RNIB Pears Centre School Governing Body Terms of Reference
1.1. The schedule of delegation which was agreed by RNIB’s Governance Committee on 28 January 2016 sets out in full the delegated responsibilities and administrative arrangements for the governing bodies at RNIB Pears Centre School, RNIB College Loughborough and RNIB Sunshine House School.
1.2. This terms of reference sets out the responsibilities, membership and meeting arrangements specifically for RNIB Pears Centre School. It is drawn from the schedule of delegation, but it is intended to provide a more user friendly guide for governors. It also makes it possible for us to take account of changes in terminology, structures and external requirements that impact on the school and the governing body in a more timely way.
2. Areas of Responsibility
2.2. The Governing Body will:
· Approve the local Business Plan, including the School Improvement Plan.
· Monitor the delivery of the School Improvement Plan and evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes.
· Check that systems are in place for setting individual targets, and assessing and recording progress. Scrutinise pupil progress and outcomes, including looking at the achievement of different groups.
· Scrutinise outcomes from assessment of teaching and learning.
· Support the leadership team in gathering evidence to meet Ofsted requirements and to support self evaluation.
· Participate in Ofsted inspections and work with school leadership team on outcomes and post-inspection action plans.
· Monitor implementation of safeguarding procedures
· Monitor budget performance, with the emphasis on impact on education.
· Carry out an assurance audit on the effective implementation of corporate frameworks and local procedures
· Ensure that arrangements are in place for the teaching of Religious Education and Sex & Relationship Education.
· Review records that are required to be kept under the NMSS Regs – including pupil behaviour, safer recruitment and incidents.
· Scrutinise the effectiveness of pupil premium spending.
· Ensure that the school has due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism (the ‘Prevent’ duty).
· Monitor exclusions and consider appeals against exclusion as need arises.
· Scrutinise feedback, complaints and outcomes.
2.3. From time to time new requirements and duties are placed on schools either through legislation or statutory guidance. Governors should do an annual check that existing and new legislation and statutory guidance is being implemented.
2.4. The governing body should regularly reflect on its own effectiveness and annually conduct a self-evaluation of governance against the current Ofsted inspection framework.
2.5. The Chair is expected to:
· Participate in recruitment to senior positions (eg Headteacher).
· Input to the performance management of the Headteacher.
Other responsibilities that the Chair is expected to carry out are set out separately in Appendix A.
3. Constitution
2 RNIB Governors
/ One governor is appointed by the Managing Director from within the RNIB Services Senior Leadership Team.One is appointed by the RNIB Charity Trustee Board.
RNIB governors also sit on the RNIB Services Board
2 Parent Governors
/ 1 Elected by parents1 Nominated by the Children’s Home
6 Community Governors
/ Appointed by a majority vote of the full governing body1 Local Authority Governor
/ One of the placing Local Authorities is asked to nominate either an elected member or officer1 Teacher Governor
/ Elected by teachers
1 Staff Governor / Elected by staff (other than teachers)
Other meeting attendees
RNIB Places Managing Director
Clerk to the Governing Body
School Business Manager
3.1. All appointments are subject to the approval of the RNIB Charity Trustee Board. Appointments are reported to RNIB Places Board and Governance Committee each term and ratified by the RNIB Charity Trustee Board annually.
3.2. With the exception of ex-officio and staff governors, RNIB employees may not be elected or appointed as governors. Ex employees may not join the governing body within one year of cessation of employment.
3.3. The normal term for all governors is four years from the date of their appointment. Governors may not ordinarily serve more than two terms. Where governors stand as Chair or Vice Chair of the governing body, they may serve up to a maximum of 12 years in total.
3.4. The term of office for Chair and Vice-Chair is two years, governors can be re-elected within their overall maximum term of 12 years. Ex-officio, staff and student governors cannot hold the post of Chair or Vice Chair.
3.5. Governors may resign at any time during their term of office. Governors are asked to send their resignation in writing or by email to the Chair of the Governing Body and the Clerk.
4. Meeting Arrangements
4.1. The full governing body will meet at least once each term.
The governing body is free to convene additional meetings to focus on specific responsibilities or aspects of the school within their remit.
4.2. The Chair will usually chair governing body meeting. In their absence, the Vice-Chair will do so. If neither is present, governors should agree on another governor to chair the meeting.
