Working Together for Change/Progress for Providers
6th December 2011 – Flipchart Notes
1. Drivers
- Personalisation – target for personal budgets
- Duty to consult
- Dignity in Care
- Feeds J.S.N.A
- Business information
- Value for money
- Community strategy & health & wellbeing outcomes
- Local accounts
- Joint commissioning – developing relationships
- Equal opportunities – E.I.A
- Local drivers e.g. corporate plan
- Feeds market positioning/developments
- Quality agenda
- Co-production
- Engagement
- ASCOF (Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework)
- Mitigates against institutional abuse
2. Benefits
- Enable identification of priorities for best use of resources.
- Joint ownership & commitment to deliver priorities.
- Quality (information)
- Saving time (duplication /stream lining)
- Supports provider developments.
- Service development
- Increase choice & control for users
- Addresses the power of imbalance through working together (for change)
- Using process to resolve conflict/issues
- Personalised action plans for individuals
3. Scope of Application
- Use of unit level (around specific service eg care home, sc accom etc.)
- Provider level (Southern Cross)
- Service level (older people)
- Population
- Stand alone process or incorporate into current work e.g statutory reviews, sampling - universal
- To be included in the specification for example monitoring information from providers – Quality & market development
- Purpose of workshops – Providers?
4. What Can We Stop Doing ? An Incremental Approach
- Can it replace ‘quality monitoring’ -some aspects of?
- User satisfaction surveys
- Some consultation events
- Stop professional led reviews
- (Can supplement if not able to replace)
- Vehicle for service review - user led
- Can prevent a surplus of plans
- Stop committing resources to block contracts
- Buying services people don’t want
- Specifying services that are impossible for providers to develop
- Replace some market development
- Can drive provider forums and replace some aspects
- Will reduce safeguarding incidents
- Stop doing everything separately & S/C monitoring visits; housing - e.g small equipment
- Reduce complaints
- Stop being adversarial
- Provider business plans
5. Savings
- Annual reviews- self review tool.
- As a tool to tackle specific reporting requirements e.g. “6 lives”
- As a tool to bring together different user groups to tackle common issues. eg transport, personalisation
- Helps providers to save money by giving market research info
- Evaluation and review of a service – process and yielding savings
- Ideas of offers to save money
- Maximises use of other streams
- Opportunity to build social capital
- Commissioner time
Potential to save money:
- Consultation and focus groups
- Contract quality monitoring
- Quality assurance as a tool to tackle specific problems
- Fewer complaints
- Less potential for legal challenge
- Builds trust
- Feel listened to and heard
- Tackles cynicism and distrust
- To provider – market research
Resources required:
- Facilitators (commissioning/operational staff)
- Time/frequency
- Skills (facilitation; data analysis; organising; engaging; communication; report writing)
- Venue + participant costs
- Leadership
- Workforce development
Uses existing outcome focuses review data
I:\Senior Management Team\JIP Manager\WtfC P4P Network\6th Dec\Typed Flipchart paper.doc