RM Birn Amygdala connectivity and anxious temperament 1

Supplementary Information(SI) to Accompany

RM Birn, AJ Shackman, JA Oler, LE Williams, DR McFarlin, GM Rogers, SE Shelton, AL Alexander, DS Pine, MJ Slattery, RJ Davidson, AS Fox & NH Kalin

Address Correspondence to:

Ned H. Kalin (), HealthEmotions Research Institute, Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute & Clinics, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 6001 Research Park Boulevard, Madison, Wisconsin 53719 USA


Quantifying Individual Differences in the ATPhenotype

Anxiety-related behaviors elicited by the NEC challenge were unobtrusively quantified by a well-trained rater using a closed-circuit audio-visual system. Freezing was defined as a period of >3-seconds characterized by a tense body posture and the absence of vocalizations or movements other than slow head movements or eye-blinks. ‘Coo’ calls are contact or separation vocalizations that are elicited by exposure to the test cage (i.e., the ‘alone’ condition of the HIP) and suppressed by exposure to the NEC challenge (i.e., human intruder’s profile)1-4. Coo vocalizations were defined as audible calls characterized by an increase then decrease in frequency and intensity made by rounding and pursing the lips. Mean freezing duration and cooing frequency were loge and square-root transformed, respectively. Plasma cortisol (µg/dL) was quantified in duplicate using the DPC Coat-a-count radioimmunoassay (Siemens, Los Angeles, CA). Assaying procedures were highly reliable (inter-assay CV=6.6%; intra-assay CV=4.0%) and sensitive (lower detection limit=1 µg/dL). Standardized cortisol, freezing, and vocalization measures were created by linearly removing nuisance variance in age and, in the case of cortisol, time-of-day using SPSS (version 21; IBM Inc., Armonk, NY)5-8. The AT composite phenotype was computed as the arithmetic mean of standardized cortisol, freezing, and vocalization6; vocalizations were first reflected (-1 × standardized coo frequency) to ensure that larger values indicated increased reactivity to the NEC challenge.


Subjects were deeply anesthetized (15mg/kg ketamine i.m.), intubated, and positioned in a stereotactic device within the Siemens/Concorde microPET P4 scanner9. Both FDG and attenuation scans were acquired. Metabolism during the PET scan reflects the amount of FDG uptake during the preceding behavioral paradigm; regions that are more metabolically active during the NEC challenge take up more radio-labeled glucose. General anesthesia was maintained using 1-2% isoflurane gas.Images were reconstructed using standard filtered-backprojection techniques with attenuation- and scatter-correction.


MRI data were collected under anesthesia using a General Electric (GE) SIGNA 3T MRI scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) equipped with a 16-cmquadrature extremity coil. Subjects were anesthetized with ketamine (15 mg/kg i.m.), placed in a stereotactic head-frame integrated with the coil, fit with a standard GE pulse oximeter and pneumatic respiration belt, and positioned in the scanner. Immediately prior to the start of the first scan, subjects received medetomidine (30 µg/kg i.m.). Smalldoses of ketamine were administered as needed to maintain anesthesia (<15 mg/kg). Heart rate and respiration were recorded using the pulse oximeter and respiration belt, respectively. Anatomical scans were obtained with a 3D T1-weighted, inversion-recovery, fast gradient echo prescription (TI/TR/TE/Flip/NEX/FOV/Matrix/Bandwidth: 600ms/8.65ms/1.89ms/10°/2/140mm/256×224/61.1 kHz) with whole brain coverage (128 slice encodes over 128 mm) reconstructed to 0.27×0.27×0.5 mm on the scanner). Functional scans were obtained using a 2D T2*-weighted echo-planar image (EPI) prescription (TR/TE/Flip/FOV/Matrix: 2500ms/25ms/90°/140mm/64×64; 26×3.1-mm axial slices; gap: 0.5-mm; 360volumes).

Processing Pipeline

Prior to spatial normalization, brains were manually extracted from T1 images using SPAMALIZE ( Native-space, brain-extracted T1 images were linearly registered (12-df) to a pre-existing in-house macaque template6 in the stereotactic space of Paxinos and colleagues10 using FLIRT ( Images were visually inspected and averaged to create an age-appropriate, study-specific linear template (0.625-mm3). Native-space, brain-extracted T1 images were then nonlinearly registered to the template using FNIRT ( and segmented into gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) probability maps using FAST ( the accompanying figures, functional data are shown superimposed on the mean T1 image (n=89). Some figures were created using MRIcron (

Single-subject PET images were linearly registered to the corresponding native-space T1 images (6-df). The resulting transformation matrices were concatenated with those defining the nonlinear transformation to the template and used to spatially normalize the PET images. Normalized PET images were global-mean scaled within the brain using SPAMALIZE. Scaled PET and GM probability maps were spatially smoothed (4mm FWHM Gaussian).

EPI data were processed using standard techniques11-14in AFNI ( except where noted otherwise.The initial three time points were removedand data were processed to attenuate motion artifact (6-df), B0-field distortions (PRELUDE: physiological noise16, and slice-timing differences.Single-subject, native-space, brain-extracted T1 images were linearly registered to the corresponding EPI images, allowing only for shifts within the coronalplane17. The resulting transformation matrix was reversed, concatenated with the other transform matrices (see above), and used to normalize the EPI data to the rhesus MRI template (interpolated to 0.625-mm3).

To further attenuate physiological noise, average WM and CSFtime-series and their temporal derivatives were residualized from the EPI time series18. WM and CSF regions were identified by thresholding segmented T1 images. To minimize contributions from adjacent GM regions, WM was eroded by 2 voxels and CSF was limited to the lateral ventricles by multiplying single-subject CSF regions by atemplate-defined mask.

Artifact-attenuated EPI data were spatially (4mm FWHM Gaussian) and temporally (0.01- 0.1Hz) filtered. We visually verified that all datasets showed adequate EPI coverage without excess susceptibility or distortion artifacts (e.g., signal shearing or compression). Quantitatively, we verified that all datasets showed adequate temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR = mean/variance > 100) in regions vulnerable to susceptibility artifacts (e.g., orbitofrontal and medial temporal cortices)19, 20.EPI volumes with >1mm of volume-to-volume motion were censored from data analyses. As in our prior work21, ‘motion’ was defined to include estimated displacements (x, y, z) and rotations (a, b, c) over time (t) in the three cardinal planes: ((xt- xt-1)2 + (yt- yt-1)2 + (zt- zt-1)2 + (at- at-1)2 + (bt- bt-1)2 + (ct- ct-1)2)-1/2. Using this criterion, no volumes were censored for any of the young monkeys.

Quantifying IntrinsicFunctional Connectivity

Given our aims, we adopted a standard a priori seed-based approach to quantifying intrinsic functional connectivity12-14, 22-24. Seed regionsare described below. For each subject, we performed a voxelwise correlation between the artifact-attenuatedEPI time-series, averaged across the voxels defining the seed, and voxel times-series throughout the brain. Correlation maps were normalized (Fisher’s R-to-Ztransformation) and used to identify regions with consistent functional connectivity across subjects. This was done bytesting the intercept in a regression model controlling for mean-centered age and sex, equivalent to a single-sample t test (df=86).

Quality Assurance Analyses of the Default Mode Resting-State Network (DM-RSN)

For quality assurance purposes, we performed a confirmatory analysis of the DM-RSN. This network—typically including regions of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC), and lateral temporoparietal cortex—is among the most commonly assessed and reproducible RSNs in humans25 and monkeys26.Using a PCC seed (adapted from Ref.24), we performed a whole-brain connectivity analysis. The resulting map was conservatively thresholded (|t|16.0, p1.6 × 10-27, uncorrected) to maximize correspondence with prior reports employing small samples. Confirming the integrity of our approach, the topography of the DM-RSN closely resembled prior observations in the rhesus monkey24, 26(Fig. S1 and Table S1).

Assessing Motion Artifact in the Young Nonhuman Primate Study

Control analyses (df=85; controlling for mean-centered age and sex; uncorrected p-values) indicated that motion was not significantly correlated with variation in the AT phenotype (r=-.13, p=.25), Ce FDG metabolism (r=-.08, p=.45), dlPFC-Ce functional connectivity (r=.05, p=.64), or dmPFC-Ce (r=.01, p=.90) functional connectivity. This indicates that our results cannot be explained by subtle individual differences in motion artifact.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Control Analyses

Functional connectivity is a complex metric that reflects the influence of several variables, including the degree of regional coupling and temporal SNR(i.e., ‘shot-to-shot’ SNR)27, 28. To assess whether our conclusions in young monkeys were primarily due to variation in regional signal quality, we recomputed the mediation tests controlling for temporal SNR (i.e., the mean divided by the standard deviation of the time-series)20 in both the Ce seed and the prefrontal clusters. The mediation test remained similarly strong in the mPFC and dlPFC (ts<-5.22, ps<.05, Sidak-corrected, df=84) indicating that our inferences about functional connectivity cannot be explained by individual differences in signal quality.



Inclusion criteria included age (8-12 years), ability to speak and understand English, and ability to lie motionless in the scanner for 45 minutes. Exclusion criteria included: current psychosis or suicidal ideation; or a lifetime history of autism, bipolar disorder, dyslexia, fetal alcohol syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phenylketonuria, schizophrenia; or an acute/ unstable medical illness; or a chronic medical illness requiring medication; or participation in a study involving an investigational drug in the last 30 days; or MRI incompatibility (e.g., implanted medical devices). All patients met KSADS-PLcriteria for one or more current DSM-IV-TR29pediatric anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD; n=9), Separation Anxiety Disorder (n=4), Social Phobia (n=7), Specific Phobia (n=1), or Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (n=2). Twelves of the fourteen patients received two or more diagnoses. Comorbid diagnoses included another anxiety disorder (n=9), major depressive disorder (n=3), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; n=3), and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD; n=2).Most of the children received a diagnosis of GAD and/or Social Phobia (n=11). At the time of the MRI session, 4 patients were receivingpsychotropic medications to stabilize mood (n=2, fluoxetine) or treat ADHD (n=1, atomoxetine; n=1, methylphenidate).Control children had no history of mental illness based on parental responses to a verbal interview that assessed the presence of a number of disorders (e.g., ADHD, anxiety, bipolar, depressive, eating, learning/pervasive developmental, ODD, psychotic, and substance abuse).

Processing Pipeline for the Pediatric Anxiety Study

Data acquisition parameters are described in the main report. Except where noted otherwise, data reduction and analytic procedures were identical to those employed in the young nonhuman primate sample.

Assessing Motion Artifact in the Pediatric Anxiety Study

Patients (mean (SD) = .18 mm (.18)) and controls (mean (SD) = .15 mm (.11)) did not significantly differ in the mean amount of motion, t=.49, p=.63, df=26. Likewise, patients (mean (SD) = 97.1% (5.6%)) and controls (mean (SD) = 98.3% (3.5%)) did not significantly differ in the percentage-of-uncensored data, t=-.71, p=.48, df=26.

Anatomically Defining the Ce Seed in Children

The Ce seed for the pediatric functional connectivity analysis was anatomically defined using techniques similar to those previously described by our group14. Here, the location of the Ce region-of-interest (ROI) was manually prescribed by one of the authors (J.A.O.) using the same probabilistic template employed in the nonlinear spatial normalization.Visual inspection indicated that, when combined with nonlinear spatial normalization, this approach provided enhanced anatomical sensitivity and selectivity compared to the probabilistic ‘centromedial’ amygdala ROI distributed with the FSLsoftware package30. The Ce ROIprescription was derived from Ref. 31 (see Fig. 4 in the main report and Fig. S4). The ROI began 4 mm caudal to the rostral margin of the amygdala and continued in the caudal direction for 8 mm. The rostral portion of the ROI was prescribed ventral and medial to the lateral extension of the anterior commissure (AC; i.e., where the AC converges with the uncinate fasciculus). Throughout, the ROI was prescribed lateral to the optic tract and dorsal to the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle. The Ce seed was generated by spatially smoothing (1-voxel dilation, followed by 1-voxel erosion) and decimating (2-mm) the ROI. Using the spatially-normalized T1, we manually verified thatthe seed was centered on and the peak voxel in the single-subject functional connectivity map was located within the provisional location of the Ce for each child.

Confirmatory Testing in Children: Assessing the translational importance of the dlPFC-Ce and mPFC-Ce functional networks

Our analyses demonstrate that young monkeys with extreme AT are characterized by decreased functional connectivity between the dlPFC/mPFC and the Ce. To assess whether this dysfunctional pattern of intrinsic connectivity is evolutionarily conserved, we tested whether children suffering from pediatric anxiety disorders show a homologous decrease in the intrinsic functional connectivity of the Cewith the medial and/or dorsolateral PFC compared to psychiatrically-healthy control children. Specifically, we computed a between-groups t-test,thresholdedat p<.05 (df=26), corrected for the combined volume of the right dlPFC and mPFCusing the same Monte Carlo technique we employed in the young monkey analyses (Fig. S5). The location and extent of the ROIs was dictated by our results in the juvenile rhesus sample.The total volume of these two regions in the human template (22,256 mm3) was computed by summing the extent of the right dlPFC (i.e., middle frontal gyrus rostral to the slice where the caudate and putamen are present in both hemispheres) and bilateral mPFC (i.e., anterior division of the cingulate gyrus and paracingulate gyrusbelow the dorsal border of the corpus callosum and 8mm rostral to the genu of the corpus callosum) masks in the Harvard-Oxford probabilistic atlas distributed with FSL (>25% probability; HarvardOxford-cort-maxprob-thr25-2mm.nii). Several follow-up analyses were conducted. In particular, we re-computed the t-test while controlling for nuisance variance in mean-centered age and sex separately for each group (p<.05, corrected).For descriptive purposes, we also extracted mean connectivity from the right dlPFC cluster and re-computed the t-test after excluding the 4 medicated patients. The decrease in dlPFC-Ce connectivity observed in the complete pediatric sample (t=4.00, p<.001uncorrected, df=26) remained significant in the medication-free sample (t=3.62, p=.002uncorrected, df=22). Likewise, the decrease in dlPFC-Ce connectivity observed in the complete pediatric sample remained significant after controlling for individual differences in mean-centered motion (Group: t=4.09, p<.001 uncorrected, df=25; Motion: t=1.16, p=.29 uncorrected, df=25) or percentage-of-uncensored data (Group: t=4.17, p<.001 uncorrected, df=25; Percentage Data: t=1.51, p=.23 uncorrected, df=25), confirming that our results were not driven by subtle differences in motion.

A Note on Structural and Functional Connectivity

We suggest that the dlPFC-Ce functional network could reflect a dlPFC-Bmc-Ce structural pathway. In particular, we note that the dlPFC projects to a region of the dorsal Bmc that lies within a few millimeters of the Ce32-35. While these modest projections are sometimes characterized as “weak,” recent mechanistic work indicating that numerically modeststructural projections can support robust functional connectivity36. This is in accord with other kinds of evidence demonstrating that modest structural projectionscan have profound consequences for brain function. For example, lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) lesions are sufficient to produce blindness and abolish visual responses in primary visual cortex (V1), despite the fact that direct LGN-V1 connections constitute less than 10% of all V1 afferents37. Taken with evidence that the Ce and Bmc are densely interconnected35, the possibility exists that the dlPFC-Ce functional network that we identified is anatomically supported by a dlPFC-Bmc-Ce structural pathway.



Fig. S1. The macaque homolog to the default mode resting state network (DM-RSN). The topography of the network closely resembles prior observations in small samples (ns 12) of anesthetized macaques. Inset shows the posterior cingulate seed (turquoise) used in this analysis (adapted from Ref. 24). The underlying brain is the average of the 89 spatially-normalized T1-weighted MRIs. Abbreviations—FEF: frontal eye fields (area 8 in the vicinity of the arcuate sulcus); L: left hemisphere; PFC: prefrontal cortex; R: right hemisphere; STG: superior temporal gyrus.

Fig. S2. Prefrontal-Ce connectivity predicts Ce metabolism in young monkeys. Left: Figure depicts localminima (negative peaks; shown in purple) for the regression in which voxelwise functional connectivity was used to predict Ce metabolism. This revealed severalregions, including the dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC) and medial PFC(mPFC). The mPFC cluster spanned two local minima: a posterior(post.) peak in the left pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pgACC)and an anterior (ant.) peak in the vicinity of the right rostral sulcus.Right: Green line indicates the location of a coronal slice throughthe anterior mPFC peak, which lies at the intersection of thefrontopolar cortex (area 10M), gyrus rectus (area 14M), androstral sulcus principalis (area 46). Brain is the mean of 89 normalized T1-weighted images. L: left; R: right.

Fig. S3. Scatterplots for prefrontal regions where the strength ofintrinsic functional connectivity with the Ce significantly predicts variation in Ce metabolism and AT in young monkeys. For illustrative purposes, scatter plots depict the partial correlations between functional connectivity and metabolism for the cluster averages. The prefrontal regions are depicted in green in Fig. 3a in the main report. Regressions controlled for nuisance variation in mean-centered age and sex. Axis labels indicate the minimum, maximum, and interquartile range (25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles). Partial correlation coefficients computed using an alternative robust regression technique8 are shown to the right of each scatter plot.