Any County ElectricCooperative
PROJECT: Last-Mile Broadband Development
Any County Electric Cooperative
Town, North Carolina 27***
Phone: 888-888-8888
Fax: 888-999-9999
RFI ISSUE DATE: July 12, 2016
RFI SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 12, 2016, by 5 p.m.
Submit to:
RFIContactName:Contact Name, Title
Telephone:(888) 888-8888
Email Address:
In addition, send a copy of all submissions and correspondence to the following:
ContactName:Name, Title
Telephone:(888) 999-8888
Any County Electric Cooperative (ACEC) is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative with more than 14,500 metered accounts serving approximately 13,500 member-owners. The organization was chartered in 1938 and provides power to the rural areas of Alpha, Beta, Delta, Zeta, and Omega counties. REC has two business offices and 12 substations within their footprint. ACEC is upgrading the wide-area network (WAN) spanningits territory, connecting its substations via fiber optic cable to better manage the energy delivery services it provides. In conjunction with this effort, ACEC is looking for partners to use the excess capacity on its fiber to provide last-mile broadband service to residents, businesses and community anchor institutions within its covered counties, with a special focus on underserved and unserved constituents (customers with connection speeds less than the FCC broadband definition of 25 x 3 Mbps). Prospective partners should not only be able to provide sustainable initiatives, but be community-oriented and willing to develop solutions for the betterment of the region.
Theregion-widefibernetwork,whichconsistsofapproximately105milesoffiber,ismore than50 percentcomplete, with total completion expected by the end of 20**. In addition to supporting the needs of ACEC, excess capacity on the fiber backbone can be used to support the needs of other community-enhancing programs, and will not be limited to solely providing broadband services to the rural and unserved/underserved areas of the region. For this purpose, ACEC has established Any County Connect Holdings, LLC (Any County Connect) – a fully owned subsidiary to manage and facilitate the development of community partnerships with those entities interested in using the excess capacity of the ACEC fiber network. A detailed map of the region and locations of the fiber network appears as AttachmentA.
Project scope
Any County Connect is issuing this Request for Information (RFI) to identify potential partnershipswith broadbandprovidersandotherinterestedentitiestosupportthedevelopmentofhigh-speedbroadband infrastructureandserviceswithintheunderservedandunservedregionsofAlpha, Beta, Delta, Zeta, and Omega counties.ThisRFIisbeingreleasedwiththeintentofgeneratinginterestfromvarious entities wishing to use the ACEC fiber backbone to develop and implement new broadband services or enhanceexistingservices,and whoarewillingtopartnerwithAny CountyConnecttomeetthese ends. Potential customers include the 13,500 ACEC member-owners as well as existing and future businesses,publicinstitutions,educationalinstitutions,andhealthcarefacilitiesthatfallwithinACEC’s serviceterritorythatmightotherwisebeservedbyanotherelectricserviceprovider.Any CountyConnectis seekingnetworksolutionsandbusinessmodelsthatareinnovativeandthatpreparetheregionforfuture technologicalinnovationswhileservingtoday’sneedsforhigherspeeds,morecompletecoverage,anda widerrangeofchoicesforconsumers.
The Any County Connect network will provide increased dark fiber capacity in this region, to be utilized by an array of future partners. This RFI, however, is focused specifically on last-mile partners. It is anticipated that both fiber-based and wireless-based solutions will be presented in the RFI responses; both will be considered. It should be noted that ACEC fiber intersects with the MCNC statewide open-access fiber backbone in several locations. In addition to the 105 miles of Any County Connect fiber, more than 100 miles of MCNC fiber is also installed in the northern sections of the five-county region. This fiber may also be available to interested parties under a separate agreement with MCNC.
The goals of this initiative are:
1.EstablishpartnershipsbetweenAny CountyConnectandinterestedprovidersforthebettermentofthe communitiesinvolvedandforqualityoflifeenhancements.
2.Facilitate the development of cost-effective broadband into the underserved/unserved areas ofthe five countiesspecified.
3.Enable the deployment of state-of-the-art technologies, services, and applications that are often foundinmoredevelopedurbanareasbutmaynotbecurrentlyavailablewithintheregion.
4.Createacompetitiveadvantagefortheregionwithrespecttoeconomicdevelopment,jobcreation, and growthopportunities.
6.Provide an open-access architecture that enables the deployment of last-mile fiber and wireless technologies.
To reach these goals, Any County Connect will provide vendors with access to a negotiated number of strands of existing optical fibers it owns or controlsat negotiated rates. Thenetwork fiber optic cable is single-mode cabling as manufactured by Corning Incorporated, with installed capacities ranging from 72 to 144 fiber strands. Roughly 85 percent of the network is aerial while 15 percent is underground. See Appendix for fiber specifications.
Any County Connectfiberwillallowforinterconnectiontofiberthatmaybeownedbyothersintheregion, includingtheMCNCfiber network.InterconnectionswillbemadeavailableatstrategicallylocatedPoints ofPresence(POPs)orco-locationpoints.POPsandco-locationscanbestrategicallylocatedwithintowns andotherdesirablelocationswithineachcommunity.Accesscanbeprovidedatconvenientlocations alongtheentirefiberroutetoaccommodateruralaccessusingspliceandmaintenanceloopsinstalledat approximately1,500-footintervalsacrossthenetwork.Additionalaccesspointsmaybemadeavailable.
Other assets and facilities to be made available
Inadditiontofiber-opticcapacityandco-locationspacewithinthedeployedfibernetworkthat Any CountyConnectwillprovidetovendor(s),other assets,services,andinfrastructure ownedbyACECmayberequired.These assetsincludebutarenotlimitedtoutility-ownedconduit,fiber,poles, substations, rack space and other assets. Among these assets are two ACEC-owned towers – an approximately300-footradiotowerneartheACECheadquartersinDeltaandanapproximately130- foottowerattheRECcampusinAlphaSquare.Additionally,thereisanantennamastofapproximately70 feetlocatedateachoftheACECsubstations.
Grants and other resources
Any County Connect is interested in identifying and securing grants that can be directed to broadband expansion and development in the region. Further, Any County Connect may be able to provide vendors with assistance in applying for available grants or loans as needed to pay for network expenses. Any County Connect,throughANEC,mayalsobeabletoleveragerelationshipswithlocalcountygovernmentstoutilize existing resources, such as water towers and radioantennas.
Project location
TheAny CountyConnectnetworkisunderdevelopmentinnortheasternNorthCarolina.Themaponthe followingpageshowsthegeographicregionoutlinedinwhite,incomparisontotherestofthestate.
Combined with the MCNC portion of the network, the network will run through the five counties listed below.ThemapdirectlyfollowingthislistshowstheACECfiberinyellowandtheMCNCfiberinred.AKMZ file of these routes can be made available with the RFI for responders’ review andmodeling.
County / TotalPopulation (2010) / Median Household
Income (2010) / Rural vs.
Alpha / 54,691 / $30,861 / Rural
Beta / 22,099 / $32,168 / Rural
Delta / 21,282 / $30,586 / Rural
Omega / 24,669 / $32,410 / Rural
Zeta / 12,197 / $43,010 / Rural
ThefiberconnectsatACECsubstationswithsplicepointslocatedalongtherouteforeasyaccesstothe fiber. Much of the new build route runs along utility poles owned and maintained by ACEC, with undergroundinstallationsasneeded.Thesepoles,approximately16-18permile,areroughly30-35feet high.Withinthetowns,thepolesmaybeownedbyotherutilityprovidersthanACEC.Thefiberroutesallow for the creation of ring architecture solutions and are enhanced by multiple interconnections with the MCNCstatewidefibernetwork.Theroutingofthefiberwasselectedbasedonseveralfactors:
- EnergyservicesdeliverypointswheremonitoringisdesiredbyACEC.
- Theabilitytoreachthelargestnumberofcommunitiesintheregion.
- Supportofpublicsafety,education,healthcare,municipalandeconomicprograms.
- MakinglogicalconnectionsintotheMCNCnetwork.
- Buildcostsandmaintenancecost.
- Theabilitytoservethegreatestneed.
- Theabilitytofillthegapswhereeffectiveinfrastructuremaybelacking.
Scheduled timeline
TheAny CountyConnectnetworkisexpectedtobecompletedbytheendof2016,withtheMCNCportion of the network already in place. Through this RFI, ANEC is looking for a primary last-mile partner, or partners,tobuildoutinthisregion,withthegoalofhavinginitialpilotsunderwayinthecomingmonths. Respondersareencouragedtoprovideprojectmilestones,locations,anddeliveryschedulesastoproject rolloutandexpectedaccesstoAny CountyConnectassets. Respondentsshouldalsoincludeinformationon whethertheybelieveapilotisneeded,basedontheirproposal,andtheproposedtimelineforthepilot.
Process and criteria for evaluation
Onlythoseresponsesreceivedbythestateddeadlinewillbeconsidered.Allinformationsubmittedbythe deadlinewillbereviewedandevaluated.ResponsesthatlacksufficientinformationmaycauseACECto disqualifythatvendorfromconsiderationforpartnership.
ACEC shall reserve the right to cancel, suspend, and/or discontinue any proposal at any time they deem necessary or fit without obligation or notice to the proposing vendor. Key selection criteria selection shall include:
1.Quality ofresponse
2.Extent of the service area and services to be offered
3.Technical quality of design and supportplan
7.Financial strength ofvendor(s)
8.Feasibility of vendor(s) financial response.
Further consideration shall be given to thefollowing:
Provider Solutions
VendorsareencouragedtoproposesolutionsthatprovidecoverageoverthefullANECservicearea.Ifa vendorchoosestoproposefor a region lessthanthewhole,the vendormustprovidedetailsastothespecificservice area(s)forwhichitisproposing,includingtechnologiesproposedandexplanationofACECassetsmost needed to make the solution feasible. Any County Connect may make the dark fiber and other assets availablethroughanumberofdifferentstrategies,includingbutnotlimitedtoIRUs,leases,andrevenue sharing.Respondersareencouragedtosubmitotherstrategiesforconsideration.
Responses should also include details on proposed pilots, if needed, and roll out schedules. Vendors shall include the use of maps or other diagrams as necessary to sufficiently allow Any County Connect to review the vendor’s solution. Vendors should describe by proposed service area, the last-mile services to be provided, including capabilities expected to be available to the entities within the proposed area of service. The service area is defined as the geographic area within which the proposed network solution will be deployed. Services to be provided are defined as the type, level, and capacities of the services that the vendors anticipate providing to end customers (e.g. 25 x 5 Mbps fixed wireless, 100 x 100 Mbps FTTH,etc.).
Vendor qualifications
Vendors must demonstrate and provide evidence of the following in their responses:
1.Experience in high-speed network design and operation. Vendors should provide a statement of experience highlighting similar network systems that it has designed, constructed, and operated, includingprojectname,location,size,technologyused,andnamesandphonenumbersforreference contacts. Also, the response should indicate whether each system is owned by the vendors or anotherentity.Anyexperienceinpartneringwithelectriccooperatives,ordesigningsystemsutilizing electricassets(poles,etc.),shouldbenoted.
2.Financialstability.Vendorsshallsubmitthetwomostrecentannualauditedfinancialstatementsto permitanalysisoffinancialresources.
3.Stafftechnicalandmanagerialexperience.Vendorsshouldincludeastatementofexperienceand resumesofkeymembersthatwouldbeinvolvedinaproject.
In addition to the above criteria, the evaluation team will examine the extent to which each response meets the criteria below, which are not listed in order of importance. The evaluation team will then undertakeacomparativeassessmentofallresponsestodecideastowhichresponsesshouldbe selectedforfurtheranalysisandnegotiation.Theseadditionalcriteriainclude:
2.The capability of the vendor or coalition of vendors to design, construct, finance, maintain, support, upgrade, and operate the networks;
3.The nature, scope, and impact of any legislative and/or regulatory changes (state or local) thatare necessarytofacilitatetheresponse;
4.The extent to which the response departs from the RFI and from Any County Connect’s proposed terms; and
5.The location and size of the service area that a vendor isproposing.
Project proposal expectations
Any CountyConnectshallreviewandawardatitsowndiscretionacontractorcontractstovendorswhose responses best accommodate the various project requirements. Any County Connect reserves the rightto negotiate partnerships and award contracts to more than one responder and refuse any response or contractwithoutobligationtoeitherANECortoanyvendorofferingorsubmittinginformation.
Proposal deadline
AllproposalsmustbereceivednolaterthantheRFISubmissionDeadlineforconsiderationintheproject proposalselectionprocess.Responsesreceivedafterthedeadlinewillnotbeconsidered.Responsesmust besubmittedelectronically,orviapriorityorcertifiedmail,totheaddresseslistedonPage2ofthisRFI.
Proposal submission format
The following is a list of information that the Vendor should include in their proposal submission:
3.Vendor’s contact information (and preferred method ofcommunication)
6.Evidence of legal authority to conduct business in North Carolina (e.g. business license number)
Vendorsareresponsibleforallcostsforconstructionoffiberorotherassetsasneededinareaswhere need/demandexistsbutnocurrentassetisavailable.Insuchscenarios,thevendorsmay alsocontractwithAny CountyConnecttoassistintheconstructionofnewfiberorassets.Thesefeeswill benegotiatedbetweenthevendorsandAny CountyConnectasnecessary.
Availability of Fiber
Any CountyConnectwillmakefiberandotherassetsavailablethroughanumberofdifferentstrategies, includingbutnotlimitedtoIRUs,leases,andrevenuesharing.Respondersareencouragedtosubmitother strategiesforconsideration.ReviewandacceptancewillbethesoleresponsibilityofAny CountyConnect.
Rights of Way
ConstructionandinstallationofequipmentintheANEC,state,local,andindependently ownedrights ofway will be subject to the applicable requirements and ordinances governing ROW and easements. Vendor(s)willberesponsibleforsecuringallneededrights of-way,easements,franchiseagreements,etc. neededtoimplementproposedsolutions.
The ANEC may allow vendors to have access to necessary rights-of-way on property owned by the REC and property on which it has an easement and authority to allow such access. Requested access will be reviewed and negotiated in accordance with the applicable requirements or ordinances.
Vendor Relationship
TherelationshipbetweenthevendorandtheANEC/Any CountyConnectshallbethatofavendor.ANEC and/or Any County Connect shall share no liability of the vendor’s cost structures and/or servicesprovidedunlessidentified,negotiated,andagreedtoupfrontbyallpartiesinwriting.Unless otherwisenegotiated,approved,anddocumentedbyAny CountyConnect,thevendorsselectedshall bearallcapitalcostsofthesolutionsproposedandimplementedbysaidvendor,includingbut not limited to design, engineering, construction, and equipment costs for the networks up tothe end-user drop points or network interface devices. In addition, vendors will bear all operating and maintenance costs, including insurance costs and relevant taxes. Vendor(s)shouldalsodemonstrateaclearandcontinuousupgradepathforthenetworksandtheir abilitytomeetfutureconsumerdemandandservicedepartments.
Fiber optic specifications
Central Element / DielectricFiber Count / tbd
Fiber Coloring / Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate, White, Red, Black, Yellow, Violet, Rose, Aqua
Fibers per Tube / 12
Number of Tube Positions / tbd
Number of Active Tubes / 12
Buffer Tube Color Coding / Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Slate, White, Red, Black, Yellow, Violet, Rose, Aqua
Buffer Tube Diameter / 2.5 mm ( 0.1 in)
Tape / Water-swellable
Number of Ripcords / 1
Outer Jacket Material / Polyethylene (PE)
Outer Jacket Color / Black
Maximum Fibers per Tube / 12
Installation / -30 °C to 70 °C (-22 °F to 158 °F )
Operation / -40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to 158 °F )
Max. Tensile Strength, Long-Term / 890 N (200 lbf)
Weight / 162 kg/km (109 lb/1000 ft)
Nominal Outer Diameter / 15.8 mm (0.62 in)
Min. Bend Radius Installation / 237 mm (9.3 in)
Min. Bend Radius Operation / 158 mm (6.2 in)
RoHS / Free of hazardous substances according to RoHS 2002/95/EG
Fiber Name / Single-mode (OS2)
Fiber Category / G.652.D
Fiber Code / E
Performance Option Code / 01
Wavelengths / 1310 nm / 1383 nm / 1550 nm
Maximum Attenuation / 0.4 dB/km / 0.4 dB/km / 0.3 dB/km