Study guide for Levers – Investigation #1

· Know your vocabulary – newtons load effort lever lever arm fulcrum advantage

· Know HOW a lever is used and how to get maximum advantage. - Recall lifting your teacher with the huge board lever. You may want to draw this.

· If the load remains in one spot and cannot be moved, where should the effort be applied?

· If the effort remains in one spot and cannot be moved, where should the load be placed?

· Draw and label a picture of a spring scale measuring a load that weighs 460 gms.

· Use your graph from experiments A & B to predict various amounts of effort or distance from the fulcrum. Practice using verbal sentences to describe these predictions.

Study guide for Levers – Investigation #1

· Know your vocabulary – newtons load effort lever lever arm fulcrum advantage

· Know HOW a lever is used and how to get maximum advantage. - Recall lifting your teacher with the huge board lever. You may want to draw this.

· If the load remains in one spot and cannot be moved, where should the effort be applied?

· If the effort remains in one spot and cannot be moved, where should the load be placed?

· Draw and label a picture of a spring scale measuring a load that weighs 460 gms.

· Use your graph from experiments A & B to predict various amounts of effort or distance from the fulcrum. Practice using verbal sentences to describe these predictions.