Rocky Fork Club, Inc.

Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

President Roberta Cummins called the meeting to order at 12:47 p.m. at the Shelter. Members of the Board of Directors attending were Bonnie Rzonca, Susan Piribauer, Bob Randle, John Cowan, Connie Shaw, Tom Owens & Ray Broshar. Members of the Club attending for all or part of the meeting are listed on the attached sign-in sheet.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes from the May Board of Director’s meeting were distributed with the agenda. Motion: To approve the May minutes.

Broshar/Rzonca Carried.

I also wanted to thank Bev Randle for filling in for me last month when I couldn’t make it. You always do a great job!


Ron has been working on the spillway. There were some dislodged in the flood. Ron has been working to repair it. We are so fortunate to have someone like Ron who saw a problem and took the initiative to fix it. John is concerned that the State may be harder to deal with because of what happened at Princess Lake. We have a catch cable that needs to be replaced. We have a tree down in one of the coves. The owners have contacted a couple of companies to come out to remove it. They are having a problem getting someone to come out to take care of it. The Board discussed doing it ‘in house’ and charging the owners to compensate for Ron’s time and any costs.


There are six new membership applications: W82, W10, W77 & W35 have everything in for final approval. W71 & E76 still need to submit their lake rules test.

Motion: For final approval on W82, W10, W77 & W35.

Also for conditional approval on W71 & E76 subject to lake rules test. Rzonca/Cowan

Lake Rules

The owners at W9 received a citation and a fine of $25 for putting a boat in the lake without posting their lot numbers. They have been invited before the Board to discuss this issue if they wish. The owners at W8 received two citations, one for fast boating after hours and fast boa ting when the lake was too high. W33 owners received a citation for turning left out of a cove.

New boat stickers will be addressed in the Annual Meeting newsletter.

Aquatic Control

The torrential rain had a detrimental effect on our last weed treatment. We will be doing an additional treatment tomorrow, June 23rd.


If you have been catching Walleye, please let Stan and Arnold know. They are trying to track to see how the lake is doing with them.


Septic testing started yesterday, June 21st. They completed 7 inspections and applied new boat stickers. All went well. They requested that members try to make boats accessible for sticker application.

Common Grounds

We are looking forward to the workday scheduled for June 28th starting at 8 a.m. The entrance signs look great!! So many thanks to Mike Fetsch, John Bryant, Dick Moore, and Tom Owens. You guys did a terrific job!!

Social Committee

June 28th will be Movie night at the beach. Movie starts at 9:30. Come early for the free popcorn. Bring your own hotdogs and marshmallows for the bonfire. Look for more information on our website. On July 5th the Social Committee will put on our annual ice cream social and golf cart parade. Also remember, there is a fish fry July 4th at the Bellmore fire department.

Lake Conservation

Mike Hoch spoke with DNR and he indicated that Spike Lumber might have harvested improperly. They left us with quite a mess. Mike is looking into our options. Mike also mentioned that we got 18” of rain in 5 days. He said the spillway works great and thanks to that, we can still enjoy our lake.


Bob Randle stated that they had a meeting this morning to discuss the dredging project. Max Evans is coming out to provide some engineering over on the Solomon property. We need to decide if we will put another dredging assessment up for membership vote at the annual meeting. Some argued against this until we have more information for the membership to make an education decision for a final vote. Mike Hoch helped answer some dredging questions. John Cowan thinks that we should assess because if the membership votes to go ahead with the dredging, then we wouldn’t have to have as large of a final assessment. We will also need a down payment available should this go ahead. Mike said he garnished a lot of information from the Internet on this issue.

Mt: To add to the agenda for the annual meeting to have a membership vote for a $400 assessment. $200 would be due November 1st, 2008 and the $200 balance to be due on February 1st, 2009. Cowan/Rzonca Carried.

John thinks it would be good to have someone who is against dredging, run for the Board. It would give everyone a voice.

Island Restoration

Great job Eric Fabert on the new goat hotel. It looks fabulous! And just in time too, during that last big storm some members thought those poor goats were going to float off! We would have found out that if, like the last goats, these were swimming goats also!


The Annual Meeting Newsletter needs to go out by July 17th. All committee chairman need to get anything they want in the newsletter to John by June 30th.

Bert suggests that each committee chair submit a written report to her for the newsletter.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held August 16th. There are three chairs up for vote. Anyone interested in running for the Board needs to get their profile to Bert Cummins by July 10th.

Treasurer’s Report

The insurance double billed the Workman’s comp. This has been reimbursed.

Motion: To approve May Treasury Report. Owens/Cowan Carried.

There are still four unpaid members for the 2008 dues. Solomon, who is now deceased, Norris (W19) who is selling and the Scott’s (W75), also selling. Berke (W49) property is in foreclosure.

Ray says that we have a $50,000 CD coming due. He suggests that we put $100,000 into a 6 month CD with a rate of @3.2%

Motion: To approve Rays suggestion for above CD purchase.

Rzonca/Owens Carried.

Motion: To approve the final proposed 2009 budget that will be sent to the membership. Piribauer/Shaw

New Business

Barbara Dye came to discuss a citation they received. She said that they understand that it is only a citation, which is basically a first warning. She thinks that instead of a citation, someone should have just call them and let them know when they break a rule. Mrs. Dye has become aggravated with the process and feels that they have been picked on. We are sorry that they feel that way. When someone breaks a rule, the first offense receives a written notice. This is not a fine, or a ticket, just a notification. It is not meant to be offensive. It is just so the member is aware of the infraction. The Board members simple don’t have the time to call every member who breaks a rule. Then is that considered a first verbal warning? There would be no record of this warning, then when/if the same infraction occurs again, we would have no way to show that this was a second offense. Way too confusing. This way we have a written record of all infractions. It is the only way that we can accurately track infractions and assure that every member is being treated in the same manner when it comes to citations.

Adjournment 2:30

Next meeting will be July 19th at 9:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse.