Rivermead Gate/Wood Street Surgery
If your children haven’t yet had the MMR vaccination, or only had one dose don’t delay. They could contract measles, mumps or rubella. There have been over 800 confirmed cases of measles in Swansea and the outbreak shows no sign of slowing down.
Adults who are unsure whether they’ve had measles or been vaccinated, particularly if they’re carers or work with children, can have the MMR vaccine on the NHS from their GP. Bear in mind that most adults born before 1970 are likely to be immune because they have probably been exposed to measles already.
Initially the government has recommended that 10 to 16 year olds will be targeted for vaccination.
Travel vaccs
Patients are required to complete a travel vaccination form, which must be returned to the practice at least 24 hours before the appointment. Forms will be reviewed by the nurse to check immunisation status and ensure to we have sufficient vaccines in stock. We cannot administer vaccinations without a complete travel form. Please remember to come in good time for your travel consultation, preferably 6 to 8 weeks before travelling.
Opening time
For security of the practice and our staff the surgery door will not be opened until 7.55 daily.
Please use the self-check-in screen. It is confidential, quick and saves time queuing at the reception desk.
Baby changing
Facilities are available opposite consulting room 5.
Partnership change
Dr Savage will be reducing his hours to work half time. His normal working days will be Tuesday at Rivermead and Friday at Wood Street.
The practice has decided to take on another full time partner who will also be a trainer of GP registrars. Dr Rajesh Yadav joins the practice in July from Laburnum Health Centre.
Our new F2 doctor is Aachal Patel who is mentored by Dr Olschner. There will be occasions when both Drs will share clinics.
Clinics at Rivermead
Child imms: Tues am
Midwife: Thur pm
Tues pm
Family planning:Fri pm
COPD: Mon pm
Wart: every 3weeks Fri pm
Blood tests:Wed am
Clinics at Wood St
Child imms: Tues am
Midwife: Mon pm
Blood tests:Wed am
Occasionally clinics run late. If you’re at the practice for more than 1hour, ask at reception for the current code to get out of the car park without charge.
This facility is for the use of the practice. Please do not ask for the code if you have not had an appointment.
Baby clinics
Rivermead patients every Wednesday 12.00-1.45pm
Please do not arrive before 11.45amas we are still running morning surgeries.
The Health Visitor will see you in order of arrival.
Wood Street patients should attend the clinic in Lilac Close on Tuesday mornings.
How to request medication:
- Post: (include a SAE)
- Email:
- Repeat prescription slip
- Request slip at reception
- Fax: 01245 458800
Include: name/DOB & medication required)
Allow 2 working days (longer if by post)to be processed.
Medication initiated by the hospital is added to your record on receipt of the clinic/discharge letter. This may take two weeks to reach the practice.
Patient Group
Would you like a say in the services we offer and be interested in becoming part of our virtual patient participation group. If so please ask at reception for a leaflet.
Test results
Are available Monday to Friday, 10.30 to 12.30. Call reception 348688, then option 2 or call direct 458829.
Ear Irrigation
You will need to put olive oil in your ears for 3/4 days before your procedure and read the ear irrigation leaflet before your appointment. Please be assured that side effects from this procedure are extremely rare.
Smear reminder!
Recommended screening frequency is every 3 years for women aged between 25 and 50 years and every 5 years from 50 to 65 years
If you have a medical form or insurance form to be completed by the doctor, please allow up to 2 weeks for it to be completed. Complex forms may take longer. Surgeries, home visits and emergencies take priority over completing forms.
Patient requests for letters that are not for NHS purposes will incur a fee payable in advance. Please allow 7 working days for this to be processed by the secretaries.
Are now available on our website & on the notice board & are on display at the reception desk.
Doctor and nurse practitioner appointments are available to book on the day by calling the surgery at 8am.
There are is an increased problem with appointments
running late. Please bear in mind that appointments are only for 10 minutes. If you need longer, please ask the receptionist for a double appointment.
You can also book an appointment up to 2 weeks in advance.
Appointments with the nurse/HCA can be made up to 4 weeks in advance.
When we are closed
For medical attention or advice:
Primecare 0844 7360276
NHS Direct:0845 4647
Walk-in-Centre 0300 123 4466
Stop & Think
A&E & 999 services are for emergency & life-threatening conditions only.
1 in 4 people treated at A&E could have been treated elsewhere in the community.
Ask yourself is it a real emergency?
If you are not sure call NHS direct or Primecare or visit your local pharmacy.
Chest pains and /or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
Blood Results
We hope that you are finding our test result line helpful.
Test results are available Monday to Friday, 10.30am-12.30pm on 458829.
INR patients may use the main line outside of these hours.
Useful contacts
Reception desks:
Wood Street: 354732
Test results: 458829
Between 10.30-12.30
Prescription emails:
*Blood tests over 12yrs. only
Newsletter 19Version 1doc. Rivermead,April2013 Our web site: