Equality VCU

Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Robertson Alumni House, first floor conference room, Monroe Park Campus

Present: Chris Woleben, Kelly Chroninger, Graham Barnes, Pat Stauffer, Jan Altman, Brie Dubinsky, Rachel North, Isabella Comphel, Faith Wilkerson, Phil Edwards, Dorothy Fillmore, Donna Coghill, Jeff Wing, Erin White


1.Approve May minutes- no changes comments


  1. Monthly forums / Campus Climate Index:
    Jan explained LGBT-Friendly Campus Climate Index. Dorothy, Jeff and Jan met w Strategic Enrollment to discuss how to improve climate. Met w Dr. Wanda Mitchell to discuss launching the Index and encourage its use as national benchmarking. Arranging Town Hall Meetings for Sept 17, 18, or 19 to announce Index publicly at VCU and hoping to get Shane Windemeyer as keynote speaker but waiting on budget. Kevin Harris offered $ support as Equality VCU’s portion.
    Checked calendar of VCU Events. Discussed inviting Dr. Warren, Dr.Retchin, Dr. Rao, and John Duvall (CEO of hospital). No preference for dates. No suggestions for back-up keynote speakers (please submit ideas to Jan, Dorothy, or Jeff). Noted that much change is possible in our ratings and our campus climate.

3.Upcoming Activities:

a.Summer Social (Lisa Webb): absent, no report

b.Ice Cream Social, Fall 2013 (one on each campus)
September 4, 4-5:30pm for Monroe- Commons Plaza
Date still TBD for MCV, butAug 25tentative (last day Welcome Week).

c.Pridefest, September 28, 2013, 1-8pm (Lisa Webb): absent, no report
Jeff asked Athletics but they declined to contribute money. Last year Athletics had table and sent Rodney the Ram (which we can still have).

d.Burnside Watstein, October 29, 2013,Richmond Salons, 3-4:30pm
Dorothy is new co-chair w Steve Gottfredson. Dorothy is seeking committee help and reviewers. Space reserved in Commons. Some budget questions but plaques, food, etc. are already covered.Chris Woleben volunteered for the committee.

4.Other Old or New Business

  1. Search committee update from Phil Edwards re hiring LGBTQ Coordinator in Dr. Mitchell’s office. Same search committee for both positions, so he and Holly Alford are co-chairs. They have excellent pool for LGBTQ Coordinator and are planning how to conduct the campus interview which will occur mid to late July. Equality VCU may or may not be formally involved in interview (TBD by Dr. Mitchell), but Phil will advocate for including a scheduled meeting with us. Interview will involve meeting with some students and both Faculty and Staff Senates so they may run out of time. Start date will notbe July 1. Equality VCU members are encouraged to attend the interview if given the opportunity. In order to get the word out, we encourage Dr. Mitchell and Eduardo Vidale to post directly to our Listserve to announce invitations to forums, etc.
  2. Questions about getting added to Listserve. Ask Donna to add your name.
  3. Questions from Isabella and Rachel (SW grad students) about being involved. They want to add LGBTQIA issues to curricula, raise awareness,and get SW students more involved. Suggestions were offered to Rachel and Isabella.
  4. Lettie Flores will stay on our Listserve to share information. Students at Tennessee did controversial programming "Sex Week" last year.


1.No July meeting! 2013-14 meeting schedule will be sent out soon and August meeting may be a different week.

2.Mark your calendars:

-Ice Cream Social: Monroe Park: September 4, 2013, Commons Plaza (backup, Ballrooms)

-Ice Cream Social: MCV tentative date August 25 near Larrick

-Pridefest: September 28, 2013, 1-8pm, Kanawha Plaza

-Burnside Watstein Awards, October 29, 2013, 3-4:30pm (slight time change)


2013-2014 Meeting Dates (locations alternating campuses)