Robert William Smith

Associate Professor

Specialty Studies

WatsonSchool of Education

I.Academic Status at UNCW

Present rank: / Associate Professor
Effective Date: / 1996 - Present
Previous rank(s) and date(s) at
UNCW: / Assistant Professor 1991-96


Institution / Concentration / Dates / Degree
University of Massachusetts / Social Studies Education, Social Foundations of Education / May 1991 / Ed. D.
University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K. / Thesis: Critical analysis of the main perspectives in Sociology / 1977 / M.S.
University of Manchester, U.K. / Sociology and Economics / 1975 / B.S.
University of Manchester, U.K. / Secondary, Sociology and Economics / 1978 / Teacher Certification

III.Professional History (other than UNCW)

Position/Rank / Institution / Dates
Teaching Assistant / University of Massachusetts, Amherst / 1987-1991
Instructor: Sociology/Economics / Bunker HillCommunity College / 1983-84
Social Studies Teacher / Nelson & Colne College of Further Education, U.K. / 1978-1986
  1. Contribution to Teaching

A. Required subcategories:

  1. EDN 200 Teacher School and Society

EDN 294 Innovations in British Education

EDN 294 Cultural Context of British Education

EDN 334 Social Studies Curriculum & Instruction (K-6)

EDN 405 Theory and Practice in Teaching Secondary Social Studies

EDN 405 Theory and Practice in Teaching Secondary Social Studies – distance learning

EDN 408 Instructional Seminar

EDN 409 Practicum, Secondary Social Studies (9-12)

EDN 411 Practicum K-9

EDN 509 Multicultural Education

EDN 567 Learning Centered Supervision

EDN 578 Practicum in Developmental Instructional Supervision

EDN 528 Secondary School Organization

HON 210 Diversity, Difference, Dissent: Perspectives on Multiculturalism in US

LIC 505 Advanced Theory and Practice in Teaching Secondary Social Studies

Research, Scholarship, and Artistic Achievement

A. Required subcategories:

1.Refereed publications (including juried or peer-reviewed performances, exhibits, artistic works, productions or writings)

  1. Published

Smith, R. W. & Kubasko, D. (2006). Technology use among interns and their partnership teachers. Teaching & Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry and Reflective Practice, 20 ( 2).

Smith, R. W. (2005). Using Inquiry Projects to Promote Reflective Practice: Mixed Results from a Study of Forty-Seven Interns. In I. Guadarrama, J. Ramsey & J. Nath, (Eds), Advances in community thought and research., Greenwich, CT: Information Age publishing. Volume in research in Professional Development Schools.

Smith, R. W. & Garner, C. (2005). Incorporating the National Council for the Social Studies Ten Thematic Strands. Trends and Issues, (2), 22-28.

Smith, R. W. (2002). The Challenges in Moving to a Professional Development System: An Examination of the Site Coordinator’s Role, Professional Educator 24(2), 1-15.

Smith, R. W., Huber, R. & Shotsberger, P. (2002). The Impact of a Standards Guided Equity and Problem Solving Institute on Participating Science Teachers and Their Students, North Carolina Journal of Teacher Education 12(1), 1-20.

Smith, R. W. (2000). Backgrounds to the forefront: The influence of teacher background on the inclusion of multicultural education: A case study of two contrasts. Urban Review, 32(2), 155-176.

Smith, R. W. (1997). Challenging privilege: White male middle-class opposition in the multicultural education terrain. In R. Chavez, & J. O’Donnell, (Eds.), Speaking the unpleasant: The politics of (non) engagement in the multicultural education terrain (pp. 197-210). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Smith, R. W., Moallem, M. & Sherrill, D. (1997). How Preservice Teachers Think About Cultural Diversity: A Closer Look at Factors Which Influence Their Beliefs Towards Equality, Educational Foundations, 11(2), 41-61.

Smith, R. W. (1996). Schooling and the Formation of Male Students' Gender Identities. Theory & Research in Social Education 24(1), 54-70.

Smith, R. W. (1994). Reflection -- A Means of Critically Evaluating PriorSchool Experience, Educational Foundations 8(3), 17-32

Smith, R. W. (1992). Preparing Female and Minority Teachers to Teach High School Social Studies. Inquiry in Social Studies 29(1), 34-42.

Maloy, Goyette, Lawrence, Seidman, Smith and Walsh (1991). The Self as Text: An Introductory Course in Teacher Education. The Journal of Natural Inquiry, 6(1), 35-44.

2.Publications (or performances, exhibits, artistic works, productions or writings) not listed in the refereed category (e.g., abstracts, book reviews)

  1. Published

Smith R. W. (Ed). Time for Change: New Visions for High School. First and final chapters written by R. W. Smith. Hampton Press.

