What’s new Build_106.2.R.13806 --> Build_To Build 106.34R.14962
New: Client history from the orderscreen.
In the orderscreen, when a client is added to an order, we would like to have a button that shows a list of all ordered articles from this client in the past.
With buttons to select the range.
Make the history to be shown in the list per order.
Add to the list:
- Article
- Waiter who took the order
- Table Nr.
Buttons for history have:
- Last week
- Last month
- All
Default value for the timerange is set by a command in the button which calls up the client history list.
A.New action "Show client order history" is added to Restaurant.
The action has 2 parameters:
1) Allows to set the History Period which is used to generate the order item list.
The parameter has optional values: Day, week, month, year and Always.
2) Optional, allows to define how many Max items count should be shown in the list.
The action "Show client order history" should be put on the Order screen and a new unTill state "Show client order history."
B.List info dataset "Client orders history" is added.
It is responsible for the state "Show client order history".
It can be put on a separate layer on the order screen.
New: Built-in keyboard.
Can text entries be changed so they use the built-in Android keyboard instead of the keyboard screen. This has the added advantage of being able to utilise predictive text etc as well which will greatly speed up free texting.
BO changes
1. Now Falcon keyboard is handled in unTill.
2. New command with code= 40 is added.
If it's sent HHT device must show it's built in keyboard.
3. New action "Show HHT keyboard" is added in unTill.
Only for Android and iOS.
New: KS: Information color.
Separate color is needed for items with purpose "Information".
A new parameter "Information color" is added to the Restaurant Settings/Page 9.
Item with the purpose “Information” is always shown with this color and does not depend of the item state.
New: KS:Transfer pick-up screen.
On the screen "Transfer to pick-up" only one course is shown (for the Bar screen) but in case of non separate articles are picked up - several courses should be shown.
Now all “Non separate” courses are shown on the “Transfer to pick-up” screen.
New: KS: Close table manually.
If a Sales Area has a setting "Close table manually" and this is not related to a reservation, the flag "Active table" has to be cleaned when the bill is completely paid and all items are delivered to the Kitchen screen.
If a table does not have items for the kitchen screen, the table has to be cleaned immediately after payment.
New: KS: Add waiter to Fast lane.
Reseller: Cucomp
Add the “Waiter” to the dataset of the “Fast Lane” to show on the screen.
New: Activate/deactivate “Dailystock” in POS.
Please make it possible to activate and de-activate articles for Daily stock
In the state "Daily Stock" new modes are added:
1. "Daily stock control (Activate Daily stock mode)".
2. "Daily stock control (Deactivate Daily stock mode)".
3. "Daily stock control (Normal mode)".
To put unTill in mode 1 new action "Show daily stocked articles" is added.
To put unTill in mode 2 new action "Show not daily stocked articles" is added.
To put unTill in mode 3 action "Untill.Clear" should be used.
Mode 3. "Daily stock control (Normal mode)" is the mode in which a user can modify the daily stock values. This is default mode for daily stock state.
Mode 1. "Daily stock control (Activate Daily stock mode)" allows to Activate the Daily stock property on the article. Click "Show not daily stocked articles" - only not active articles will be shown. Click any article, it's “Daily Stock” property will be activated and it will disappear from article button list.
Mode 3. "Daily stock control (De-activate Daily stock mode)" allows to De-activate the Daily stock property from an article.
Click "Show daily stocked articles" - only active articles will be shown.
Click any article, it's Daily Stock property will be de-activated and it will disappear from article button list.
New: Last received amount in the order screen.
Reseller: unTill Scotland - Lapsley
At the moment we have field “Restaurant.LastReceivedAmount”, this field shows the last received amount of a previous bill.
But if this bill was paid in multiple payments we can not show it in this field, it will only show last payment mode.
A new list "Last bill payment’s" is added to unTill.
It has 3 fields: Amount, Customer Amount and Payment mode.
It can be added to any Screen.
It's updated immediately after a Payment/Closing bill.
It show all payments which were used in the last payment.
New: TIP reset.
Reseller: unTill USA
When a waiter presses the button on the PSP TIP screen to reset the TIP to zero, unTill should move the bill back into the bills without tips list.
TheTIP is not reset until another TIP is entered to replace it.
If a waiter simply resets it then unTill shows zero but the bank still shows the tip.
The waiter should be forced to enter a zero amount to set the TIP back to zero, if the bill is moved back to a bill without TIP’s then the waiter will be forced to enter an amount (as long as “Don't allow clock out until all PSP tips are assigned” is checked and it always is checked for our customers).
This only applies to credit cards, not gift cards.
Gift cards require a different process described here Gift Cards.
1. If a user adds a Tip amount = 0 the bill is shown in a list "Bills which have TIP’s".
2. If the user resets Tip’s, the bill is shown in a list "Bills which donot have TIP’s".
New: Dataset “Ingredients Group by”.
Reseller: unTill England – Gardiff
Create grouping by “Ingredient class” and field “Ingredient” to “Ingredient” dataset.
New: Gift functionality for Datacap.
Reseller: unTill USA
New: Order articles by “Age”.
Reseller : unTill USA
Our dealers in Texas and Florida have requested the following. In the US it is common for bartenders and waiters to check a person's ID to make sure that they are above the legal drinking age when purchasing alcohol. A simple question in the POS forces the bartender to be accountable.
Add a property in back office under departments or articles (or both) that indicate if the department/article has an age requirement.
From the POS: If the article (or department) is chosen, a box would show up saying : “Please verify that the customer was born on or before this date” , and then show the date that the person needed to be born on or before (unTill calculates today's date less 18, 19, 20, 21 years depending on setting chosen in BO). Have a simple YES and NO button. If NO is hit then impossible to choose items. If YES is hit, then the system then remembers for that table that they can buy anything that is for an 18 yr old. If they the purchase something on that same table that needs a 21 yr old, the box would reappear so the bartender could confirm the date of birth again. If the article that requires the 21 year old to purchase was chosen first and YES was hit, the system would not pop up the box if the 18 yr old article was chosen because the system would already know they were over 18.
BO changes
1. A new entity "Age groups" is added to Common Data/General after "User".
The entity has 3 properties: Name, description and age.
F.e. this can be "Strong alcohol", "Strong alcohol drinks (more than 22% of spirit)", "21 years".
2. New property "Age group" is added to the department (New tab "Control") and Article - existing Tab "Control".
The property contains a link to the entity "Age group".
POS changes
When an article is ordered (This can be a main article, option, supplement or a condiment).
unTill checks from which department the article is currently ordered.
If the department or article is linked to an Age group, unTill calculates the date from when the customer must be born to be allowed to order the item and shows a message box “Please verify that the customer was born on or before 12/03/1993".
If waiter clicks YES, the article is added to the order, if NO –the article is cancelled.
unTill remembers the age and does not ask the waiter for orders with an article for the same age next time.
New: TPAPI Courses.
Reseller : Janssens Kassasystemen (Elmar)
Add the following;
- What is the course a certain article or option has.
- Be able to change a course of a certain article.
Bug Fixing:
Bug: History is not correct.
Reseller: unTill Antilles
Customer: Hangout - Bonaire
We do have in POS, order screen a function called "Show table History".
When you have a table served by multiple waiters and after a couple of days you transfer this table to another, all the history is gone.
The time of "transfer" is used for all previous orders and all the waiters are changed to the waiter who did the transfer.
This History function is mostly used for "TAB's" (or temporary storage of multiple orders for frequent customers).
After a week they ask for the status of their bill and then they complain, this is not what I got or I have not ordered that etc ...
With the history, you are able to tell ... that waiter X served you at that time, you ordered X then etc ...
But this is all gone when you transfer so this function becomes useless.
Make it possible:
Show full history of all tables, from which articles were transferred? and keep track of original waiter and date/time.
New field "Table number" is added to list dataset "Table history".
If some articles were transferred from other tables, those articles are shown at the top of the list with original table numbers. Example:
Order 1 on table 10:
3 Coca Cola
3 Tuborg
I transfer 2 Coca Cola from table 10 to table 11. History of table 11 looks now as following:
10 2 Coca Cola
11 2 Coca Cola
Bug: Open drawer action does not work.
Bug: KS:Transfer by articles screen issue.
On the “KS transfer by articles” screen, you can not choose a quantity of articles to move to the right list.
Bug: “Not Paid Sum”is not zero after Cash in an OIF.
Reseller: unTill Demark - EBM
When you activate and Pay an OIF and hen open an empty table, the field NOT PAID SUM shows the total of the OIF.
Bug: Barcode is not printed if price is zero.
Reseller: unTill Germany - RMS
If an article it’s price=0 the barcode is not printed on the order ticket.
Bug: Re-open Bill X-days.
Reseller: K&C
Restaurant settings/page 3/Re-open Bill.
Allow re-open bills X days ago.
We can not change and save X days ago, it will always go back to 1