Riverside Public Schools 1:1 Laptop
2018-19 Computer Loan Agreement - Page 1 of 2
Student / Borrower Name / ConditionLaptop Serial Number (to be filled in by school personnel)
Power Adaptor( to be filled in by school personnel)
Laptop Bag (to be filled in by school personnel)
The above listed items, as well as, including a computer carrying case are being loaned to the named student and are in good working order unless otherwise indicated. It is the student’s responsibility to care for the equipment and ensure that it is retained in a safe environment. This Laptop is an important learning tool and is for educational purposes only. In order to take the Laptop home each day, the student/parent must be willing to accept responsibilities expressed herein.
The equipment is the property of Riverside Public Schools of Cedar Rapids, NE, and is being loaned to the student for educational purposes for the 2018-19 Academic School Year. Students may not deface or destroy this property in any way. Inappropriate material/files or unauthorized software on the machine may result in the student losing their right to use this computer. This computer, all files on its hard drive and network storage areas are the property of Riverside Public Schools. Administrators and/or LAN Manager may review communications/files to maintain system integrity and/or to insure that students are using the system responsibly. There is no presumption of privacy with regard to use of this computer. The equipment will be returned to the school on a date to be requested or sooner if the student is discharged from the school prior to the end of the school year.
A $30.00 non-refundable fee is assessed to cover the rental fee.
If there is damage or loss to the computer and/or accessories, the student and/or parent are responsible for the first $500.00. This does not include the $30.00 rental fee. This includes loss of/or damage to the battery, charger and carrying case as well as damage to the computer. Warranty will cover mechanical failure, however in the case of theft, loss, or total damage, the student/parent will be responsible for the first $500.00 of repairs, which is approximately a third of the laptop's value. In some cases, accidental damage may be claimed on your personal homeowners or renters insurance after your deductible is met.
If a student fails to pay the $30.00 rental fee, the student will only have access to his/her laptop during the school day. For students who qualify for free/reduced meals, the $30.00 rental fee will still be required for those students wanting 24/7 access to their laptop. Free/reduced waivers would only permit use during the school day.
Identification and inventory labels have been placed on the laptop. These labels are not to be removed or modified. If they become damaged or missing, contact the LAN Manager for replacements. Additional stickers, labels, tags, or markings are not to be added to the laptop.
It is the student’s responsibility to regularly back up his/her files to the server or jump drives.
The district is not responsible for any computer or electronic viruses that my be transferred to or from student’s jump drives or other data storage mediums and the student agrees to use his/her best efforts to assure that the district property is not damaged or rendered inoperable by any such electronic virus while in the student’s possession.
Student agrees that in the event the computer is out of his/her possession for a period of 48 hours or if the student believes the computer has been stolen, (s)he will immediately notify the Superintendent and LAN Manager who shall file a report with the Boone, Greeley or Nance County Sheriff.
The student/parent agrees to indemnify the District against any loss occurring during or resulting from the student’s possession or use of laptop, including, but not limited to any claim for infringement or violation of applicable trademarks and copyrights attributable to student’s use of District Property. The laptop may be used by the student/parent only for non-commercial purposes, in accordance with the District’s policies and rules. Any included software may be used only in accordance the applicable license and it is the student/parent’s responsibility to be familiar with and to comply with the provisions of such license.
The student and parent acknowledge and agree that student use of the laptop is a privilege and that by this agreement, the student/parent acknowledges the student’s responsibility to protect and safeguard the laptop and to return the same in good condition and repair. Upon completion of these forms the student will be issued a Laptop computer through which (s)he may engage himself/herself in his/her education this year. It is essential that these guidelines be followed to ensure the safe, efficient, and ethical operation of this computer.
Parent Responsibilities
Your son/daughter has been issued a Laptop computer to improve and personalize his/her education this year. It is essential that the following guidelines be followed to ensure the safe, efficient, and ethical operation of this computer.
- I will supervise my son's/daughter's use of the Laptop at home.
- I will discuss our family's values and expectations regarding the use of the Internet and email at home and will supervise my son's/ daughter's use of the Internet and email.
- I will not attempt to repair the Laptop, nor will I attempt to clean it with anything other than a soft, dry cloth.
- I will report to the school any problems with the Laptop.
- I will not load or delete any software from the Laptop.
- I will make sure my son/daughter recharges the Laptop battery nightly.
- I will make sure my son/daughter brings the Laptop to school every day.
- I understand that if my son/daughter comes to school without his/her computer I may be called to bring it to school.
- I agree to make sure that the Laptop is returned to the school when requested and upon my son's/daughter's withdrawal from Riverside Public School.
- I agree to pay for any fines my son/daughter incurs due to loss or damage of school equipment.
Student Responsibilities
Your Laptop is an important learning tool and is for educational purposes only. In order to take your Laptop home each day, you must be willing to accept the following responsibilities.
- When using the Laptop at home, at school, and anywhere else I may take it, I will follow the policies of the Riverside Public Schools - especially the Student Code of Conduct-and abide by all local, state, and federal laws.
- I will treat the Laptop with care by not dropping it, getting it wet, leaving it outdoors, or using it with food or drink nearby.
- I will not lend the Laptop to anyone, not even my friends or siblings; it will stay in my possession at all times.
- I will not load any software onto the Laptop.
- I will not remove programs or files from the Laptop.
- I will honor my family's values when using the Laptop.
- I will not give personal information when using the Laptop.
- I will bring the Laptop to school every day with the battery recharged.
- I agree that e-mail (or any other computer communication) should be used only for appropriate, legitimate, and responsible communication.
- I will keep all accounts and passwords assigned to me secure, and will not share these with any other students.
- I will return the Laptop when requested and upon my withdrawal from Riverside Public School.
My signature on this form accepts the usage guidelines of the Riverside Public School, and I understand that I am responsible for any damage to the laptop computer that my son/daughter is issued, up to $500, which does not include the $30 rental fee.
The District hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $30.00 from student and parent/guardian whose signatures are affixed below affirming the understanding of and agreement to, on behalf of the parent and student, to the terms and conditions of the Riverside Public Schools 2018-19 Computer Loan Agreement and of the Riverside Public Schools ACCEPTABLE USE AND INTERNET SAFETY POLICY.
Print Name of Student: ______Date: ______
Parent’s Signature: ______Student’s Signature______
Signature of School Administrator/ Designee:______
Nebraska statutes 79-737 and 79-2,127 allow the District to obtain reimbursement from, or on behalf of, students for any damage to, loss of, or failure to return school property.