4.3. Notice of each meeting confirming the date, time and venue of the meeting, with an agenda and supporting papers, will be sent to governors no later than 5 clear working days before the date of the meeting.
4.4. The quorum for full governing body meetings and for voting is one half of the full membership, excluding vacancies. Governors who have withdrawn from the meeting do not count towards the quorum.
4.5. Governors are expected to attend full governing body meetings. By exception they may participate by phone or video conference. A person participating in this way is considered to be present at the meeting, is counted in the quorum and entitled to vote. If there are several requests to join by phone the Chair will decide on the viability of the meeting taking place.
4.6. Questions to be decided at a governing body meeting will be determined by a simple majority of governors present and voting. The Chair, or governor acting as Chair, will have a casting vote.
4.7. Governors are required to declare at the outset of the meeting any personal or financial interest over and above the interests of other governors or staff.
4.8. All meetings of the full governing body or other meetings which are convened for governors will be minuted.
5. Accountability
5.1. The governing body has delegated authority from and is accountable to the RNIB Charity Trustee Board. Reporting is via the full governing body meeting minutes which go to RNIB Places Board each term.
5.2. The two RNIB governors also provide a direct link with the RNIB Places Board, of which they are members.
5.3. The governing body is also accountable to Ofsted, in that it must provide evidence of its effectiveness in discharging its responsibilities and how it supports high standards and school improvement. In the current (2016) inspection framework, this is part of the judgement on Leadership & Management.
Version control / This is version 1.0, effective from October 2016Classification / Public – no special handling needed
Author / Deborah McManamon
Appendix A: The Role of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the Governing Body
The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by the governing body from among the currently serving governors, with all governors having a vote.
Ex-officio, staff governors or other employees of RNIB are not eligible to serve as Chair or Vice-Chair.
The role of the Chair is to lead the Governing Body and to work collaboratively with the ex-officio governors and clerk to the governing body to ensure that the Governing Body discharges its responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner. The Chair has a number of specific responsibilities:
· To establish and foster an effective relationship with RNIB and the establishment head based on trust and mutual respect for each other’s roles
· To agree meeting agendas, together with the Clerk, taking account of the recommendations of the head and requests from other governors
· To ensure that meetings are run effectively, focusing on priorities and making the best use of time available
· To ensure that all members have an equal opportunity to participate in discussion and decision-making
· To ensure that decisions taken are understood and implemented
· To co-ordinate the governing body role in Ofsted Inspections.
· To represent the school in public events and parents' meetings and on other occasions as necessary
· To represent the Governing Body on the selection panel for establishment heads and deputy heads.
· To input into the performance management review of the establishment head, on the invitation of their line manager.
· To act or make decisions on behalf of the Governing Body in matters of urgency, where it would not be possible to convene a full governing body meeting (see below).
· To lead the Governing Body in reflecting on its own performance.
The role of the Vice-Chair is to deputise for and act as Chair in the Chair’s absence.
Dealing with Urgent Issues
From time to time there will be issues which arise which will require 'Chair's Action'. When they meet the Chair and Headteacher may decide that an issue can't wait until the next governing body meeting; or there may be a sudden change in events that demands an immediate decision.
The Chair should check:
· Is the governing body / Chair actually needed to make the decision (or is it in fact a decision within the Headteacher's authority)? If the answer is 'no' then the Headteacher should take the decision and there is no need for Chair's Action.
· Is it critical that action / a decision is taken before the next scheduled governing body meeting? If the answer is 'no' then the item should be put on the agenda for the next meeting, and there is no need for Chair's Action.
· Can a special meeting of the governing body be convened in time? If the answer is 'yes' then a special meeting should be convened - NB check that it will be quorate.
· If time allows attempt to canvass the opinion of other governors by phone / email, explain that you are taking Chair's Action but wish to take account of their views. You may wish to set a deadline for hearing back from governors. Depending on the nature of the issue you may also wish to inform governors of your Action / decision.
· Report the action taken at the next full governing body meeting so that it can be recorded. Depending on the issue, governors may wish to take further or different action.
Representing the Governing Body
The Chair is expected to represent the Governing Body on the selection panel for establishment heads and deputy heads, however if the Chair is not available or does not wish to do so then another governor may be appointed. From time to time the Chair may be asked to attend school events to represent the governing body, such as an Assembly or meeting for parents.