February 5, 2013

Board Chair McVicker called the February 2013 business meeting to order at 5:00 PM in the Authority’s meeting room.

Directors Present: Carolyn McVicker, Anne Price, and Sean Lambert. Doug Kellow arrived later as noted. Dick Carter was excused.

Guests Present: Betty Robinson, Larry Rouse, Ielean Rouse

Staff Present: Tony Owen


A.  01/08/13 Business Meeting Minutes


Director Lambert moved to approve the 01/08/13 Business Meeting Minutes. Director Price seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

B.  01/22/13 Special Meeting Minutes


Director Price moved to approve the 01/22/13 Special Meeting Minutes. Director Lambert seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.


A.  Accounts Payable: 01/14, 01/30 and 02/05/13.


Director Lambert moved to approve the payables for 01/14, 01/30 and 02/05/13. Director Price seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Director Kellow arrived.

B.  Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Mr. Owen reported that the water and sewer revenues for this fiscal year are right on track with what was budgeted.

C.  Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Budget Calendar

Mr. Owen provided a Budget Calendar and inquired about any schedule conflicts.

Mr. Owen stated that in the Audit Report for last fiscal year there was a comment by the auditors that the LB1 did not match the Resolution. Mr. Owen continued that Oregon Budget Law allows for the Board of Director’s to make adjustments to the Budget after the Budget Committee has approved the Budget as long as it is within $5,000 of what was appropriated for the fund or 10%, whichever is greater.

Mr. Owen said that the Budget Calendar was set up with Budget Adoption at the end of June, so that there would be time if the Board needs to make changes.

Mr. Owen continued that he would again contact the auditors about the comment being on the report.


Mr. Owen presented some options for the WWTP In-Plant Pump Station and requested of the Board to declare an emergency to forego some of the bidding formalities to get things done quicker and less costly due to the rental equipment that is currently being used.


Director Kellow moved to declare an emergency under ORS 179A.060 to dispense with the contractual bidding formalities as allowed under our bidding rules, OAR 137-047-0280 and ORS 279B-080, in the matter of expediting the purchase of a replacement lift station pump for the In-plant Lift Station at PCJWSA. Director Price seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Owen said that SDAO has DVD’s available on Board training covering different facets of the responsibilities of a Board administering a Special District. Mr. Owen continued that this training would tie in with the SDAO “Best Practices” assessment. Mr. Owen asked if the Board would consider this beneficial and if they would prefer to have special meetings or do smaller segments during regular meetings. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Owen reported that he would be gone for a few days in May.

Mr. Owen stated that district elections are on the May Special Election. Directors Price, Kellow and Carter are up for re-election.

Mr. Owen reviewed the materials he had distributed to the Board.


A.  Airport Lift Station

Mr. Owen detailed the progress of the Airport Lift Station Project.


Ielean Rouse thanked and commended Tony Owen and Carolyn McVicker for their presentation about PCJWSA at the Pacific City – Woods CPAC meeting. Ms. Rouse continued that the presentation was very informative and several attendees commented that they had no idea what was involved in PCJWSA’s operations and that it was the best meeting ever. Ms. Rouse invited the Board and staff to the next meeting on February 16 at 10:30 a.m. with guest speaker Representative David Gomberg, hoping that one of his topics would be infrastructure.

Mr. Owen said that he had been in contact with DEQ and found out that there are some State funds that may be available to facilities that are trying to stay ahead of the curve and need money before they go out of compliance. Mr. Owen continued that PCJWSA may be eligible for some low-interest money and will be meeting with the administrator on February 21st.

Larry Rouse said that he was glad to know that PCJWSA’s funds were being monitored and that there may be options in obtaining future funding. Mr. Rouse continued that the cities of Yachats and Ashland are the two communities in Oregon that have a sales tax; Yachats revenue was going to pay for a wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Rouse asked if there could be a special tax district set up in this area.

Mr. Owen explained that according to statute this board has all the powers of a city including the power to levy taxes. Mr. Owen continued that since this area was unincorporated, he didn’t know how far the authority would go in levying a sales tax.


The recess for Executive Session convened at 5:27 PM.

A.  ORS 192.660 (2) (h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigations likely to be filed and

B.  ORS 192.660 (2) (i) to review and evaluate the employment-related performance of the chief executive officer of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff member who does not request an open hearing.


The regular business meeting reconvened at 5:46 PM.


Mr. Owen asked which Board members would be available to meet with Chris, DEQ SRL Administrator on February 21st.

Director Kellow said he would not be able attend the March 2013 meeting.


Director Price commented on the great job that Tony and Carolyn did at the CPAC meeting.

Board Chair McVicker adjourned the regular meeting at 5:51 PM.

The PCJWSA Board of Directors approved these minutes on March 5, 2013, by the following votes:



Carolyn McVicker, Board Chair Tony Owen, Authority Manager

PCJWSA Board of Directors Business Meeting 02-05-13

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