Minutes from Meeting Thursday 23rd February 2017 at 1.30pm

Robert Miles Junior School

Agenda Items / Points of Discussion / Actions
1 – Apologies: / Wendy Dawson – Burton Joyce Primary
Judy Noble – St Peters Juniors Ruddington
Ann Brown – Brookside
Mat Tarrant – Jesse Grey
Marg Masters – Lady Bay
Tracey Andrews – Orston
Pam Barnard – Sutton Bonington
Janet Dobson – West Bridgford Infant School
2 - Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising / ·  Minutes from the last meeting were agreed.
3 - Update on SIMS / Scholar Pack / ·  Schools are now using Scholarpack or SIMS, depending on their preference or the preference of their MAT.
·  The LA have indicated they will be able to offer Scholarpack to schools for the same price as the SIMS licences, and Kirsty Phillips at NCC has contacted some schools with information about this.
·  The situation with online payments is similar, with schools using various systems, however Parentpay seems to be the most popular and meeting the needs of the schools who use it.
4 - Benchmarking / ·  A discussion was held on benchmarking, all schools agreed it was a useful exercise and could highlight major issues on budget spend.
·  Some schools have held benchmarking meetings in small local groups which worked well.
·  All agreed that the data is only as good as the accuracy of the input, and coding amounts to the wrong cost centre would easily distort the results.
·  Everyone knows how to use the DfE website, and one school have a governor who carries out benchmarking every year.
5 – National Funding Formula / ·  Everyone agreed school budgets are falling across the county and all are anticipating difficult decisions in the future.
6 – Apprenticeship Levy / ·  The Apprenticeship Levy is due to be paid by all schools. Some schools have employed an apprentice in the past and found it to be a good experience for the school and the apprentice.
·  Nottingham City Council had a Jobs Fund to help support the cost of an apprentice which had proven successful at Gamston school.
7 – Ofsted Inspections / ·  Unfortunately Judy Noble could not attend with feedback from the recent Ofsted inspection at St Peters, however Richard Waldron did help with discussion on what would be expected from an SBM/Office in an inspection.
·  Examples included:
The Inspector reviewing the SCR
Checking overseas checks had been carried out – evidenced by no gaps in employment on application forms
Physically checking personnel files for evidence
Ensuring Induction safeguarding, Prevent training, KCSIE paperwork and code of conduct policies are up to date
8 – Sharing best practice / ·  The group discussed best practice in schools, sharing best ideas:
Staff handbook, considered very useful, all to scan in their copies and share to the group
Training, Krista had decided to not complete the DSBM but instead to concentrate on the CIPFA account qualification which is proving to be useful for academy schools. This was arranged through Notts ASBM and Krista will share details by email.
Janet Eyers is currently studying for the DSBM.
Stage lighting, it was confirmed that this needs to be carried out annually
iPad repairs – will be carried out free at an Apple shop (nearest Sheffield)
Asset management plan, schools felt it would be useful to have a 3 year plan but budgets may not allow this to happen
9 – AOB / ·  Krista asked for someone to take over the role of Chair of the group, no-one volunteered at this time.
·  Date of next meeting was not set.