Smith, R. W. (1999). Informing Professional Practice: Secondary Interns’ Inquiry Projects. WatsonSchool of Education, UNCW

Lockledge, A., Smith R. W. & Baber, C. (Eds.) (1994). Teaching about Diversity. Monograph, North Carolina Council for the Social Studies.

Smith, R. W, & Sherrill, D. (1995). Evaluation of Jumpstart Program designed to increase enrollment of minority students in high school honors classes

  1. Research grants or research fellowships
  1. Awarded (include dates and amounts)

Watson School of Education (2004) Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers Grant. Grant to research secondary interns use of technology and mentoring provided by partnership teachers ($2940)

Watson School of Education (2002) received to develop EDN 528 as a web enhanced course ($2,335)

Watson School of Education (2002) Collaborative School-based Research and Development Initiative. Analysis of Secondary Intern’s Inquiry Projects. (With J. Jones) ($2,300)

NC State Dept. of Public Instruction (1998) received to design Advanced Mentor Training ($10, 000). (With Calhoun, D., Hayes H., and Wetherill, K.)

Eisenhower grant (With Dr. R. Huber) to train middle grades science teacher in problem solving with particular emphasis on improving participation of female and minority students ($30, 000)

Watson School of Education, Research/Service Award ($1500) to research the twelve PDS high schools 1998.

Watson School of Education Summer Research Award ($1500) to evaluate the Reflective seminars at the high school level 1998

WatsonSchool of Education Faculty Development Award ($1500) 1994

  1. Presentations(including readings, lectures) at professional meetings


North Carolina Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh, NC September 29, 2005. A Three Year Study of E-Portfolios in a Preservice Teacher Education Program. Unable to attend presentation. Collaborated with Dr. Fischetti, Dr. Feinberg, Dr. Kubasko & Dr. Reid- Griffin.

North Carolina Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh, NC September 29, 2005. Mentoring Interns in Using Technology: Cause for Optimism or Reasons for Concern. Co-presented with Dr. Kubasko.

North Carolina Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC, February 24-25, 2005. Teaching Strategies for Civics and Economics. Co-presented with C. Garner (HoggardHigh School).

North Carolina Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC, February 24-25, 2005. Social Studies, Democracy and High School Reform. Co-presented with C. Garner (HoggardHigh School).

North Carolina Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh, NC September 23, 2004. The Potential for New Teachers’ Use of Technology to Change Teaching and Learning. Co-presented with Dr. Kubasko.

American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 12-15, 2004 “What Do I Do When My Mentee Knows More Than I do?”: Incorporating emerging technologies into teaching. Co-presented with Dr. Kubasko

North Carolina Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC, February 19, 2004. Taking Advantage of Technology. Co-presented with M. Dickerson (LaneyHigh School).

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Chicago, February 8-9, 2004. Using a Web-Based Toolset to Guide Formative and Summative Candidate Assessment. Co-presented with Dr. Fischetti, Dr. Gill and Dr. Kubasko.

American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 22-25, 2003. Is There Room for Teacher Inquiry in the No Child Left Behind Policy?

North Carolina Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC, February 20-21, 2003. Technology is Here. Co-presented with H. Pearsall (TopsailHigh School).

National Council for the Social Studies, Phoenix, Arizona, Nov. 19-22, 2002. Teacher Education SIG, Panel member, Assessment and Social Studies Methods Courses.

North Carolina Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC, February 21-22, 2002. Making National Standards User Friendly. Co-presented with C. Garner (HoggardHigh School).

19th Annual Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh, NC September 27-28, 2001. Improving High Schools: What Works and Why? Co -presented with Dr. Moallem.

National American Educational Research Association, Seattle, April, 10-13, 2001. Roundtable session, High School Teacher’s Perceptions of Work Culture.

North Carolina Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC, February 22-23, 2001. Teaching Strategies for U. S. History and Social Studies. Co-presenter, C. Garner, HoggardHigh School.

National American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 25-30, 2000. Roundtable session, The Challenges in Moving to a Professional Development System: An examination of the site coordinator’s role.

NC Teacher Education Forum, Raleigh, October 5-6, 2000. Symposium on “Comprehensive Reform in North Carolina: Implications for Teacher Education,” Case Studies of Two Schools. Co-presenters Dr. Moallem, D. Sherrill, Dr. Johnston-NC State and Dee Brewer-DPI, NC.

National Council for the Social Studies, Orlando, FL., November 18-21, 1999. The Effects of Collaborative Teacher Education on the Thinking and Practices of Social Studies Preservice Teachers.

National Professional Development Schools Conference, Columbia, SC, March 16-17, 2000. The Challenges in Moving to a Professional Development System: An examination of the site coordinator’s role.