Rivers End Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Executive Board Meeting

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Community Clubhouse

President Blair called the meeting to order at 6:32 P.M.

Role Call: Those present were, Jerry Blair (President), Tim Bundgard (Vice President), Steven Kelch (Secretary), Russ Stanley (Treasurer), Bill Cole (Director) and Georgia Mackley (Association Manager DSI).

Proper notice was given to all Directors prior to this meeting as to time, date and location.

Minutes: Minutes from the November 19, 2015 Board meeting were emailed to all Directors. Steven moved to forgo the reading of the minutes and accept the minutes as written and sent to the Directors. Bill seconded the motion. Motion approved


Financial Report: Treasurer Russ Stanley reported the financial state of the Association was sound although the year has started off with two major expenses. Approximately $5,000 for the new water pump on Pond 9 and $3,000 for the Island Woods Dr. tree trimming. He said, as this quarters dues are fully received we will be in better shape.

The finalized 2016 budget was given to the Board. Russ moved to except the 2016 budget as proposed. Tim seconded the motion. Motion approved 5-0.

New Business: Georgia provided the Board with an update on the proposed Amendment to the CC&R’s regarding fines. She advised that 10 votes were still needed for passage and approximately 35 Homeowners have yet to respond.

The Board directed her to send out a reminder email to those Homeowners who have not replied.

Old Business: Tree trimming in the common areas began today. Done Rite Tree Service began trimming the trees around the entry waterfall and continued east on Island Woods Dr. and finished in the area of the main waterfall. They had eight workman and several pieces of equipment doing the work, which cost $3,000 for the day. Another workday will be scheduled in the coming months as funds become available.

Business Conducted Between Meetings: During the BOD meeting on November 19, 2015 it was found that the heating was not working in the Clubhouse. On November 20, 2015, Steven met with a repairman who determined the blower motor bearing was damaged and the motor had to be replaced. Repairs were made at a cost of $611.

On a 5-0 vote via email, the Board approved the removal of some dead trees in the common area behind 1142 and 1156 E Riversong Dr. On December 2, 2015, Done Rite Trees Service removed the trees at a cost of $3,000.

In early December 2015 it was noticed that the water feature on Pond 9 was not working. Further examination revealed the pump had gone out. Bids went out and the Board hired Dan’s Pumps to make the repairs. We were able to get a higher volume and quality pump for $4,580. This is about $1,000 less then the last time we had to replace this pump. The pump will not be installed until mid January 2016 when the pond thaws out enough for the diver to get into the water. The pump was installed on January 20, 2016.

On December 30, 2015, the new bridge signs that the Board purchased advising “Access to Greenbelt” and “Entering Rivers End Neighborhood” were given to Veritas Maintenance for installation. On January 13 the signs were installed.

On January 3, 2016, it was noticed that the entry waterfall was not working. It was found that the pumps had frozen and shut down the flow of water. The pumps had been placed on a timer to shut off at 11 pm and turn on again at 6 am to try to save on electrical costs. Our repairman said due to the cold weather it was best to leave the pumps on all the time during the winter. We can go back to the timers when the weather gets warmer.

On January 19, 2016, Jerry, Bill and Steven met with Gary from Done Rite Tree Service reference trimming the common area trees along Island Woods Dr. Gary had advised us at a prior meeting, that our best option was to hire his company on a per day basis as opposed to contracting for the entire subdivision. Gary advised that his crew in one day should be able to trim trees at the entry waterfall and main waterfall and from the entry to at least halfway up Island Woods Dr. and maybe more for $3,000 per day. We agreed to this cost and he said he could start the work on Thursday January 21, 2016.

Committee Reports

Architecture Committee: Steven Kelch (Chairman) advised that he had received building blueprints for Lot 32 in Phase 3. The Committee had two questions that need to be answered before approval is given. An email was sent to the Homeowner asking for additional information. The Homeowner has not yet responded.

CC&R Compliance Committee: Tim Bundara (Chairman) advised there were some monument lights out at several houses. Email will be sent out to advise the Homeowners.

Clubhouse/Pool Committee: Christine Elwer (Chairperson) was not present. Steven advised that 2Clean contract bid was the same as last year to clean the clubhouse and bathrooms.

Landscaping: Dennis Stover (Chairman) was not present. Bill advised that the landscaping crew had begun doing some clean up along Island Woods Dr.

Lights/Pumps/Ponds/Water Features: Bill Cole (Chairman) reported that new water pump for Pond 9 had been installed on January 20, 2016.

Social Committee: Joelyn Blair (Chairperson) submitted her report via Jerry and said there was nothing new to report at this time.

Welcome/Directory Committee: Lois Smith (Chairperson) was not present. DSI advised there was nothing new at this time. The Board discussed removing the Directories from this committee because all the information comes into DSI first and then given to the committee. The Board felt this was an unnecessary step to take and DSI advised this was something they could perform.

Steven advised that since we are starting a new year, he would send emails to all Committee Chairpersons, not on the Board, to confirm that they wished to continue chairing their committees.

Tabled Issues: During our recent discussion with NC Services regarding the chemical treatment of our Ponds, it was brought to our attention that there was an overflow issue on Pond 8. If this Pond gets too high, there is a channel that allows water to flow out of Pond 8 and into the slough between Island Woods Subdivision and Rivers End Subdivision. NC Services said this could prevent chemicals from being placed into Pond 8 because of the chance of getting into the slough and doing damage downstream. The Board will check for any possible erosion issues. This issue will be tabled until irrigation is started and check the water level of Pond 8 and make sure that water does not overflow out of this Pond.

Executive Session

The Board of Directors then entered into Executive Session at 7:15 P.M.

The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 31, 2016 at

2:00 P.M. at the Community Clubhouse.

Having no further business, President Blair adjourned the meeting at 7:27 P.M.

21 January 2016

Steven Kelch