Rock Rapids United Methodist Church
Pastor Kathy Sides
May 6, 2018- 6th Sunday of Easter
Confirmation Sunday
Introit- p. 2026 (TFWS) “Halle, Halle, Halleluja”
Chancel Choir and Congregation
*The Call to Worship
*Unison Prayer
*Hymn p. 572 “Pass it On”
Scripture Readings (on screen & pg.67234 in Bible)
*Hymn p. 2218 (TFWS) “You are Mine”
The Children’s Time
Special Music- “My Friend, Do Not Forget” Chancel Choir
Message- “Don’t Forget” Pastor Kathy Sides
Confirmation of 2017-2018 Class
Special Music- “At the Cross” Confirmands and Praise Team
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Great Thanksgiving for Confirmation Sunday
The Lord’s Prayer
Giving the Bread and Cup
Prayer After Communion
*Hymn p. 593 “Here I Am, Lord”
*Sending Forth
*Response “Go Now In Peace”
Following Worship Everyone is Invited to Fellowship Coffee
Volunteers May 6: Volunteers May 13:
Greeters: Marceia Brown & familyGreeters: John & Polly McDonald
Head Usher:Larry WibbenHead Usher: Larry Wibben
Organist: Phyllis TeSlaaOrganist: Phyllis TeSlaa
Acolyte: Avery LittlefieldAcolyte: Rylan Maxwell
Sound: Zed & GraceSound: Ian & Hayden
Powerpoint:Sonya PetersonNursery: Whitney
Liturgist: Sue VinsonPowerpoint: Emily Sides
Fellowship: Brent & Brenda VandeWeerdLiturgist: Kelli Docker
There are headphones available for anyone who wishes to use them
during the service. Thank you!
TODAY9:00 a.m. – Morning Coffee
9:30 p.m.- Worship- Confirmation
10:30 a.m.- Sunday School & Fellowship
Tues., May 81:30 p.m.- Quilters & Crafters
Wed., May 97:00 p.m.- Choir practice
Sun., May 13Mother’s Day
9:00 a.m.- Morning Coffee
9:30 a.m.- Worship- Senior Sunday
10:30 a.m.- Sunday School
The back door of the Church will be open at 7 am every day and locked at 5:30 every day except Wednesday during church night. If any group or person has to be in the church after 5:30 it is their responsibility to make sure the church is locked when leaving. Thank you!
Our Annual Spring Clean Up will be Saturday May 12th at 9 am. We would like to do a good spring clean inside as well, meaning dusting pew benches, front alter and organ wood work, etc. There willbe a clip board sent around Sunday May 6th for any and all that are interested in helping with the inside work. Inside cleaners will need to bring their own rags for cleaning and cleaning products. Any yard clean up people will also need to bring rakes, brooms, maybe barrels to put garbage in.
~Our Mission Statement~
Inspired by the truth of Scripture, we believe that God's primary purpose for our church is to bring all persons into spiritual relationship with God through Jesus Christ by our uplifting words, our loving deeds and our Christian example so that we may reach out and minister to others, in each of whom we see the very image of Christ.
Rock Rapids United Methodist Church
302 S Carroll St ~ Rock Rapids IA 51246
Pastor’s Email:
Church Office Phone: 472-2324
Church Office Email:
Church Website:
Rock Rapids United Methodist Church
Pastor Kathy Sides
May 6, 2018- 6th Sunday of Easter
Confirmation Sunday
Introit- p. 2026 (TFWS) “Halle, Halle, Halleluja”
Chancel Choir and Congregation
*The Call to Worship
*Unison Prayer
*Hymn p. 572 “Pass it On”
Scripture Readings (on screen & pg.672 & 34 in Bible)
*Hymn p. 2218 (TFWS) “You are Mine”
The Children’s Time
Special Music- “My Friend, Do Not Forget” Chancel Choir
Message- “Don’t Forget” Pastor Kathy Sides
Confirmation of 2017-2018 Class
Special Music- “At the Cross” Confirmands and Praise Team
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Great Thanksgiving for Confirmation Sunday
The Lord’s Prayer
Giving the Bread and Cup
Prayer After Communion
*Hymn p. 593 “Here I Am, Lord”
*Sending Forth
*Response “Go Now In Peace”
Following Worship Everyone is Invited to Fellowship Coffee
Volunteers May 6: Volunteers May 13:
Greeters: Marceia Brown & family Greeters: John & Polly McDonald
Head Usher: Larry WibbenHead Usher: Larry Wibben
Organist: Phyllis TeSlaaOrganist: Phyllis TeSlaa
Acolyte: Avery LittlefieldAcolyte: Rylan Maxwell
Sound: Zed & GraceSound: Ian & Hayden
Powerpoint:Sonya PetersonNursery: Whitney
Liturgist: Sue VinsonPowerpoint: Emily Sides
Fellowship: Brent & Brenda VandeWeerdLiturgist: Kelli Docker
There are headphones available for anyone who wishes to use them
during the service. Thank you!
TODAY9:00 a.m. – Morning Coffee
9:30 p.m.- Worship- Confirmation
10:30 a.m.- Sunday School & Fellowship
Tues., May 81:30 p.m.- Quilters & Crafters
Wed., May 97:00 p.m.- Choir practice
Sun., May 13Mother’s Day
9:00 a.m.- Morning Coffee
9:30 a.m.- Worship- Senior Sunday
10:30 a.m.- Sunday School
The back door of the Church will be open at 7 am every day and locked at 5:30 every day except Wednesday during church night. If any group or person has to be in the church after 5:30 it is their responsibility to make sure the church is locked when leaving. Thank you!
Our Annual Spring Clean Up will be Saturday May 12th at 9 am. We would like to do a good spring clean inside as well, meaning dusting pew benches, front alter and organ wood work, etc. There willbe a clip board sent around Sunday May 6th for any and all that are interested in helping with the inside work. Inside cleaners will need to bring their own rags for cleaning and cleaning products. Any yard clean up people will also need to bring rakes, brooms, maybe barrels to put garbage in.
~Our Mission Statement~
Inspired by the truth of Scripture, we believe that God's primary purpose for our church is to bring all persons into spiritual relationship with God through Jesus Christ by our uplifting words, our loving deeds and our Christian example so that we may reach out and minister to others, in each of whom we see the very image of Christ.
Rock Rapids United Methodist Church
302 S Carroll St ~ Rock Rapids IA 51246
Pastor’s Email:
Church Office Phone: 472-2324
Church Office Email:
Church Website: