Role Title: Clinical Co-ordinator
Reports To:Team Manager, ICMHT
Directorate:Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability Directorate
Location: Invercargill
- Better Health, Better Lives, Whanau Ora
- We work in partnership with people and communities to achieve their optimum health and wellbeing. We seek excellence through a culture of learning, enquiry, service and caring.
- The community and patients are at the centre of everything we do
- We are a single unified DHB which values and supports its staff
- We are a high performing organisation with a focus on quality
- We provide clinically and financially sustainable services to the community we serve
- We work closely with the entire primary care sector to provide the right care in the right place at the right time and to improve the health of the community
- To improve, promote and protect the health of our population.
- Promote the integration of health services across primary and secondary care services.
- Seek the optimum arrangement for the most effective and efficient delivery of health services.
- Promote effective care or support for those in need of personal health or disability support services.
- Promote the inclusion and participation in society and the independence of people with disabilities.
- Reduce health disparities by improving health outcomes for Maori and other population groups
- Foster community participation in health improvement, and in planning for the provision of, and changes to the provision of services.
- Uphold the ethical and quality standards expected of us and to exhibit a sense of social and environmental responsibility.
The Clinical Co-ordinator is part of a comprehensive assessment and treatment service run by the Invercargill Community Mental Health Team. The role of the Clinical Co-ordinator is to ensure coordination of safe effective community based clinical services through a multidisciplinary team model of care. The clinical coordinator will be responsible for:
- Service leadership of teams in partnership with the consultant psychiatrist
- Line management of the Invercargill Community Mental health Team, this includes accountability for operational and clinical standards of service delivery.
- Manage and coordinate the clinical systems and processes required to meet clients and family needs, including the allocation of referrals, and monitoring and co-ordinating clinical activity, case loads and operational activity within the team.
Customer Focus / Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect.
Integrity and Trust / Is widely trusted; is seen as a direct, truthful individual; can present the unvarnished truth in an appropriate and helpful manner; keeps confidences; admits mistakes; doesn’t misrepresent him/herself for personal gain.
Drive For Results / Can be counted on to exceed goals successfully; Is constantly and consistently one of the top performers; very bottom line oriented; steadfastly pushes self and others for results.
Decision Quality / Makes good decisions (without considering how much time it takes) based upon a mixture of analysis, wisdom, experience, and judgment; most of his/her solutions and suggestions turn out to be correct and accurate when judged over time; sought out by others for advice and solutions.
Organisational Agility / Knowledgeable about how organizations work; knows how to get things done both through formal channels and the informal network; understands the origin and reasoning behind key policies, practices, and procedures; understands the cultures of organizations.
Building Effective Teams / Blends people into teams when needed; creates strong morale and spirit in his/her team; shares wins and successes; fosters open dialogue; lets people finish and be responsible for their work; defines success in terms of the whole team; creates a feeling of belonging in the team.
Other Mental Health Service staff
Nursing Director, Mental Health
Combined Services Manager- Southland
Primary Mental Health Team
Mental Health Advisory staff
Liaising with other DHB Mental Health
Services / External
Consumer's family and/or immediate Social
Support Network
GP’s and other health professionals
Community referring agencies and voluntary and
non voluntary organisations and groups
The wider Southland community
Personnel from statutory organisations, including
the legal system and the District Inspector
Cultural and Iwi representatives
Essential Criteria
Under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2004, all registered nurses are required to hold an Annual Practicing Certificate. This requires the nurse to be competent and fit to practice under a defined scope of practice. If there are any limitations on the scope of practice, the line manager must be immediately notified.
Possess a current Practising Certificate.
Possess a current driver’s licence.
Sound clinical assessment and treatment skills for working with consumers who are acutely mentally unwell
Sound clinical knowledge of mental illnesses.
A thorough knowledge of SouthernDHB and Southlands Community treatment and support options.
An extensive knowledge of Mental Health Services clinical and administrative systems.
Able to demonstrate Clinical Leadership skills.
Have a minimum of four years post graduate experience.
Hold a relevant post graduate qualification.
Specific Skills and Personal Qualities
Be an excellent communicator.
Able to work under pressure.
Able to work well within a team.
Able to work alone.
Flexible approach to work, readily able to adapt to new challenges.
Have a personality, presentation and approach which engender confidence, trust and rapport with consumers, referrers and support network.
To lead a multidisciplinary team to deliver safe and well-coordinated services /
- To develop a role which is recognised and respected by the clinical team.
- To lead input to planning and strategic team development processes.
- To identify key objectives, and developmental goals along with the team members.
- To mentor and support key members of the team in their development and understanding.
- Provide senior guidance and support for complex case clients, e.g. coordinate complex case reviews and develop management plans in conjunction with Key Worker.
- To be agreed
Team Culture /
- Establishes respectful and professional relationship with team members.
- Ensures team members have opportunity to participate in planning and development of the services.
