it;
(ii) you are required by law to do so;
(iii) the disclosure is made to a third party for the purpose of obtaining professional advice provided that the third party agrees not to disclose the information to any other person.
12.10.Members have a duty to ensure that they have a clear understanding of their responsibilities as member of a Company with charitable status and that they strive to ensure that the Company meets all legal requirements for eligibility as a charity as specified in relevant Charities legislation.
12.11.Members have a duty to ensure that all their decisions and actions are taken in the best interests of the Company and the public interest, putting its interests before any personal or professional interests.
12.12.Members accept collective responsibility for enabling Company to achieve its objectives and for decisions taken by the Directors and Committee. Members are expected to contribute to discussion and debate freely to enable decisions to be made. Once the Directors or Committee have taken a decision within their respective powers and responsibilities, members must support the communication and implementation of that decision.
12.13.Members have a duty to lead by example, always demonstrating respect and dignity for others, valuing diversity and conducting themselves in a non-discriminatory manner at all times. Working together for the good of the Company effectively means observing the following working principles:
a.Trust between members - being honest and open; acting with integrity and respect for each other.
b.Good communication - sharing information and listening to others without the use of heckling, foul or defamatory language or raised voices.
c.Ideas and creativity - offering ideas and being open to ideas proposed by others.
d.Individual responsibility - accepting responsibility for achieving goals.
e.Problem solving, finding solutions - working to find creative solutions to problems.
f.Collaboration with others - working constructively with other agencies and statutory bodies in a common purpose.
12.14.Members have a duty to raise any concerns about compliance with this Code with the Committee the earliest opportunity.
12.15.Protection of Property – without exception, permission to park a vehicle must be
obtained from the land owner concerned.
12.16.It is forbidden to: -
a leave gates open;
b damage fences/hedges (stiles where provided must be used),
c light fires;
d leave litter on banks or adjoining lands, especially nylon;
e dig banks or adjoining lands for bait;
f allow dogs to roam indiscriminately;
g walk through crop (including hay). Only the accesspath designated
by the landowner may be used.
12.17.An adult member who if found guilty of fishing illegally or of breaching the Company Rules will have his or her membership terminated and his or her name and address forwarded to the Ulster Angling Federation who will circulate same to all other affiliated clubs to enable them to invoke disciplinary action as agreed.
12.18.An adult member of the company who has been convicted of any fisheries offence in the Foyle Area or in the DCAL area will have his or her membership terminated and will not be permitted to fish any Company water. Any day permit or any other permit whatsoever, obtained or used by that person for the purposes of fishing such waters, will not be valid.
12.19. An adult member of Roe Angling Limited who is convicted in a Court of Law of offences against the Loughs Agency Rules and Regulations, DCAL, or breaching Company Rules shall be expelled from the company and no application to join again by such an expelled member can be considered for a period of not less than five years.
12.20.An adult member of Roe Angling Limited who is convicted in a court on a second occasion of offences against the Loughs Agency Rules and Regulations, DCAL, or company Rules shall be expelled from the Company and no application to join again by such an expelled member can be considered for an indefinite period.
12.21.An adult person who is convicted in a court of the offence of fishing while not having a club card from Roe Angling Limited shall have any subsequent application to join the Company referred to the committee of Roe Angling Limited who may impose sanctions as they feel fit including delaying membership.
12.22. A non-member of the company who has been convicted of any fisheries offence in the Foyle Area or in the DCAL Area will not be permitted to fish any company water. Any Day Permit or any other Permit whatsoever, obtained or used by that person for the purposes of fishing such waters will not be valid.
Failure to comply with any of the Articles of Association, Rules and/or Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken.
12.24.The Committee will appoint a Sub-Committee (or Panel) to hear all disciplinary matters which will comprise 50% of the Committee Members. The Sub-Committee shall designate the Chairman of any Sub-Committee so appointed. The provisions of these Standing Orders shall apply as if the Sub-Committee were referred to instead.
12.25.The member must notify the Secretary of the Company of his/her decision to Appeal in writing within 7 days of receiving notification of the disciplinary decision. A date for hearing the Appeal will be notified in writing and will be heard by the remaining 50% of the Committee.
12.26.No disciplinary action shall be taken until there has been a full investigation into any alleged incident.
12.27.The member has the right to receive, prior to disciplinary hearings,
• A written statement of the alleged misconduct, and
• Particulars on the basis for the allegation
12.28. The member has the right to reasonable opportunity, prior to disciplinary hearings, to consider their responses relating to the information provided on the allegation.
12.29. The member will be entitled (where reasonably requested) to be accompanied at any disciplinary or appeal hearing by a fellow member.
12.30. The member must take all reasonable steps to attend the disciplinary and appeal hearings.
12.31.The Company will ensure that the disciplinary rules and procedures are applied fairly and consistently.
12.32. The Company will keep written records during the disciplinary process. These will include the complaint against the member, notes taken during the hearings and appeals, findings and actions taken, details of the appeal and any other information relevant to the process.
12.33.The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout the process.
12.34.Grievance Procedure
The aim of this procedure is to give a member an opportunity to raise a grievance either informally and/or formally and to discuss this with the Company as follows -
• Grievances should be raised as soon as possible and directed to a member of the Committee, to allow issues to be resolved quickly.
• Members will be given the opportunity to explain their grievance and how they think it should be resolved.
• If the Member’s grievance is against a Director or Committee member they may raise the matter with another Director or Committee Member in the Company, where possible.
• The Company will ensure that the timing and location of all meetings under this procedure are reasonable.
• As far as is reasonably practicable, appeal hearings will be conducted by members of the Committee other than those members who took the decision which is being appealed.
• Members will be entitled (where reasonably requested) to be accompanied to any grievance or appeal hearing by a fellow member.
• All Committee members, Members and their companions should take reasonable steps to attend grievance and appeal meetings.
• Records shall be kept detailing the nature of the grievance raised, the committee’s response, any action taken, the reasons for it and other information relevant to the process. These records shall be kept confidential.
• There may be circumstances where the Committee and member feel it would be beneficial to involve a third party to help in resolving the issue, through for example a process of mediation. In this instance the grievance procedure may be temporarily set aside. This procedure applies to both members and to employees. If a grievance is not resolved by the committee it should come to the directors.
13. 1All members must comply with Loughs-Agency Angling Regulations including –
a Size limit -Trout and game fish under 250mm must be returned to the water.
They must be placed gently back with a wet hand and not thrown.
b Precedence -Fly rods must be given priority when fishing down a pool or run.
c Over- fishing -The practice of remaining indefinitely at any given place when
otheranglers are present is prohibited, except in spate conditions.
Pools must be fished down in turn, allowing the angler in front