Nineteen Eighty Four Journals Assignment
Final Due Date: Wednesday May 27
Ultimate Deadline: Wednesday June 3
As we study the novel, you will be keeping a collection of creative journal responses to each section I have listed below for the novel.
You must use one of the approaches listed below, and must do a different approach for each journal.
Each entry should be a minimum of one page of writing. You will have to complete rough copies throughout the unit (which can be hand written) and will then complete a final set of typed responses (the final responses must be a minimum of a page typed and single spaced or two pages double spaced).
I will check that you are doing your responses on time, but I will not assign a mark until you complete the whole journal. You will participate in peer editing of some of your journals as well, but I will warn you ahead of time and will let you choose which ones you want to be peer edited.
Each journal must be written in complete sentences with paragraph format, and must include specific evidence from the assigned section, referenced in MLA format.
You will need to keep on top of these writing pieces so you don’t have a huge amount of work to do at the end.
*Choose only ONE approach for each assigned section.
Possible Approaches:
- Write a letter from the point of view of one of the characters to another character at this point of the novel. The letter should show how your character feels about the other- love, anger, frustration, confinement, confusion…
- Write a diary entry from the point of view of one of the characters about an event in this section. Your diary cannot be from Winston’s point of view.
- Imagine you are involved in a movie adaptation of the novel and you have to create a soundtrack for the novel - what songs would you have playing in the background of this chapter? Choose at least three songs, include the lyrics and a paragraph description of why each song suits your section.
- Create a visual that represents the emotions of one of the characters in this section or one of the events that happens in the section. Your visual could be a collage, your own drawing, an interesting picture you find and alter in some way (photoshop or by combining with another image). You must also include a paragraph explaining your visual and what it demonstrates about the assigned section.
- Write a short newspaper report on the most important event in this section. Cover all of the 5Ws, include an interesting headline, and state why this event is important. Imagine you are a reporter living in the setting of the novel and that this event has just happened.
- Decide what the major theme of this section is. Describe how that theme comes out (i.e. through which events and which character) and what you think the importance of the theme is for the novel. You may also include personal opinion on the theme.
- Decide what the major symbol of this section is. Describe how that symbol comes out (i.e. through which events and which character) and what you think the importance of the symbol is for the novel.
- Write a personal response connecting to a character or event in this section. Describe why you think this character or event relates to you or something important in your life.
- Describe how relationships function in this section- what kinds are there, how are they changing, why are they interesting/important?
Assigned Sections- You must do 4 entries overall.
Journal #1: Section One- DUE Monday May 11 (Rough)
Journal #2: Section Two-DUE Wednesday May 20 (Rough)
Journal #3: Section Three & Appendix- DUE Monday May 25 (Rough)
Journal #4: Whole Novel- Due Tuesday May 26 (Rough)
Good Copies Due Wednesday May 27
Rubric Nineteen Eighty-Four Journals
Journal One
- Completes full requirements
- Uses detailed and integrated evidence from the assigned section
- Shows understanding and analytical thinking
- Shows creativity
- Is presented in clear format and in clear, grammatically correct language
- Rough Copy Completed on time
Journal Two
- Completes full requirements
- Uses detailed and integrated evidence from the assigned section
- Shows understanding and analytical thinking
- Shows creativity
- Is presented in clear format and in clear, grammatically correct language
- Rough Copy Completed on time
Journal Three
- Completes full requirements
- Uses detailed and integrated evidence from the assigned section
- Shows understanding and analytical thinking
- Shows creativity
- Is presented in clear format and in clear, grammatically correct language
- Rough Copy Completed on time
Journal Four
- Completes full requirements
- Uses detailed and integrated evidence from the assigned section
- Shows understanding and analytical thinking
- Shows creativity
- Is presented in clear format and in clear, grammatically correct language
- Rough Copy Completed on time
Peer Editing
- Student was present and prepared for peer editing
- Student showed effort in peer editing process
/3 Marks
- Assignment completed in full and on time
- Assignment shows effort and original thought
- Assignment shows analytical understanding of the novel
- Assignment shows effort beyond basic requirements (i.e. includes proper MLA format, Works Cited Page, shows extra creativity and detail, shows advanced analytical thought, writing is particularly clear and effective…)
Total: /30