- Ensures that performance appraisals and feedback systems are in place and utilised with documentation.
- Identifies annually, education and training goals with team members and training and In-service priorities for the team.
- Implements a reward and recognition system according to Mental Health policy.
Coordination of Service/Operational Management /
- Coordinates the weekly timetable of activity for all team members, establish accountability for utilisation resources within the team.
- To develop systems which support efficient and effective utilisation, including cover and annual leave planning.
- Coordinates all clinical processes within the team necessary to deliver a quality service i.e. coordinate and manage MDT review processes and chairs MDT meetings.
- Coordinate and allocate referrals into the Invercargill Community Mental Health Team.
- Monitor and review case loads and any related issues about throughput, including file reviews of consumers not seen within three months or deceased, with team members, and ensuring all clients have an assigned key worker.
- Provide reports on activity as part of a feedback process about staff and service performance, including caseload monitoring, acuity levels, and monthly activity reports to the Invercargill Community Clinical Nurse Manager (ICCNM).
- Oversee rescheduling of clients to ensure clients are seen in a timely manner.
- Liaise with administrative staff around scheduling of Dr’s clinics and issues that arise.
Coordination of services: interface with other Providers and Agencies /
- To be a key contact point for other agencies and services.
- To coordinate processes which support positive interaction and working relationships with other agencies.
- To identify mechanisms which support the efficient and effective management of shared care or care provided by a number of related providers or agencies e.g. coordinating complex care individual case conferences, to work with lead agencies when mental health has a role but not a lead in the care of individuals and services.
- Ensure appropriate documentation processes are managed in order to inform GPs, families and other providers about the care provided to consumers.
Communication consumer’s families/Whanau, referring agencies and promotion of rights and advocacy /
- Meet all legal requirements in the provision to consumer treatment.
- Has a working knowledge of the Mental Health Act 1992, the Privacy Act 1993 and any other relevant Acts and Regulations, and applies same in clinical practice.
- Ensure good ongoing communication with families and care givers, and individual consumers, about rights within the legislative framework, including the privacy code and Health and Disability requirements, as well as care planning and delivery.
- Develop and maintain systems including prepared documentation about services and ensure information is readily available to consumers and families about available services and access pathways.
- Ensures all standard letters e.g. to General Practise are sent within an agreed timeframe and contain appropriate information.
HR Management /
- Completes performance appraisals in conjunction with the Clinical Team Manager.
- Manage recruitment and appointment processes in conjunction with the Clinical Team Manager.
- To address performance issues with the direction and support of the Clinical Team Manager and HR.
- Set annual goals for individual staff members as part of performance appraisal.
- Ensure other systems, such as Health and Safety and organisational workplace requirements are met.
- Orientation of new staff in conjunction with the team manager.
Cultural Awareness /
- Establish and maintain an awareness and knowledge of the Treaty of Waitangi and implications for recognising cultural rights within health care delivery.
- To identify and link with appropriate cultural input to service delivery requirements for individual client’s family / Whanau.
- To work with Kaumatua and Te Korowai Hou Ora, as the cultural representatives for the Southland Mental Health Service.
Maintain an awareness of own needs /
- Be aware of own workload pressures, and strategies to manage, including communication to the Clinical Team Manager about prioritisation and day to day coordination of service issues.
- Clinical supervision as agreed to by the Clinical Team Manager is utilised appropriately.
- Maintains a Professional portfolio and actively engages in own annual performance appraisal.
To contribute to the initiation and development of programmes which enhance Continuous Quality Improvement /
- CQI principles are utilised in developing services
- Participates in quality improvement initiates and/or planning within the Mental Health Service and SDHB.
- To identify and lead developmental projects which support and demonstrate leadership and role potential.
- Participate in any and all monitoring and reporting processes in order to meet external and internal quality and service delivery reporting requirements.
- Establishes and monitors key issues including risk identification systems and documentation.
Occupational Health and Safety /
- Observe and practice safe work methods using safety equipment where it is provided, and report unsafe working conditions or equipment to the Clinical Team Manager.
- Ensure appropriate reporting of reportable events to the Clinical Team Manager.
Treaty of Waitangi /
- The Southern District Health Board is committed to its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi. As an employee you are required to give effect to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi - Partnership, Participation and Protection.
Health and Safety /
- Foster and support commitment to achieving the highest level of health and safety, including identification and reporting of all hazards, assistance in resolving issues that may cause harm to staff, and working safely at all times.
Quality and Performance /
- Maintain professional and organisational quality standards.
- Ensure delivered work is planned, delivered, and implemented consistently against quality standards.
- Continuously identify improvement opportunities to perform job in most effective manner.
- Investigate opportunities to achieve goals in a more efficient way.
- Performance is in alignment with HR quality audit standards, organisational requirements, and professional standards.
Note: The above example measures are provided as a guide only. The precise performance measures for this position will require further discussion between the job holder and manager.
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