April 19, 2016
Rockford Township
Regular Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
Chair Beise called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Rockford Township Hall. Present were Supervisors Beise, Eckblad, McDougall, Deitering, Kjome, Clerk McDougall and Crew Hafften.
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the agenda as printed. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the April 5, 2016 regular meeting minutes. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Maintenance Crew – None
Continued Items - None
Public Comment - None
New Agenda Items
April 19, 2016 Planning Commission Recommendations
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to approve the April 19, 2016 Planning Commission recommendations as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
6th St. SE Culvert Replacement
The Clerk will send the specifications to attorney Troy Gilchrist for his review when completed.
Set Annual Road Inspection Meeting
The Board will meet May 7, 2016 at 8 a.m. for the road inspection.
Paving Briarwood Ave. SE grant update
The Township received a letter stating $218,780.00 of State Park Road Account Funding is authorized to Wright County for improvements including reclaiming bituminous, elevate road and re-pave Briarwood Ave. SE that provides access to Crawford Lake. The Town Board will meet with Wright County to move forward with the project.
Supervisor Kjome – None
Supervisor Deitering – None
Supervisor McDougall – Noted the clean-up day newsletter will be completed soon.
Supervisor Eckblad – Discussed the draft fire contract for City of Buffalo. Clerk McDougall will forward the contract to the Township attorney for review.
Supervisor Beise – Noted there will not be a turn lane on Highway 55 and County Road 116.
Clerk McDougall – None
Funds Report – Through March 31, 2016
A motion was made by Supervisor Deitering and seconded by Supervisor Eckblad to approve the Funds Report through March 31, 2016. Motion carried unanimously.
Review of Bills
A motion was made by Supervisor Eckblad and seconded by Supervisor Deitering to pay 2016 claim #610 to #626 in the amount of $23,392.15 including payroll. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Supervisor Eckblad motioned to adjourn at 7:40 p.m.
______Date: ______
Dennis Beise (Chairperson)
______Date: ______
Rachelle L. McDougall (Clerk /Treasurer)