RNIB Pears Centre Accessibility Policy
- To ensure that each person's needs are recognised and each has an equal opportunity, irrespective of colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender or disability to realise his or her potential.
- To ensure that none of our pupils or students experience inconvenience, indignity or discomfort or lose educational/social opportunities.
- To ensure that all pupils and students have equal access to all school activities according to their age, and subject to any restrictions in accordance with medical advice.
- To apply the concept of reasonable adjustment within the existing school building for pupils with additional needs.
Definition of 'disability' under the Equality Act 2010:
In the Act, a person has a disability if:
- They have a physical or mental impairment
- The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal day-to-day activities.
- To produce an Accessibility Action Plan that sets out a framework for responding objectively to the specific needs of each young person and to enable forward planning to anticipate their changing needs.
- To present a report on the Accessibility update to the Governors.
- To include accessibility awareness in SLT meetings for dissemination to staff.
- Responding to the individual needs of all young people with disabilities.
- Providing equality of access to specialist support and expertise throughout the time each young person attends the School.
- To be aware of changing trends within the School population, for example in relation to medical and therapy needs, mobility, communication and additional support.
- To be aware of the cultural, religious or ethnic needs of each young person and to have strategies for meeting these needs.
- All staff to be aware of the individual learning needs of each young person and to have strategies to provide an appropriate level of support in a variety of settings.
- To pay a close regard to the rights and dignity of each young person.
- The school buildings and grounds to be planned and where necessary, adapted to facilitate accessibility, safety, independence, achievement, equality and dignity for all.
- The individual programmes and plans of each young person to be reviewed on a termly basis, evaluating targets and teaching strategies, aids, equipment and any changing circumstances and needs.
- Opportunities to be included in the annual staff training schedule to enable staff to extend their knowledge and understanding of disability issues and the multi-disciplinary approach.
- To provide regular training in manual handling, child protection and health and safety issues.
- To include regular opportunities for staff to increase their understanding of the implications of visual impairment and additional disabilities.
- To work proactively with other agencies, families and statutory authorities, keeping them informed of the school’s policies relating to complaints, equal opportunities, child protection and health and safety.
Relation to school aims
- To create a positive, safe, caring, environment where every person is valued and respected as an individual.
- To ensure that each person's needs are recognised and each has an equal opportunity, irrespective of colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender or disability to realise his or her potential.
- To promote self-esteem, confidence and awareness.
- To encourage pupils to enjoy learning and to develop their capabilities to learn skills for life.
- To provide a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum within the framework of the national Curriculum.
Delivery and planning of activities - Class Teacher
Monitoring - AHT
Maintain knowledge of individual needs - Class Teacher
Production of IEP - Class Teacher
Monitoring IEP - AHT
Maintenance of site and buildings - Facilities Manager
Additional reference to be made to:
- RNIB Accessibility Policy (iSite)
- RNIB Venue Accessibility Guidelines (iSite)
Agreed by SLT
Signed: A Farrell
Date: 21 September 2017(revision policy)
Reviewed Dates / Amendments
March 2015 / none
December 2016 / None
March 2017 / Addition on the concept of reasonable adjustment.
Deletion of multiple disabilities visual impairment.
21 September 2017 / No change
School Accessibility Plan 2017/18
Aim / Current good practice / Objectives / Actions / Lead / TimescaleIncreased access to the curriculum / Curriculum is tailored to suit the need of the young people and subject to ongoing review / Ensure young people are engaged and continue to make progress against challenging targets / Ensure the effectiveness of the curriculum models / SLT / Summer 2018
Improve and maintain access to the physical environment / New building was opened in 2012 was specifically designed to meet the needs of all learners / There are no access issues although there are plans to improve the outside play areas to improve the provision / Complete the planned improvements and assess positive impact on learning / SLT and Facilities Team / Summer 2018
Feature / Description / Action / Responsible / Timescale
Number of floors / Stairs are kept clean, tidy and free from obstruction at all times / Maintain and ensure access / Site supervisors / Ongoing
Corridor access / Corridors are wide with parking bays for wheelchairs and standing frames / Ensure equipment does not block corridor / Headteacher / Ongoing
Lifts / Service level agreement in place for maintenance / Review service annually / Site supervisors / Ongoing
Parking bays / Disabled parking bays marked / None required / Site supervisors / Ongoing
Entrances / Automatic front doors, enclosed lobby / None required / Headteacher / Ongoing
Hoists / All rooms have hoists. / Ensure service every 6 months / Site supervisors / Ongoing
Toilets / All hygiene areas have hoists. Toilets have disabled access and alarms / Ensure service every 6 months / Site supervisors / Ongoing
Reception area / Accessible to wheelchair users / None required / Headteacher / Ongoing
Internal signage / Large signs in place / None required / Headteacher / Ongoing
Emergency escape routes / Fire evacuation plan in place / Ensure weekly testing of system and maintenance / Site supervisors / Ongoing