CMGT 585
Spring 2017
In association with
Instructor: David Craig
Office:ASC 321A
Office Hours:5-6pm before class (on USC days)
Instructions:schedule an appointment via email; please indicate the reason; confirm that day
DESCRIPTION: In association with United Talent Agency, this class will map how media talent agencies are structured and operate and how agents represent, manage, and broker the deals between talent, intellectual properties, entertainment firms, and commercial brands. Talent includes celebrities and personalities from multiple sites, including sports and politics, and media professionals operating in front of and behind the camera in film, TV, publishing, music, and digital. We will examine how agencies help secure maximum value for intellectual properties (books, scripts, plays, life rights, and brands) throughout the entertainment industry supply chain. We will also consider how agencies are bringing their expertise to all forms of commercial and brand management, helping strategize around marketing, communication, and business strategies for firms, products, and services. We will also evaluate how agencies are helping the traditional media and entertainment industries evolve in the wake of ongoing disruption by tech, digital, and social media firms and platforms.
TRANSPORTATION: some classes will be held at UTA located in Beverly Hills at 9346 Civic Center Drive. You will be responsible for securing your own transportation.
CONFIDENTIALITY: we will be afforded privileged access to UTA and their expertise; however, this information must be limited to the classroom and your assignments and should know be shared online or outside the classroom. You will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.
- Hollywood Agenting
- Hollywood Dealmaking
- Starstruck
- Art of Immersion
- Other reading will be posted on Blackboard and is subject to change
DATE / Topics / Reading/Assignments1/11 / USC: Intro: Guest speaker
1/18 / USC; Hollywood 101; Prezumes / Post Prezume Start Blogging
Roussell articles
1/25 / USC; Group Projects, assignments / Writing business emails/proposals
2/1 / USC: Social Media Entertainment / Craig and Cunningham articles
2/8 / UTA (Asian media) / HOLLYWOOD AGENTING/ 1-10
2/15 / UTA (Business development) / HOLLYWOOD AGENTING/ 11-17
2/22 / UTA (Digital/social media) / HOLLYWOOD DEALMAKING/ 1-4
3/1 / UTA (Agency management) / HOLLYWOOD DEALMAKING/ 6-10
3/8 / USC: Case study proposals / HOLLYWOOD DEALMAKING/ 11-13
3/15 / SPRING BREAK / No reading/blog
3/22 / UTA (Talent) / STARSTRUCK
3/29 / UTA (Lit) / STARSTRUCK
4/5 / USC; Case study review / STARSTRUCK
4/12 / USC; Agency history / ART OF IMMERSION/Prologue-4
4/19 / USC; final essay exam / ART OF IMMERSION/ 5-9
4/26 / UTA; Presentations / ART OF IMMERSION/ 9-13
5/3 / At home final essay exam / Essays due by 6pm via email
20% Blog
20%Business Writing assignment
20% Case Study Presentation
20%Case Study Proposal
20%Final Essay Exam
PREZUME (Prezi + resume)
- Go to, sign up for a free educational account, take the tutorial and get started.
- Describe your life, career, school, other interest, career plans.
- SHOW and TELL. Compliment your notes with images and videos; limit text.
- Post the link to your Prezi on the class blog before class.
- DO NOT exceed 5 minutes. This means no more than 10 links.
- Find a news article online from THAT WEEK that relates to THAT WEEK’S READING.
- Write a brief description (2-3 lines) of the article and HOW IT RELATES to the reading.
- CORRECTLY cite the reading and post the link. MAKE SURE the hyperlink works.
- DO not go back to prior weeks and do not repeat someone else blog.
- Sources may include Cynopsis, Deadline, Hollywood Reporter, Variety, and others.
BUSINESS WRITING: Every student is to prepare a generic business plan including a pitch email. Details and readings tbd. Label "Name-Business plan" and post on Blackboard before 6pm.
FINAL EXAM: this will be a take home argument essay based on a question about brand, influencer, talent and IP representation in the wake of digital disruption. APA format; 2500 words. Make certain you know how to write an argument essay, including a thesis statement, claims, and ample evidence. You will need to support your argument using the lectures reading, blog posts, and guest speakers. Label "Name-585 AGENCY" and email by 6pm the day of the final. No late papers will be accepted.
CASE STUDIES: the class will be divided into groups and each group will develop, propose, conduct, and present a case study about either Asian media, business development, digital/social media, or agency management, e.g., communications, marketing, human resources. Each group will be assigned a UTA agent as a mentor. Meetings and communication guidelines should be clearly defined in advance. These mentors will also attend the final presentations and assist with grading outcomes. Each group should work closely with their advisor to determine the focus of your research, clearly-defined research strategies, methodological approaches, means for analysis, deadlines, and outputs. You may be required to conduct an interview with industry expert to supplement your own research and analysis.
PRESENTATIONS/PROPOSALS: each group will present their case study including the outcomes of their research along with a critical reflection about their management of the process, e.g., how the project, research, methods, and outputs were determined, who did what on the project, the complications and challenges you encountered, the communication strategies for group participation; and the three most important takeaways from managing this project. You should design and deliver a detailed, engaging, and polished final presentation in Prezi that accounts for their work, including defined targets, research methods and findings, strategic analysis, and conclusions, including recommended targets for representation. The entire group should present delivering a practiced, confident, and engaging performance. Length is tbd.
In addition, each group should deliver a 10-page business proposal based on their case studies. More details to be provided.
PRESENTATION: 20 points based on directions, analysis, presentation, and performance
PROPOSALS: 20 points based on clarity, style, format, and engaging design.
Late assignments/Emergencies: No late assignments will be accepted. If you have a legitimate and verifiable emergency that makes it impossible to turn in your assignment you must:
(1) email me before the beginning of class the day the assignment is due to notify me of your emergency,
(2) provide official proof (doctor’s note or other evidence) and
(3) arrange to email the assignment at a time to be determined.
Academic Conduct
- Plagiarism – presenting someone else’s ideas as your own, either verbatim or recast in your own words – is a serious academic offense with serious consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the discussion of plagiarism in SCampus in Section 11, Behavior Violating University Standards
- Other forms of academic dishonesty are equally unacceptable. See additional information in SCampus and university policies on scientific misconduct,
- Discrimination, sexual assault, and harassment are not tolerated by the university.
- You are encouraged to report any incidents to the Office of Equity and Diversity or to the Department of Public Safety
- This is important for the safety of the whole USC community. Another member of the university community – such as a friend, classmate, advisor, or faculty member – can help initiate the report, or can initiate the report on behalf of another person. The Center for Women and Men provides 24/7 confidential support, and the sexual assault resource center webpage describes reporting options and other resources.
Support Systems
- A number of USC’s schools provide support for students who need help with scholarly writing. Check with your advisor or program staff to find out more. Students whose primary language is not English should check with the American Language Institute, which sponsors courses and workshops specifically for international graduate students.
- The Office of Disability Services and Programs provides certification for students with disabilities and helps arrange the relevant accommodations.
- If an officially declared emergency makes travel to campus infeasible, USC Emergency Information will provide safety and other updates, including ways in which instruction will be continued by means of blackboard, teleconferencing, and other technology.