Patel Center for Global Solutions

University of South Florida

Global Schools Project

Crisis Negotiation in the Brazilian Rainforest

Intended Grade Level

Grade 9-12. Lesson emphasizes Role Play, Problem Solving, Writing for Understanding, Persuasive Writing.

Infusion/Subject Area(s)

Law Studies, Court Procedures, Legal Systems

National Curriculum Standards

III. Culture

IV. People Places and Environments

V. Individuals, Groups and Institutions

VI. Power, Authority and Government

IX. Global Connections

X. Civic Ideals and Practices

I. Instructional Objective

Students will develop an understanding of prison conditions outside of the United States, particularly in Brazil. Students will develop persuasive writing skills. Students will improve their understanding of perspective consciousness.

II. Concept/Main Idea of Lesson

Students will understand the various forces that come into play in the prison system, as well as some of the conditions that inmates live under.

III. Learning Activities Sequence

a. Students will look at a map of the world and locate Brazil. Students will look at a map of Brazil and locate the city of Ji-Parana, some 2,150 kilometers (1,335 miles) northwest of Sao Paulo.

b. Learning Activities: Students will read the stories “Four killed in prison riot in remote Amazon jungle state” and “Human beings, Not animals - Brazils Prison Conditions” (see references) aloud and discuss the issues in teams of five (hereafter referred to as Home Groups). Students will be assigned one of the five roles (see materials and resources). Students will leave their Home Group and move into new groups based on their role (hereafter referred to as Specialty Groups), so that all of the role #1’s are together, all of the #2’s are together, etc. Within the student’s specialty groups, students will read their role assignment and discuss the important items to include. They will compile a list of important issues, but will not write the letter/speech yet. After students have had enough time to compile a list of issues important for each role, they return to their Home Group and share their responsibility with their Home Members. The Home Group Members will make recommendations to each of the members lists, making it slightly unique from the original list compiled in Specialty Groups. Each student will then write their letter or speech. Minimums and maximums could be set such as ½ -1 page in length. After all of the letters/speeches are written, each group will read their letters aloud, first announcing what role they are reporting for. Each group should read their letters until all groups have gone.

c. Closure: Students will discuss their opinion on the US prison conditions, including any personal insight known due to acquaintances spending time in jail. The instructor should make students aware of the four primary purposes of the criminal justice system I the United States: Retribution (revenge), Deterrence (discouraging others), Rehabilitation (improving the lives and thought patterns of criminals so that they can re-enter civilian life), and Incapacitation (by removing the criminal it makes society safer. What happens to the criminal is irrelevant other than that). Students should discuss whether they feel the prison system in the United States is effective at any of the four purposes, and make recommendations on how to improve the system.

IV. Evaluation

Students will be assessed based on the fullness of their letter/speech and its ability to meet its prescribed goal. Extra points might be assigned for creative presentation and fully getting into the “role”. Recommended grading includes:

Grade Responsibilities Completed

A Met all of the role requirements listed, plus added other important issues not identified on the role sheet but logically important to the issue. Assumed the character of the role sheet when presenting material by including voice fluctuation and intensity. Able to explain the needs of the individual covered in great detail and able to defend the characters needs.

B Met all of the role requirements listed on the role sheet. Tried to assume the character when presenting their material. The student uses voice fluctuation and intensity when presenting. Able to explain the characters specific needs.

C Met some of the role requirements listed on the role sheet and did not assume character when presenting their material. No additional character personification included in presentation.

D Met few of the requirements of the role sheet and presentation lacked all character acting. No voice modification; little understanding of the material.

E Refused to participate

V. Materials and Resources

Role Sheet #1

You are the Prison Warden. You must write a letter to the public explaining the conditions in the prison now that it is under the control of the inmates and the condition of the hostages. You must assure the public that the public is not in danger, but at the same time convey the seriousness of the situation. You are ultimately responsible for the prison. You also must convince the public and government to help you and the other hostages get out safe. You must walk a fine line between getting assistance and creating panic.

Role Sheet #2

You are a senior prison guard who maintains the remaining half of the facility still under government control. You participated in the attempt to maintain control of the prison through force. You fired on prisoners with assault rifles which resulted in the death of three inmates. You must write a letter to the Brazilian Department of Corrections explaining how control was lost, the current conditions, and a recommendation for regaining control. You must explain expected losses and difficulties in your recommendation, including both inmate and prison staff losses. Your paper should include a cost/benefit analysis.

Role Sheet #3

You are a parent of one of the inmates. Your son is incarcerated for grand theft, and has never acted violently. He was sentenced to 2 years and his term ends next month. You are concerned for his life and the lives of other prisoners in similar situations. You must write a plea to the government requesting compassion and care be taken in re-establishing control of the facility. You should include the dangers to inmates such as your son from both the other inmates as well of from the guards. You must convince a concerned public and anxious government to proceed with caution.

Role Sheet #4

You are the inmate responsible for taking hostages. Other inmates were listening to your advice, but there is disagreement over how to proceed. Prison conditions have been inhumane, the environment is unsafe and unhealthy, and the food is inedible. You were thrust into the leadership position after the uprising, but did not personally lead the attack not kill any guards. You want the conditions in the prison to improve, but you do not want any bloodshed on your hands. You must write a letter to the police chief on the outside making your demands for the release of the hostages. You want to accomplish as much as possible without further loss of life.

Role Sheet #5

You work for a human rights organization fighting for improved conditions in the Brazilian prison system. This incident provides your organization a perfect opportunity to draw the world’s attention to the atrocities such as overcrowding, violence by inmates and guards, inadequate medical treatment, excessive solitary confinement, and unhealthy environmental conditions. You must make a speech to the United Nations demanding action be taken to ensure Brazil improve the conditions of its prisons so that incidents like this do not occur again. Your speech must persuade other countries to put pressure on Brazil to improve its prison conditions, but must not alienate those countries that also have questionable prison conditions themselves.

VI. References

VII. Additional Suggested Readings

Readings on criticisms of United States prison systems by Amnesty International.

Consider reading and presenting information on US prisoner abuse allegations in Abu Ghurayb in Iraq.

VIII. Internet Links

IX. Suggested Images

The American Prison Society Photographic Archive records collection was acquired by the Eastern Kentucky University Archives in 1984. Images of the American prison could be viewed via internet and LCD projector.