River Falls United Methodist Church Scholarship Application 2017 - 2018

127 South Second Street, River Falls, WI 54022


Scholarship Opportunities

The United Methodist Church of River Falls (RFUMC) has been generously endowed by church members who have, through gifts and memorials, established a variety of scholarship funds that provide financial resources to be awarded to full-time undergraduate, or full- or part-time graduate students each year. Typically scholarship applications are reviewed by the UMC Scholarship Committee each spring and are awarded in the fall of each year. It is the intent of the committee to award scholarships to students who 1) have demonstrated good academic ability and show promise of continued high academic performance, 2) exhibit appropriate accordance with the ideals and principles of the RFUMC, and 3) have a record of participation in and service to the United Methodist Church. Specific requirements for the different RFUMC scholarships are described in Section VI below. Only one application is needed in order to be considered for any or all of the possible scholarships.

Application Procedure

1. Students may receive one scholarship per year for a maximum of four years.

2. This application is for one academic school year, however a student may re-apply in following years if qualifications are met.

3. Applications will become available from the church office or website at the beginning of February during the year of application. Follow the instructions in this application form. Print out this application form and neatly write or print your responses to the requested information in the given spaces. Typed (word-processed) applications are appreciated. Do not substantially change the formatting or arrangement of the form. It is important that your responses be detailed and complete in order to help the Scholarship Committee know you better.

4. Completed signed applications must be received by the River Falls United Methodist Church office by April 1st, 2017. A complete application includes:

☐this application form

☐a current transcript from the school that you have most recently attended

☐a dated and signed letter of recommendation sent to the UMC Scholarship Committee

☐a current photo of yourself

5. Please check with the church office to verify that your application and all relevant materials have been received. Any questions should be directed to one of the Scholarship Committee co-chairpersons who are currently David Rusterholz at (715)-425-8088 and Don Stannard at (715)-410-8608.

6. After reviewing the applications, the Scholarship Committee will contact all applicants by mail. The scholarship recipients will be invited to the presentation of awards during a worship service, typically in August. Recipients are expected to attend this presentation. If you are unable to attend, contact a chairperson of the Scholarship Committee prior to the awards service, and arrange to have a friend or family member attend in your place.

I. Personal/Contact Information

Name (First - Middle Initial – Last): Click here to enter text.

Home Address: Click here to enter text.

College Address:Click here to enter text.

Home Phone: Click here to enter text. Cell Phone: Click here to enter text.

E-Mail: Click here to enter text.

Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Click here to enter text.

Home Church: Click here to enter text. Home Pastor:Click here to enter text.

Home Church Address: Click here to enter text.Home Church Phone: Click here to enter text.

Have you ever received a RFUMC Scholarship in the past? ☐Yes ☐No

If yes, which one(s)?Click here to enter text. Date(s) awarded? Click here to enter text.

II. Academic Information

Name of High School Click here to enter text. Date of Graduation Click here to enter text.

High School Class Rank Click here to enter text. out of Click here to enter text.

High School Grade Point Average Click here to enter text.

What will be your college class status as of Fall, 2017?☐Freshman ☐Sophomore☐Junior☐Senior

Do you plan to attend college as a full-time student for the full school year of 2017-2018?☐Yes ☐No

If yes, which school? Name of College/InstitutionClick here to enter text.

in City, State Click here to enter text.

What is(are) your intended Major(s)? Click here to enter text. Minor(s)? Click here to enter text.

If you have one, what is your cumulative college grade point average? Click here to enter text.

List any academic awards or honors that you have received in school in the last several years.

Click here to enter text.

III. Activities and Work

A. School Activities and Leadership List group or individual school activities in which you have been an active member and identify any leadership roles or responsibilities you may have had.

Click here to enter text.

B. Community Activities List service or community activities in which you have participated during the last 4 years. Identify any leadership roles or responsibilities you may have had. Be specific. When possible give the approximate dates of involvement and the approximate number of hours contributed.

Click here to enter text.

C. Work Responsibilities. List any jobs or employment positions you have held. Include employer, approximate dates of service, how many hours a week you worked and explain the duration (i.e. seasonal, summer, part-time during the school year, etc.)

Click here to enter text.

IV. Church Involvement and Your Faith Journey

A. Were you confirmed? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, when? Approx. date: Click here to enter text.

B. Do you attend RFUMC Sunday morning church and/or Wednesday fellowship services regularly?

☐Yes ☐No If yes, approximately how often? Click here to enter text.

If no, do you have a conflict? Explain Click here to enter text.

