Flat No-C-2, 1208, Upohar Comfort Complex, Chak Goria, Kolkatta, India-700094 / Phone- +91-9859984723

Skype ID: ritumishra1976 /
Ritu Kumar Mishra


Ritu Kumar Mishra with Ph.D in Population studies is a Monitoring and Evaluation expert inHealth and Development sectorswith 10 years of experience in India, Nepal and Afghanistan. He has a perfect blend of exposure of working with Government and NGOs.

Hehas wide expertise in developing Monitoring, Evaluation Accountability and Learning system which includes MIS, developing Result Framework, MEAL plan, developing annual plan with tracking mechanism, developing MEAL instrument to ensure program quality, developing research protocol, web based computer management information system etc.

The Thematic area where he has worked mainly includesHIV/AIDS; Health & Nutrition and WASH, Maternal & Child Health, Gender issues including women’s health& education, domestic violenceand Adolescent Health and Young Reproductive and Sexual Health in India, Afghanistan and Nepal.

He has extensive experience of managing and conducting baseline studies, Operation Research, Impact evaluation, Studies, surveys etc. with excellent command on quantitative and qualitative techniques.


Organization: / John Snow India Private Limited
Duration: / April, 2016 to till date
Description of the Project: / The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Tuberculosis Health Action Learning Initiative (THALI) projectin Kolkata is being implemented through the “Targeted Response and Action in Kolkata against Tuberculosis”(TRAK TB) project.The project implementation is undertakenby a consortium of agencies including World Health Partner (WHP), Global Health Strategies (GHS), John Snow India Private Ltd. (JSI), and Child in Need Institute (CINI).
Responsibilities: /
  • Responsible for development and implementation of a robust M&E and operations research plan to capture the qualitative and quantitative progress of project and inform mid-course corrections.
  • Develop tools, checklists, systems and procedures for executing a variety of M&E processes and operations research on identified priority areas.
  • Responsible for efficiency of data collection and analysis process; and strengthening data use to improve service quality and decision-making.
  • Ensure application of state of the art technology for development of robust M&E framework and Management Information System using various tools.
  • Support public and private health sector in adaptation and implementation of data quality measures, working closely with various structures of TB program in Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC).
  • Participate and coordinate survey designs and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research tools.
  • Oversee the analysis of data to provide evidence based insights to the project for efficient programming and results.
  • Conduct capacity assessment of data managers at different levels within the TB program of KMC and plan capacity building initiatives.
  • Design and execute a landscape analysis to understand the provision of TB services by organized and unorganized private sector providers, public system and NGOs.
  • Provide advice for research to identify gaps in the provision of TB service delivery such as patient pathway study.

Organization: / Options Consultancy Services Limited, United Kingdom
Duration: / Oct, 2014 to March 2016
Description of the Project: / SWASTH is a Government of Bihar programme supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) under an agreement signed in September 2010. Over a period of up to six years DFID has committed a total of £145 million as a mix of direct financial aid to the Government of Bihar and technical assistance provided through the Bihar Technical Assistance Support Team (BTAST). The Programme Goal is to improve the health and nutrition status of people in Bihar, particularly the poorest and most excluded, and the purpose is: increased use of quality, essential health, nutrition, water and sanitation services especially by poorest people and excluded groups.
Responsibilities: /
  • Quality control and support in implementation of monitoring and evaluation strategies
  • Support in-country teams in design of mixed method monitoring, evaluation and research approaches including: sampling frames, large-scale surveys, operations research, and qualitative M&E methods
  • Contributed to developing and quality assuring M&E tools
  • Built the capacities of investigators at different level
  • Support and contribute to oversight of field-based data collection as both management and capacity strengthening activities
  • Doing quantitative and qualitative data analysis disaggregated by, gender and social class
  • Developed score card for 38 districts of Bihar to show the progress made since implementation of the project.
  • Work effectively with government and national programme counterparts as required
  • Contribute to reporting and effective communication with donors, Government and partners
  • Providing technical support to the national M&E systems
  • Providing capacity building and skills development to the team where appropriate and agreed by the Team Leader.

Organization: / Ministry of Finance, Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Duration: / July 2013 to Sept, 2014
Description of the Project: / Capacity Building for Results“CBR” is an Afghan led reform and capacity building program, funded through “Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund” under the Afghan National Budget. The total estimated budget of the program is USD 350 million over 5 years, starting from 2012.The CBR aims to assist the government in improving the capacity and performance of select line ministries in carrying out their mandates and delivering services to the Afghan people through National Priority Programs. This will be achieved through the implementation of specific capacity and institution building programs, which include systematic monitoring of and reporting on results.
Responsibilities: /
  • Developed a comprehensive M&E strategy for CBR, including a plan for data collection and analysis
  • Prepared the Master CBR Result Framework for the project
  • Assisted5 CBR Line Ministries in developing their results framework and by assuringthe inclusion of proper and realistic indicators for outputs and outcomes in their CBR application / proposal
  • Develop a standardized M&E reporting and data analysis systems for CBR;
  • Provided recommendation for evaluating the impact of specific CBR activities;
  • Develop M&E system for the Project Support Unit (PSU);
  • Supported the Independent Administrative Reform Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) and line ministries in data collection and compilation
  • Coordinated certain activities related to results with Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission.
  • Consolidated and analyzed all the data and reports from line ministries on monthly basis.
  • Prepared thebi-annual report of CBR progress for reporting to World Bank

