March 6, 2013

Present: Al Adams, Shane Leer, Linda Justinen, Jodi Beckner, Cheryl Goodwin, Stacy Perkins, Claire Melmoth, Billy Rodger, Barb Rauch, Trisha Datema, Lisa Perkins

Absent: Bob Goodwin, Shelly Daly, Toni Alexander, Rick Moore

Al Adams called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.

Executive and Directors reviewed the February 5, 2013 meeting minutes prior to this meeting.

Ø  Billy Rodger moved to adopt the minutes as posted on the website from the February 5, 2013 executive meeting, Lisa Perkins seconded. CARRIED


Treasurer – Linda Justinen: Submitted treasurers report via email. There were no questions or concerns about the treasurer’s report.

Ø  Linda Justinen moved to adopt the treasurer’s report as presented. Billy Rodger seconded. CARRIED

Linda has nominated Tanis Gehrke-Mofford in the “Kraft Hockey Goes On” contest for her tremendous contributions to the Minor Hockey programs in Rocky Mountain House. The top 100 finalists will be eligible to win one of five prizes of $100,000.00 for their Minor Hockey Association. $20,000 will be awarded to the Associations of the next twenty runners up. If Tanis is a finalist all members are encouraged to vote for her online at www.krafthockeygoeson.com on March 23 and 24.

Fund Raising Director – Claire Melmoth: Not much going on, just a few teams finalizing sport boards for the end of the season.

Tykes & Dynamite Director – Billy Rodger: The home tournament went well. Received lots of compliments from attending teams. Elyse Morin would like to have a meeting next week to review the Initiation Program from this year.

Novice Director – Trisha Datema: Teams are in playoffs. One team is out; the other two are still playing. Once teams lose a series, they are no longer in playoffs.

Atom Director – Stacy Perkins: Nothing to report at this time.

Pee Wee Director – Shelly Daly: Shelly was absent. No report was submitted.

Bantam Director – Cheryl Goodwin: End of season has been rough for the Bantam B team. Some issues with another team has lead to the necessity of calling in outside referees.

Midget Director – Barb Rauch: Concerned about lack of home ice for the Midget B team this season. They definitely did not use their share of ice due to scheduling issues with NCMHA.

Ø  Barb Rauch moved to refund each player on the Midget B team money (amount to be calculated based on shorted ice time) for the deficiency in home games this season. Cheryl Goodwin seconded. CARRIED.

Midget B teams – if there is only one team in the B division, they will have to alternate seasons between the two B team sponsors (Home Hardware, and Taqa North).

President – Al Adams: After the AGM on Tuesday March 12, we will hold an Executive and Directors meeting in April where the current board members and new board members will attend.

Vice President – Shane Leer: We are very short on pucks still. More pucks have been ordered. As teams finish playoffs they should meet their director to hand in equipment. All jerseys must be washed, and have the letters removed. Teams are required to do their own first aid kit inventory. Once equipment is turned in and deemed complete by director, equipment deposit cheques will be returned to the team.

Note to teams – it is highly recommended that locker combinations be changed at the beginning of the season to avoid losing equipment.

Ø  Shane Leer made a motion for RMHA to purchase 1 set of white jerseys to match our existing jerseys for each division. Billy Rodger seconded. CARRIED.

Shane received a letter from Tanis Gehrke-Mofford requesting that she use the RMHA website to advertise her Power Skating clinics.

Ø  Linda Justinen moved to allow hockey development related advertising on the RMHA website. Billy Rodger seconded. CARRIED.

Registrar – Claire Melmoth: More time has been spent preparing the online registration, basically just waiting for registration fees to be set for the upcoming season. Claire would like to attempt to find a sponsor willing to pay the online payment fees which is 3 to 4% of the entire registrations paid.

Office Manager – Toni Alexander: Nothing to report at this time.

Coach Coordinator – Bob Goodwin: Bob was absent. Report given by Cheryl Goodwin: There have been a few coaching issues lately, but all have been dealt with accordingly. Would like to consider bringing in an evaluator from Calgary to assist and improve our evaluation process for the 2013/14 hockey season.

Referee In Chief – Rick Moore: Rick was absent. Al Adams requested a discussion regarding paying an honorarium to the Referee in Chief. After the discussion, this idea was tabled until the next meeting.

Clinic/Risk Manager – Lisa Perkins: Hockey Alberta came and put on a specialty skills course for coaches. 16 coaches attended. There is a goalie player/coach clinic coming up.

NCMHA – Al Adams: Still working on having more cross over games with other leagues next season. The scheduler position contract is up this year, may have a new scheduler next season. NCMHA is considering cutting out consolation rounds in playoffs and shortening the season by one week. They are also considering scheduling more league games to help lessen tournament play, and therefore lessen game rescheduling.

WCMHA – Trisha Datema: Novice is currently in playoffs, some teams are already finished. Dynamites are finishing their regular season. Would like to find a new RMHA rep for WCMHA.

New Business:

- Tanis Gehrke-Mofford presented a summary of the success of the grocery card program for several teams this year, as well as a summary of the Coach Mentorship program this season.

- Tanis presented information from “Professional Hockey Development”. This company is proposing to come assist with our evaluations for next season while still fully utilizing our volunteer evaluators. The coach coordinator will gather further information.

- Moving forward with the year round grocery card program, Tanis has found two volunteers to assist her with the organization of the program.

Rocky Minor Hockey Annual Awards:

Junior coach of the year – nominations: Tim Boksteyn, Emily Melmoth, Clayton Obdam, Tyler Pidherney, Malcolm Mackie. Winner: Tim Boksteyn

Coach of the year – nominations: Joe Chamberlain, Blaire Hirsch, Dave McLaughlin, Dean Wedge, Elyse Morin. Winner: Dean Wedge.

Long time coach – nominations: Clint Robinson, Doug Laut, Richard Daychief, Stacy Perkins, Glenn Roberts, Allan Adams, Shane Leer. Winner: Clint Robinson.

Manager of the year – nominations: Rhonda Adrian, Jayme Baird, Jodi Beckner, Shannon Brown. Winner: Rhonda Adrian.

Volunteer of the year – nominations: The Melmoth Family, Elyse Morin. Winner: Elyse Morin.

Long time volunteer – Linda Justinen, Barb Rauch, Allan Adams, Stuart Stone, Shane Muyres, Stacy Perkins. Winner: Linda Justinen

Safety Trainer of the year: No team has a Safety Trainer registered. There will be no Safety Trainer of the year award this season.

The next RMHA Executive meeting is set for April 9th, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Arena meeting room.

Ø  Cheryl Goodwin made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:27pm. Claire Melmoth seconded. CARRIED.

Minutes recorded by Jodi Beckner, RMHA Secretary

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