C. Church Activities Check the box by any church activity in which you have participated that demonstrates how you have been active in your church in the last 4 years. When possible give the approximate dates of involvement and the approximate number of hours contributed.

Activity:Approximate dates and Number of hours:

☐Ushering during the church service Click here to enter text.

☐Reading scripture in church Click here to enter text.

☐Unpaid volunteering in the nursery Click here to enter text.

☐Singing in the choir Click here to enter text.

☐Providing special music Click here to enter text.

☐Teaching Sunday School Click here to enter text.

☐Driving on Sunday mornings Click here to enter text.

☐Serving during fellowship time Click here to enter text.

☐Helping with church decorating Click here to enter text.

☐Helping with Wednesday All-Church Fellowship Click here to enter text.

☐Helping with special meals Click here to enter text.

☐Helping with Vacation Bible School Click here to enter text.

☐Helping with building or grounds maintenance Click here to enter text.

☐Helping with the Great Giveaway or Church Bazaar Click here to enter text.

☐Participation or helping with youth groups Click here to enter text.

☐Participation in mission trips or projects Click here to enter text.

☐Involvement in Campus Ministry or a campus Christian organization Click here to enter text.

List below any other church activities (volunteer or paid positions) in which you have participated that demonstrate how you have been active in your church in the last 4 years. When possible give the approximate dates of involvement and the approximate number of hours contributed.

Click here to enter text.

D. Your Faith Journey

Respond thoughtfully and specifically to each prompt or question below. Write in complete sentences and use good English, spelling and grammar.

  1. Give a brief summary of the main events in your life that make you who you are today. Include your personal as well as your educational goals.

Click here to enter text.

  1. Describe how the United Methodist Church has influenced your life journey of faith.

Click here to enter text.

  1. In what ways has your religious background and faith impacted your life? Give specific examples of your personal religious beliefs and attitudes, and how they guide you in your daily life.
  1. Briefly explain why this scholarship is important to you.

V. References/Letter of Recommendation

Arrange to have a current letter of recommendation sent to the RFUMC office on your behalf. Request this letter from a person who knows your academic and personal qualifications well and who is not a relative. Request this courtesy far enough in advance of the due date so that it arrives at the church before April 1, 2017. Do not use a letter that has been written in a previous year. The letter should be dated, signed, and written on official stationery if the source person is a professional. List below the contact information for the person who will be writing this letter for you.

Name Click here to enter text.

Address Click here to enter text.

Phone Click here to enter text.

How do you know this person? Click here to enter text.

List the name and contact information of a second person who is a member of your church and is not a relative. This personal reference should be someone who knows you well enough to speak on your behalf to the Scholarship Committee.

Name Click here to enter text.

Address Click here to enter text.

Phone Click here to enter text.

VI. Scholarship Qualifications

The requirements for the different UMC scholarships that are available vary according to Church membership, academic achievement requirements, and school of attendance. (See chart below.) The value of each scholarship will vary from year-to-year according to the returns on the invested funds and the number of qualified applicants. Scholarships are for students enrolled in full-time undergraduate or graduate study or a full-time seminary student. It is possible that an applicant may be qualified for more than one scholarship, however only one scholarship will be awarded to an individual in a given year. Please indicate on the chart below which scholarship(s) you qualify for and for which you wish to be considered.

Check if you Qualify / Name of
Scholarship / Active UMC
Anywhere / River Falls
UMC Member / Must attend
UW - River Falls / Required Grade Point Minimum / Other
Harry D. & Hazel Ross Scholarship / X / 3.0
Albert & Avis Davidson Scholarship / X / 3.0
L. Gordon Stone Scholarship / X / X / 3.0 / Preference given to students accepted in-to thecollege of education (junior)
Clarence & Bertha Kuschel Scholarship / X / * / 2.5 / *Half awarded to students attending UWRF, and half to students attending other schools.
Eleanor Borner-Johnson Scholarship / X / 3.0
Earl & Marguerite Sumner Scholarship / Must be a Member of
River Falls UMC or Hudson UMC / Must be a student in seminary or a church related occupation.

Scholarship Application Checklist: (Check when completed.)

☐Application Form ☐School Transcript ☐Recommendation Letter ☐Photo

Please print this entire completed form, sign and date it below, and submit all materials checked above to the church by April 1, 2017.

By this application, I authorize the Scholarship Committee to verify my G.P.A., credits, and class load and to contact people who have been listed as references.

Your Signature ______Date______

Printed Name ______

RFUMC Scholarship Application form 2017-2018Page 1 of 5