Riverbank State Park - Picnic Information
1.Application: Required from any group/organization or individual with 15 persons or more.This fee is non-refundable and due at time of submitting application.
2.Fees: Non – Profit (agencies/organizations must have a 501.c3) $30 application fee (entitles to one table) – each additional table $30. All others (corporations, organizations, agencies – without a 501.c3 will be considered for profit. Rates are $60 permit application (entitled to one table) each additional table $60.
We do not reserve Tables until after Memorial Day. You may use the picnic area without a permit before then but will only be allowed 3 picnic tables per family. All rules and regulations apply during this time.
3.Payment: Any other fees related to your event besides the permit application is due 3 weeks prior to your event. Please note, if payment is not received in a timely manner your event can be cancelled at the discretion of the Park Director and Management.
4.Policies: There are no indoor venues in the event of inclement weather. There are no rain-dates, credits or refunds. All reservations are final. If you would like to schedule a rain-date you will be required to fill out another permit, all fees apply.
5.Parking:There is no Upper level parking. Courtesy Lower level parkingpasses are issued based on availability. Please suggest public transportation to your guest.Bus service is Bx 19 from the Bronx, M11 from Manhattan.
6.Security: State Park Police and Park Rangers are on patrol for your safety. First Aid is also available by State Park Rangers or Lifeguards. All incidents must be reported to Management. If a ambulance is needed contact our Staff or State Park Police for assistance. Park Police Base tel. # (212) 694 – 3620.
7.Rules and Regulations:
- All reserved areas must be occupied by 12n. Reservations not claimed by 12n will be cancelled and areas open to the general public.
- A responsible contact must be present and available at all times during your event. Please see the Park Ranger assigned to the picnic area. Bring the permit and/or receipt of payment.
- You can not bring additional tables; however, you may bring folding chairs and blankets.
- Grilling or cooking is not allowed at Riverbank,you may use sternos to keep your food warm.
- No selling or any money exchanged for items or services allowed between individuals other than the regular park related ticket sales at the revenue booths or State Park licensed food vendors.
- Do not put or tie decorations on trees or bushes.Do be courteous and do not sit or lay on top of the picnic tables.
- Battery operated radios are allowed. No amplified sound. We do not provide electricity. Keep music at a respectable level so that others enjoying their picnic are not disturbed.
- Each family is allowed only 1 tent.Tents must be anchored to the tables or held down with sandbags. No spikes are allowed to be driven into the ground.
- There is no alcohol, bicycles, water guns, pets or water balloons allowed. No fighting and/or damaging of any RiverbankState Park property. Anyone caught doing so will be ticketed expelled and/or subject to arrest.
- If you are authorized to unload at the traffic circle an authorized licensed driver must be left in the vehicle at all times to move the vehicle in the event of traffic congestion.No vehicles should be left unattended.
- If you park on the Upper Level Parking without the proper authorization you will be given a summons and/or towed at your own expense.
Hope you have an enjoyable and safe experience at RiverbankState Park.
For more inform. Contact: Lila Acevedo (Event/Permit coordinator) at (212) 694 – 3639 or the revenue cashier booth at (212) 694 – 3599.
Sign: Date:
I have read and understood the rules and regulations.