Rankin County Schools

SpedTrack Helpful Hints

Spring 2015

  1. Amend – adding to

Revise – change

However, the “Amend IEP” button in SpedTrack will be used regardless if the IEP meeting is for review, revise, amend, or ESY. Every time you have a meeting with a parent you will hit the “Amend IEP” button in SpedTrack and fill out the Summary of Revision under “Other Forms” tab so we know what happened at the meeting and when the meeting took place. The statement may only say “The IEP committee reviewed the IEP and decided no changes were needed at this time.” JUST MAKE SURE TO DOCUMENT.

  1. Only hit the “Amend IEP” button if you are having a meeting.

For example, if you are adding Speech goals to the IEP. You will click “Amend IEP” and add the new goals and a new start date. You will activate after the meeting is complete and you are certain there are no more changes.

Do NOT hit the “Amend IEP” button to add something to the IEP you have forgotten or to correct a clerical error. If you realize you activated your IEP too early and you need to go back and correct spelling or punctuation, you forgot to update the people attending the meeting, or you need to attach minutes of meeting, DO NOT do another amendment. Email me and I will de-activate the IEP so you can add this information.

Remember, SpedTrack will only allow one active IEP per date. If you have two IEPs for the same date you will not be able to activate. Please try to be mindful of when you need to create an amendment to the IEP vs. when you just need me to de-activate the existing IEP.


  1. To edit a students demographic information:

Go to the main student record page and you will see green up and down arrows to the left. Right above them is an edit button. Click that button and it will allow you to change any demographic information. At the beginning of each school year, check yourstudents’ demographic information to make sure it is correct, including grade, school, address and eligibility date.. Also make sure every student has an MSIS in the system.

  1. If you are adding a new student, you have to make them both active and eligible for the IEP section to show up. If you mark the student is active and eligible pending testing, you will not be able to type an IEP because the system is waiting for you to update testing information. Also make sure to add the MSIS number.
  1. If a student who was previously with your school or another school in the district withdraws and comes back, YOU DO NOT MAKE AN AMENDMENT to the IEP the child had before he transferred. It must be set up as a new annual IEP just like any other student who moves into the district that we have never seen before. If you try to make an amendment to an inactive IEP you will NOT be able to activate.
  1. Every child must have a disability category and at least one disability needs to be marked primary for you to be able to activate. You can check this on the “Disability” tab on the student record page.
  1. When a student changes rulings, add a recovery date to original ruling and then add a new disability and mark it as primary so there is documentation of past disability categories.
  1. Right under IEP preview it says view all with a number in parenthesis next to it. If you click there you can view the original IEP also. The most current active IEP will be the only one that shows up on your dashboard screen.
  1. When you create an IEP for a student who has transferred to your school,DO NOT choose "Transfer IEP or Interim IEP." I know the student transferred in, but as a district we do not create Transfer IEPs. Always choose Annual
  1. When creating a first time IEP for a new student, choose “Initial IEP.” These would bethe student’s who are getting services for the first time (e.g. DTST or medical referrals).
  1. When you write your ESY IEP: Do an amendment to the current IEP, and then activate at the meeting.
  1. When you write an Annual IEP: Click on the current IEP and then at the top next to the activate button, click on "copy to new IEP." This will copy your current IEP over to a brand new annual. The annual review date will be the date of the meeting with the parent in May. The start and end dates will be the start and end dates of the school year.
  1. On the bottom of the participants tab there are check boxes to choose the type of IEP action. LEAVE THESE BOXES BLANK FOR AN ANNUAL IEP. Only choose from the list of Review, Revise, Amend, and ESY when you have click the “Amend IEP” button.
  1. The Summary of Revision is under the Other Forms tab in SpedTrack.
  1. When you hit the activate button the last thing listed says: “Service Providers NOT listed on this IEP that currently have access to the student,” and then it will ask you if you would like to remove them. Make sure this is marked no. If it is marked yes you will accidently delete speech, OT, or PT that has access to the IEP.
  1. If you are adding an additional service to the IEP in the middle of the year you will need to follow these steps:
  • On the IEP click on the Services/ IEP dates tab.
  • At the top click on the pencil to edit the IEP dates.
  • Change the end date of the IEP to the day before the meeting and hit save.
  • Click the green plus sign next to "New Date Range."
  • Then title the new date range and plug in the start date as the date of the meeting and the end date as the end of the school year.
  • Click on each of the services that are listed under this student to edit them. If the service has been in place since the beginning of the year, you will put a check next to both date ranges (essentially showing the service has been in place since 8/7). On the new service you will only click the date range that starts with that meeting date. So if you add speech on 11/4 you will only click the date range of 11/4 - 5/22. This shows the student did not start receiving that service until the meeting day in November.
  1. The Transition Page has its own tab in SpedTrack. This is very helpful for middle school and high school teachers since it is no longer hidden. Now that Transition has its own tab, it also gives a warning when anyone tries to activate an IEP with no information on the Transition page. Please know this is just a warning. You can continue the activation process even with this warning. This is just to let you know you left something blank that you may want to check, but it does not prevent you from activating the IEP. Just continue past the message.
  1. Progress Marks: If progress isn’t showing up under the IEP box on the student record page, click on the active IEP, the last tab you will see says Progress. Click on that tab. Under the Progress tab you will see the tabs of the different dates to mark progress. If the circle next to the date has a dot inside of it means it was skipped. You can hit the un-skip button under the date if you have skipped progress on accident. If you the circle has a check mark it means that progress has been completed by the teacher. If you have hit the complete button on accident you will see un-complete button under the date. Click there and then you can make changes to the progress again.
  1. To print progress: click on the active IEP, then choose forms at the top, and then make sure you check both IEP and Progress Report. Then you click view or print selected forms. Progress will not be marked on the actual IEP, but will be a separate form (this is so you can print just progress if you want). So when you select both IEP and Progress you will need to scroll to the end to see the actual progress report.