Organisation: / Emmanuel Hospital Association,
Duration / July 2009 to July 2013
Project description: / Project ORCHID is a 10-year (2004-14) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded project under the Avahan initiative that provides HIV prevention in Manipur and Nagaland, in Northeast India. The Project is a joint initiative of the Emmanuel Hospital Association and the Australian International Health Institute from the University of Melbourne. The goal is to reduce transmission of HIV and STIs among injecting drug users (IDU), female sex workers (FSW), men who have sex with men (MSM) and their sexual partners, through a response of increased scale and coverage in selected high prevalence districts and townships in Manipur and Nagaland. The Project has 23 implementing partner organizations and the services delivered include distribution of condoms and needle and syringes, STI management, opioid substitution therapy, Information-Education-Communication, advocacy, community mobilization, and referrals to other services such as integrated counselling and testing centres and tuberculosis testing.
Responsibilities: /
  • Designed the M&E system for the project: developed the M&E manual, data collection tools, reporting mechanism etc.
  • Supported Project ORCHID (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for Targeted Intervention) and it’s implementing 30 NGOs to undertake systematic monthly data analysis (both financial and programmatic), interpretation and feedback using the Computerized Management Information System (CMIS).
  • Collected and reported correct and consistent data on time from 30 NGO’s (147 reports) to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Family Health International, National AIDS Control Orgniosation and State AIDS Control Organisation.
  • After setting up the M&E system for Phase II (2009-14) of the project, recollected all the data of Phase-I (2004-2009) of the project as doner was not satisfied with the data that our organization provided.
  • Built the capacities of 5 staffs directly reporting to me and 30 staffs of the NGO’s from the 2 states of intervention.
  • Developed the M&E Plan for GFATM Round 9 proposal in which Emmanuel Hospital is the Principal Recipient.
  • Conducted and coordinated intermittent surveys (e.g. Polling Booth Survey, Social Network Analysis etc).
  • Report preparation for Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NACO and SACS on monthly and annual basis.

Organisation: / Population Foundation of India, New Delhi. Website:
Duration / July 2008 to July 2009
Project Description: / The Population Foundation of India is the Principal Recipient of the GFATM-Round 4 and 6funds and is scaling up its care and support initiatives in eight highly vulnerable states: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and Orissa. The main thrust of the program is to expand and accelerate care and support services to People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLHAs) in the program area. This program will be implemented through key players in HIV/AIDS in India. The sub-recipient was: Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (INP+), Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT) and Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI).
Responsibilities /
  • Developed M&E Plan and budget for M&E activities for the project.
  • Prepared the M&E manual for District Level Network and Community Care centres.
  • Provided input to external software agency for developing Web based CMIS.
  • Periodic program review with field monitoring to use supportive supervision tools and developed program monitoring tools and data quality system to improve services,
  • Managed technical research studies, review reports to improve the quality of study and support agency in dissemination
  • Provide regular technical support to all the partner organization, state offices and service delivery points
  • Quarterly review and analysis of program data and feed program and other unit on project performance to do better planning and use that opportunity for decision making and strengthening program activities,
  • Capacity build on M&E formats, data collection, analysis, Web based Management and Information System, use of dynamic and customized reports and how to use data for better planning of Service delivery point’s staff as well as sub recipients' national and state level program and M&E officials,
  • Reviewed reports of research and program evaluation, progress reports of the SRs as per the work plan and measure achievements and provide meaningful inputs to SRs based on the reports to improve implementation and quality of reports,
  • Develop M&E training Manuals for Trainers and Field Level workers
  • Collected and analysed report from all the Community Care Centres and District Level Network on time and given them feedback.
  • Preparation of presentations for review meetings with PFI state units, Project Advisory Board (PAB) and Core Sub-Grantees' meetings
  • Developed quarterly and annual M&E reports and submit it to donor.

Organisation / MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child, New Delhi-110048.
Duration / Jan 2006 to July 2008
Responsibilities /
  • Developed and managed MIS for the project “Adolescent sexual and reproductive health” in Lucknow District of Uttar Pradesh. Funded by UNFPA.
  • Data analysis of a case control study of sexuality education among the student of Class VII and IX in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka funded by SIDA.
  • Capacity building of the partner NGO staff and government health service providers on utilisation of data for decision making.
  • Support in developing Monitoring and Evaluation System for other small projects,
  • Developed research protocols, Conduct research activities in implementation area and giving support to organization for research related activities,
  • Developed quarterly/half yearly and yearly report for donor agency, develops monthly basis research reports based on activities,
  • Feedback sent to partners organization based on monthly reports,
  • Collation and management of MIS at State and District level,
  • Dissemination, planning, coordination and implementation, field monitoring, help in data collection of I, NGOs, technical support of INGOs to deliver their services in the field, data management and quality assurance.

