Rocky River High School

20951 Detroit Rd. • Rocky River • Ohio 44116

440.356.6800 •

Rob Winton, Principal • Heath Horton, Assistant Principal

Brian Gergely, Assistant Principal • Mark Wagner, Director of Athletics & Activities


July 28, 2017

RRHS Band members and Parents:

Welcome to Rocky River High School Bands for 2017-2018! I hope that you are excited to be part of the largest organization at RRHS—nearly 200 members strong! For band parents, there are many volunteer opportunities available to support our band. Please take special note and get involved this year!

This letter is being sent to all students registered for the 2017-2018 marching band. If you received this letter in error or if you know someone who did not receive the letter that should, please contact the band office via the information below.

This letter is mailed to alert you to the 5 steps you need to take so that you are well prepared for marching band to start on Monday, August 7. Get ready for a great band year here:

  1. Go to and complete the OneView / EZPay process for required band forms. (Emergency Medical Authorization [EMA] and Athletics/Activities Signature Form). Band students do not need a physical.
  1. Go to the band website at and bookmark it. This site is THE central source of information for band dates, activities and news. You can also access the site through the HS Student Activities page of the RRCS website, but it takes several steps.
  1. Next, print these important documents under “Downloads” on the right side of the band website:
  2. 2017-2018 Agenda Calendar: Lists major band events and dates for the year so you can plan ahead. Put these dates on your personal calendar now!
  3. 2017-2018 Summer Letter. A MUST read! This gives you information about August band camp, marching band and concert band uniforms, picture days, senior banners, attendance and more. It is intended for both students and parents.
  4. RRCS Performance Group Attendance Policy. The RRHS Band is a performance class so performances are required and part of the grading process.
  1. On the right side of the page, click the HS Band Parent Email Form Link. This is the parent e-mail list that allows us to send event and volunteer information via e-mail blasts. This is used quite often! [Veterans - Please submit new information as your current link will be wiped out in mid-August]
  1. Attend the Band Picnic: Sunday, August 13, 1:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. Complete details will be distributed the first week of band camp. This event is fun and informative! For band parents, this is an event you won’t want to miss! You will get insider information about how to support your band student; hear about volunteer opportunities (with online sign-ups); learn about the e-mail blasts and fall parent socials, and much more! Plus, it’s a great way to meet and greet other band parents you’ll be seeing at performances all year.

With our strong band and continued band parent support resources, we are excited for the upcoming 2017-18 year with RRHS Bands! I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Kirk E. Taylor

Director of Bands

440.356.6000 ext. 6822

Rocky River Schools…

Globally Competitive • Exceptional Opportunities • Caring Environment • Successful Students