April 21, 2015

Rockford Township

Regular Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

Chair Beise called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Rockford Township Hall. Present were Supervisors Beise, Deitering, Eckblad, Kjome, McDougall, Clerk McDougall and Crew Schlagel.


A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the April 7, 2015 regular meeting minutes as printed. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Continued Items

Reorganization of the Board

The Board discussed Board wages. A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to leave Board wages the same. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Supervisor Kjome and seconded by Supervisor Eckblad to table policies and the developers agreement to a later date. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

The Board agreed they should evaluate the road agreement with Marysville Township.

Public Comment - None

Maintenance Crew

Crew Schlagel presented quotes for crack filling. Gopher State Sealcoat quote was $13,410.00. MN Roadways quote was $15,300.00. A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the quote from Gopher State Sealcoat for $13,410.00. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Crew Schlagel and the Board discussed a culvert that needs to be replaced at Norms Wayside and the possibility of the Township paying for the culvert replacement. The Board agreed the property owner would need to purchase the permit, culvert and obtain a temporary slope easement from the neighboring property since this driveway is on a portion of their property. Norms Wayside also needs to contact Wright County Soil and Water to obtain approval prior to replacing the culvert.

New Agenda Items

April 21, 2015 Planning Commission Recommendations

A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the April 21, 2015 Planning Commission recommendations as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Set Annual Road Inspection Date and Time

The Board agreed to meet for the annual road inspection on May 2, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.


Supervisor Kjome – Noted resident concerns of a neighbor burning.

Supervisor Deitering – Questioned the Board if the silt fencing should be left on 30th St. SE. The Board agreed the silt fencing needs to remain in place until turf is established.

Supervisor McDougall – Noted the newsletter was completed.

Supervisor Eckblad – Gave an update from the Highway 55 Corridor Coalition meeting.

Supervisor Beise – None

Clerk McDougall – The part time employee Troy Beise gave a brief presentation on a new floor scrubber. The Board suggested having a demonstration of the machine.

Funds Report – Through March 31, 2015

A motion was made by Supervisor Deitering and seconded by Supervisor Eckblad to approve the Funds Report through March 31, 2015. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Review of Bills

A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to pay 2015 claim #128 to #145 in the amount of $25,118.86 including payroll. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.

Supervisor Eckblad moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.

______Date: ______

Dennis Beise (Chairperson)

______Date: ______

Rachelle L. McDougall (Clerk /Treasurer)