Student Code of Conduct: 17 and under
The statutes and procedures below have been established for the safety and comfort of all participants. The intent of this document is to provide a structure for student behavior. Students understand that the RMSC staff reserves the right to enter private dormitory rooms to determine the possession of prohibited articles (including, but not limited to illegal drugs, intoxicants, alcohol, cigarettes, firearms, incendiary devices and open flames). Students understand that the RMSC staff reserves the right to enter private dormitory rooms to assess the condition and use of Colorado Mountain College facilities. RMSC reserves the right to dismiss any student, without refund of tuition and fees, who is in violation of RMSC rules, the laws of the State of Colorado, or Department of Health regulations, or whose behavior reflects adversely upon the reputation of RMSC. Any student dismissed owes the amount of any scholarship monies awarded.
Level One
Violation of any of these statutes may result in forfeiture of security deposit, revocation and repayment of any scholarship or financial aid and/or immediate dismissal from RMSC without refund of tuition or fees.
1)Any criminal behavior (including, but not limited to: the use or possession of illegal drugs, illegal use of intoxicants, driving under the influence, public intoxication,and/or providing alcohol to minors) is prohibited.
2)Use or possession of alcohol is prohibited.
3)Use or possession of cigarettes is prohibited.
4)Sexual harassment is prohibited. (For a full explanation of this statute see the Sexual Harassment Policy.)
5)Sexual relationsare prohibited.
6)Students are not allowed in the rooms of students of the opposite gender.
7)Possession or use ofweapons (including, but not limited to firearms, knives, etc.) is prohibited.
8)Open flames andincendiary devices (including, but not limited to:smoking, incense burning, lit candles, fireworks, etc.) on campus are prohibited.
9)Students shall remain in their rooms after curfew and not leave the dormitory until 6:00 am.
10)Students are not allowed to leave campus without RMSC supervision and/or permission. Students may leave campus with a relative over 18 or other adult(s) stipulated by the parent/guardian if a letter from the parent/guardian is on file with RMSC releasing RMSC from responsibility. RMSC reserves the right to deny permission if the student’s absence interferes with RMSC classes and activities. When leaving campus with any person who is not an RMSC staff or faculty member, the student must follow check-out procedures which indicate clear departure and return times.
Level Two
Violation of any of these statutes may result in disciplinary actions consistent with the severity of infraction, forfeiture of security deposit, and/or revocation of any scholarship or financial aid.
1)Students shall participate in all assigned classes and activities: core classes, interdisciplinary classes, recitals, practice hours, meals, morning stretch/meetings, and any full-participation activities, unless excused by the RMSC staff. Any student behavior that contributes to absence or tardiness is prohibited.
2)Students are responsible for maintaining the common areas of dormitories and other buildings used by RMSC.
3)Any media with a rating not appropriate for minors isprohibited.
Level Three
Violation of any of these statutes may result in disciplinary actions consistent with the severity of the infraction, including forfeiture of security deposit.
1)Students shall comply with instructions given by RMSC staff and faculty.
2)Students and/or parents are financially responsible for any damages made to the property of RMSC or the Colorado Mountain College.
3)Students shall observe quiet time in the dormitories from 9:00 pm to 8:30 am.
4)To maintain a comfortable living environment for all students, use of electronic devices such as radios, stereos, etc., without earphones is not allowed, except in designated areas.
Sign below to indicate your agreement to abide by the RMSC Student Code of Conduct.
Student Signature: Date: ___ / ___ / ___
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: ___ / ___ / ___
Student Code of Conduct: 17 and Under