ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Jarrot Bowling to Daniel Glenn

Bowling to Glenn Deed

Rockingham Co., NC

pg. 57 & 58 # 2282

December 14, 1815

This indenture made the 14th day of December in the year of our Lord one

thousand eight hundred and fifteen, Between Jarrot Bowling of the county of

Rockingham and state of North Carolina of the one part and Daniel Glenn of the

county and state aforesaid of the other part: Witnesseth, that the said Jarrot

Bowling for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars

lawful money to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged -

have given granted Bargained and Sold; and doth by these presents give, grant,

bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Daniel Glenn his heirs and assigns

forever three certain parcels of land, late the property of the heirs of

Stephen Lephew? deceased - Being No's 8, 9, 10 agreeably to the division of

said lands, and containing forty acres each; lying and being in the county and

state aforesaid on the waters of Whetstone and Dies? Creek - waters of the Dan

River; bounded as follows to wit, Beginning at a black oak, the southeast

corner of the original tract, thence north two hundred poles to a Spanish Oak,

thence West one hundred and eight poles to a grub?, thence South two hundrd

poles to a black Jack, thence East one hundred and eight poles to the first

station containing in the whole one hundred and twenty acres of land, be the

same more or less, agreeable to the butts? and boundaries thereof - Together

with all woods waters mines minerals hereditements and appurtenances to the

said Daniel Glenn his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Jarrot Bowling

for himself his heirs executors etc doth covenant promise and grant to and

with the said Daniel Glenn his heirs executors etc that he the said Jarrot

Bowling his heirs etc will warrant, secure, and forever defend the right and

title of the aforesaid land and promises, from the lawful claim and demand of

himself his heirs etc or any person or persons claiming by, this, or under him

them, or either of them; or any other person or persons whatsoever. In witness

whereof the said Jarrot Bowling hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his

seal the day and year first above written.

Jarrot (his X mark) Bowling Seal

Sign Sealed and delivered in the presence of:

Alexander Sneed

Thomas Sneed

Sate of North Carolina

County of Rockingham

February Session 1816

The Execution of the within deed from Jarrot Bowling to Daniel Glenn was duly

proved in open court by the oath of Alexander Sneed, and motion ordered to be


Rob't Gallaway C.C.

Transcribed from the original Rockingham County, NC courthouse document by:

Daniel G. Bowling () May 4, 1999.