MINUTES – Service Management Forum (SMF)

DATE: / Tuesday, 27 June 2017
TIME: / 11.30 AM – 1.00 PM
LOCATION: / Videoconference / Teleconference.
Contact: /


Attendees / Company
Byron Baynham / AGL
Robert Gubbins / CGI Technologies & Solutions
Donna Baldwin / Energex Limited
Robert Cahill / Ergon
Rob Wilson / Jemena
Mark Perlow / Energy Australia
Ralph Becker / APA Group
Donna Baldwin / Energex
Brad Dore / RioTinto
Hans Geissler
Alan Ford / Stanwell
Tim Larby / Hydro Tasmania
Ralph Becker / APA Group

AEMO Attendees:

Tim Daly (Chair), Catherine Fetherstonhaugh (Secretariat), Kant Uppal, Colin Wright, Luke Barlow, Janet Mengel, Nick Merambeliotis, Lionel Russell, Lenard Bull.

1. Welcome and Apologies

Tim Daly (Chair) welcomed participants to theService Management Forum (SMF).

2. Confirm agenda

The agenda was confirmed without any additions.

3.Authorised Contacts

Kant Uppal (AEMO) provided an update on the Authorised Contact project as discussed in the previous forum, noting that work is approximately forty percent complete.

In future, AEMO is looking to allow participants to update their contact information via the portal however currently manual updates are being performed by AEMO.

Tim Daly (AEMO) added that AEMO is proactively reaching out to participants registered in its markets to validate designated information technology contacts. Tim encouraged participants to reach out to the AEMO Support Hub if they have any queries or concerns regarding their organisations Authorised Contacts.

4.Power of Choice & Oracle 12c Upgrade Project

Lenard Bull (AEMO) noted the large programme of work currently underway in support of Power of Choice (PoC), adding that the large volume of work is affecting AEMO’s ability to schedule planned outages on pre-production systems. Lenard noted that AEMO has been making best endeavours to minimise outages, and move towards a set outage window of Wednesday afternoon where operationally possible.

Lenard noted that the PoC programme has a week-long outage occurring from the 31 July to 7 August, to complete a refresh of the pre-production system to finalise the Shared Market Protocol (SMP) changes. Lenard added that a notice will be sent to market participants to advise them of the outage as it approaches.

Looking ahead for Power of Choice, Lenard noted that the scheduledtimeline in preparation for the Go-Live of PoC on December 1 is a firm date, and participants will need to work with AEMO in preparation for this date.

Lenard noted that in preparation for Power of Choice, AEMO is engaged in a large programme of work to update its internal systems, including MSATS and the B2B e-Hub. Oracle is being upgraded to version 12C, with participants notified of Oracle outage timeframes in mid-July 2017.

Lenard encouraged participants to contact AEMO via the support hub at if they have any questions regarding IT systems availability and timelines.

Lenard took an action to clarify AEMO’sintentions for backward compatibility of retired schemas and communicate this back to the SMF. (Action Item 6.4.1)

5. Active Directory Phase Three & Shared Market Protocol

Janet Mengel (AEMO) provided an update on the Active Directory Upgrade project, noting that considerable progress has been made since the last meeting. In preparation for participant’s data migration, Janet noted that Paul Munslow (AEMO) has been appointed as Project Manager to oversee this work.

Janet explained that participants will be provided with a list detailing their current log in details, and then be contacted individually by AEMO to update the information. Janet reiterated the importance of having IT contact details with AEMO up to date, as AEMO will be relying on the IT Contact List as the first point of contact for this project.

Donna Baldwin (Energex) queried the timeline over which this projects occurring. Janet clarified that testing will commence in quarter three, with the migration occurring in quarter four.

Janet noted the work AEMO is undertaking in preparation for cloud migration. Janet took the opportunity to seek feedback from participants regarding their own experiences regarding cloud readiness, and encouraged participants to get in touch via their coordinators if they would like to share any learnings.

6.Next six months view on Market Releases

Suman Nerella (AEMO) touched on key dates and the high level timeline for the Electricity Market Management Systems (EMMS) for the remainder of 2017. Details surrounding the projects outcomes and tentative dates can be found on Handout Three as appended in the meeting pack.

Suman advised meeting participants that the Market Systems User Group (MSUG) release group holds regular meetings to discuss technical specifications relating to market releases. Participants wishing to get involved in these meetings should contact or alternatively get in touch via the SMF mailing list.

Suman noted that participants can access upcoming release schedules and technical specifications on AEMO’s website at: under Release Schedules > EMMS.

7.Presentation on Data Quality and Data Management Policies

Luke Barlow (AEMO) ran through the presentation provided to participants prior to the meeting.

Mark Perlow (Energy Australia) queried if there are any statistical measures of data quality that AEMO produces or reports on. Luke explained that AEMO Real Time Operations reports on incorrect SCADA data provided by TNSP’s that impacts the electricity market and this report is automatically produced.

Nick Merambeliotis (AEMO) added that in relation to Meter Data Providers (MDP’s), AEMO provides a consolidated report across all providers which highlights the quality of data sent through to AEMO. AEMO also reports back to distributors on the quality of standing meter data provided to facilitate market transactions however this information is not shared publically.

Mark Perlow noted that as PoC progresses towards implementation, the quality of data shared amongst industry will be more important. When it comes to clarifying which data is correct, Mark queried if there is further information AEMO can share with the market in the aim of enhancing existing data quality. Lenard Bull (AEMO) noted as part of the PoC cutover, AEMO will provide a programme team to support market participants in clarifying any data disputes. Nick Merambeliotis (AEMO) added that on boarded meter coordinators for PoC have gone through stringent accreditation processes to ensure they the appropriate systems to transact with high quality data.

8.Service Management Portal Update

Kant Uppal (AEMO) provided an update on the progress of the Service Management Portal project. Kant noted that this project has now commenced, and AEMO will be seeking to engage with participants over the next three to six months to complete testing. Initially, the portal will be opened to members of the Service ManagementForum for testing purposes and to provide feedback to AEMO on usability and functionality.

Kant noted that AEMO will communicate with participants via the SMF as the project progresses.

6.Next Meeting

The next Service Management Forum meeting will held on 4October 2017.


Service Management Forum Action Items

Items raised at meeting 6 – 27June 2017.

Item / Topic / Action required / Responsible / Due By / Status/Comments
6.4.1 / Retired Schemas – Specifically R36 / Clarify AEMO intention for backward compatibility / Lenard Bull / 28 07 2017
6.4.2 / Outage Communications / Advise what AEMO will do to improve on outage communications / Kant Uppal / 28 07 2017