¡Bienvenidos a mi clase! I look forward to working with you this year! Below please find all of the classroom discipline procedures.
1)Have all appropriate materials on your desk and be seated when the bell rings.
2)Respect other people, equipment and school furnishings.
3)Follow directions the first time they are given.
4)Adjust your voice level to suit the activity.
5) Observe all the rules in the school handbook.
In addition to the four things listed above, I will also ask you to adhere to the following school policies:
1. No eating, drinking or gum chewing in class.
2. Sign in and out according to school policy. If you forget to sign in there may be inaccuracies to your attendance record.
3. If I see and/or hear a cell-phone, pager, etc. You may pick it up from the main office.
1. Be on time and be prepared. Arriving late is disruptive to me and to the other members of the class. Excessive tardiness will reduce your marking period grade because it reduces the amount of time that you can participate in the lessons. Please prepared and be ready to work, with all materials out as soon as the bell rings.
2. Communicate with respect. Learning a language involves taking risks. Respect is essential to this process. Therefore, I will not tolerate put downs, name-calling, negative attitudes, or inappropriate language of any kind.
3. Learn to listen carefully. Listening is one of the most important skills in language learning. Learning a language requires active listening, which is really hard work. It is impossible to listen carefully to others when you are speaking. I won't talk while you are speaking, and I expect the same in return for myself and for others in the class.
If you choose not to do the above things, this is what will happen:
- -First offense: verbal warning.
- -Second: 15 minute detention with me at my convenience.
- -Third:30 minute detention with me at my convenience.
- -Additional offenses: School detentions through the main office.
- -Persistent behavior will result in administrative detentions and calls to parents.
You are responsible for the textbook (and workbook) that I hand to you in class at the beginning of the year. You must return the same book to me in June or you will be issued a fine. Finally, I suggest that you keep all handouts organized in a binder or separate folder. There are many times that I will not work from the book so it will necessary to keep what I distribute to you. Please make sure your laptop is charged and working prior to class, you will need your inking utensil as well.
Plagiarism / Cheating
Copying someone else's homework is cheating. Discussing what is on a test or a quiz with someone who has not taken it is form of cheating that will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating in any way, you will receive a 0 and will not be permitted to make up work. You will also be turned in to the office for further disciplinary action. Using any type of digital translator is also considered cheating due to the nature of the course and the disciplinary actions described above also apply. Voice mail number is (201) 599-7250 ext 216. Please feel comfortable to call me. My e-mail is
STUDENT: I have read this classroom discipline plan, understand it, and will honor it.
Name( please print) ______Date:______
PARENTS: My child has discussed the classroom discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.