Rock Valley College Foundation Grant Application
Note Important Dates!
Grant Period Opens: Monday, March 14, 2016
Faculty & Academic Affairs Applications Due to Provost: Friday, April 15, 2016
All Grant Applications Due to Foundation by 5:00 PM: Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Notification to Grant Recipients: Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Grant Completion Date: Friday, June 30, 2017
Please note the following change: Grant applications will only be accepted for those items purchased or programs completed by June 30, 2017.
Beginning in May 2016, RVC Foundation Grant Applications will be done in the spring for purchases and programs in the following fiscal year.
Grant Guidelines
Please read through the listing of guidelines before you fill out the application questions below.
- Grant funding is annual; a successful proposal does not guarantee funding in future years.
- Preference will be given to academic areas.
- Priority will be given to new proposals.
- All grant proposals for start-up programs must include future funding plans.
- A completed grant application, including detailed narrative and budget must be received by the Foundation no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27, 2016
- The Foundation may vote to partially fund a request if the applicant indicates a workable level of partial funding.
- The Foundation and the College are accountable for funding.
- Note Completion Date: All monies must be expended by Friday, June 30, 2017.
- No extensions will be given.
- Final grant reports (a summary) must be submitted to the RVC Foundation by July 30, 2016.
- The Foundation usually will not fund salaries, computers, printers, or any other equipment that is part of the College’s normal expenditures.
Thank you for your time and grant submission.
The RVC Foundation is happy to support educational excellence at RVC through granting opportunities!
Grant Application continues on the following pages…
For more information and answers to your grant questions, please call Katie Peterson at (815) 921-4501.
Rock Valley College Foundation FY2016Grant Application
How To Submit Your Grant Application
Fill out the following information, print out a hard copy, and obtain the necessary signatures. All Faculty Academic Affairs Grant Applications Must Be Submitted To The Provocst By April 15,2016. The Provost will forward the grants to the Foundation.All non-academic grants should be sent via interoffice mail to the RVC Foundation at SBHS no later than5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 27, 2016. Keep one copy for yourself.
Request/Project Title:
Name of Applicant(s):
Phone Number of Primary Applicant:
Rock Valley College E-mail Address(s):
Amount of Funds Requested:
Signatures and Certifications
I have reviewed this grant application and understand that it will be submitted to the RVC Foundation. By signing this application, I am validating the significance and relevance of this proposal to the educational goals of our department and believe that the grant conforms to the Foundation grant criteria. I am aware that all grant recipients will be required to submit a Grant Completion Report.
1. Primary Applicant
(Print Name)(Signature)(Date)
2. Appropriate Division/Department Chairperson:
(Print Name)(Signature)(Date)
3. Appropriate Dean:
(Print Name)(Signature)(Date)
4. Appropriate Vice President:
(Print Name)(Signature)(Date)
5. Provost & Chief Academic Officer:
(Print Name)(Signature)(Date)
Rock Valley College Foundation Grant Application
Please read fill out the application questions below with as much or as little information as you deem necessary to describe your proposed grant. You may type directly into this document and save.
Project Title: ______
- Purpose of project?(Outline why you are requesting funding , how it will impact learning at the College, and whether it is an enhancement or a need)
- Population to be served? (Title of the class/event/department where it will be used or field of study and number of participants.)
- Grant goals and objectives?(Outline specific goal or objective)
- Activities planned?(State specifically how the item/funds will be used)
- How do you plan to evaluate the success of your grant?(Quantifiable or verifiable outcome)
- Planned follow-up activities? (Activity to be done after initial implementation. i.e. Student evaluation of the program)
- Qualifications of non-college personnel involved?(In most cases this will be “N/A”)
Rock Valley College Foundation Grant Application
Please provide a detailed project budget including costs, revenue, and any additional source of funding. If this is a start up project, please provide long-term funding information. This form is to be used as a guideline for writing a budget for this grant application.
Project Title:
GRANT INCOME: Please list all sources of funding i.e. Grants, fundraising, fees, partnership. / Funding fromsources other than this grant
GRANT EXPENSES: Please list all sources of expenses…i.e. Professional fees, books, supplies, food, postage,printing. / Expenses
Grant Dollars Requested(Total Expenses minus Total Income)
FUTURE FUNDING: If you continue this project in the future, how will it be supported? Please explain the longterm vision and funding plan for this proposal.
PARTIAL FUNDING: If we are only able to fund part of your project, what is the acceptable minimum amount? Must provide a detailed budget revision explaining partial funding option.
NOTE: If you feel that elements of your budget require explanation, please do so in a brief narrative. REMEMBER: The budget that you submit with your application will be the basis of your financial reporting throughout the grant period (including your Grant CompletionReport).
For more information and answers to your grant questions, please call Katie Peterson at (815) 921-4501. Page 1