Queens University, Belfast / Worked as“Researcher” in the British Academy funded Queens University research project entitled “Mapping the Architecture of Resistance and Control: Women’s Organization in Squatter Settlement” in Aug-Sept-2005.
CINI-Jharkhand: / Evaluated the“Targeted Intervention projects” funded by CDC (Centre for Disease Control) and implemented by Child In Need Institute in the districts of Jharkhand i.e. Ranchi, Hazaribagh and Dhanbad in August 2010.
HIV ALLIANCE-New Delhi / Built the capacity of Blue Diamond Society, one of the sub recipients of The Global Fund, on the Monitoring and Evaluation System of The Global Fund in Kathmandu, Nepal from 18th to 23rd May-2010.
HIV ALLIANCE-New Delhi: / Consultant for building capacities on Global Fund M&E in Bangkok by International HIV Alliance for building the capacities of the Principal and Sub recipient in South-East Asia in 2012.
Ph.D. / Ph.D. inPopulation Studies awarded in 2006 fromJawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.Thesis Title: “Socio-economic Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Assam: A Case Study of Jorhat and Dhubri Districts”.
M. Phil. / M. Phil. in Population Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,in 2001.
Dissertation title: “Infant Mortality in India: Trends, Differentials and Determinants”.
M.A. / M.A.in Geography from, University of Delhiin 1999.
B.A. / B.A.from Tezpur CollegeunderGuwahati University, in 1997.
NET / Qualified “National Eligibility Test for Lectureship” in Geography and Population Studies, conducted by University Grant Commission in 2004.
Name of the Course / Awarding body
Data Quality, Data Use for Programme Manager, Family Planning, M&E Framework for HIV/AIDS Programme, M&E Fundamentals, PEPFER next generation Indicator Guidance, Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Health. All these courses completed in Jan, 2014 / Online courses from Global Health e-learning centres of USAID
M&E Fundamentals, Monitoring and Evaluation of Malaria Programme and Geographic Approached to Global Health. Completed in Jan 2014 / Online courses from
Measure Evaluation
Australian Leadership Award, 8th May, 2012 / University of Melbourne, Australia
Global Fund Skills workshop on M&E for South and South East Asia, 23rd Feb, 2012 / International HIV Alliance, Bangkok, Thailand
Scientific Writing Course: Training for Documentation of Programmatic Learning’s, 11th March 2011 / Population Council, New Delhi
Capacity Building Workshop on Operational Research on HIV/AIDS for North East Region, 21st to 25th Sept, 2010 / National AIDS Control Society and CDC (Centre for Disease Control), Meghalaya, India
Practical Financial Management for NGOs: Getting the Basics Right” and “Budgeting Essentials: How to Make Effective Budgets, April 2010 / Management Accounting for Non-Governmental Organisations (Mango), UK
Virtual Leadership Development Programme for M&E Professionals, 30th March to 26th June, 2009 / Management Science for Health and USAID
Technical Monitoring and Evaluation Training, 21st to 23rd Oct, 2008 / The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tubercolosis and Malaria (GFATM)
Gender, Health and Poverty: E-Learning Course, May to June 2007 / The World Bank Institute
National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Population Studies and Geography Completed in 1998 and 2004 respectively / University Grant Commission, New Delhi
  • Award of Doctoral Fellowship from Indian Council of Social Science Research (under Ministry of HRD) for working on the topic, “Socio-Economic Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Assam: A Case Study of Jorhat and Dhubri Districts” for the year 2002-05.
  • North-East India Geographical Society Awarded a Citation along with a Medal for standing first class first in the Degree Geography Honours Examination, 1997 among the Universities of Gawahati and Dibrugarh.

  1. “HIV risk behaviors of male injecting drug users and associated non-condom use with regular female sexual partners in north-east India”, Harm Reduction Journal 2014, 11 :5 (13 February 2014). Available in
  2. “Getting there: Delivering HIV prevention services through outreach in Manipur and Nagaland”, Monograph published by The Nossal Institute for Global health of Melbourne University in Feb. 2013. Available in
  3. “Scaling up a comprehensive harm reduction program for injecting drug users: Approaches and lessons from Northeast India” paper published in March 2013 in World Health Organisation (WHO) Bulletin. Available at
  4. “Green Light” an article on technical support to Global Fund grants in Nepal published in “Of Spice and Silk” published by “The International HIV/AIDS Alliance” UK. Available in
  5. Co-author in “In Time: Drug Overdose Management in Manipur and Nagaland”, Monograph published by The Nossal Institute for Global health of Melbourne University in Nov. 2012. Available in
  6. “Infant Mortality in India: Trends Differentials and Determinants”, Published in the journal Regional Symbiosis, Volume 13, 2005.
  7. Working paper- Interpreting the Demand for Koshala State in Orissa: Development versus Underdevelopment. Available at

  • International AIDS Society.
  • International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP-Annual)
  • Indian Association for Study of Population (IASP-Life)
  • National Association of Geographer, India, (NAGI-Life)
  • North East India Geographical Society (NEIGS-Life).
  • Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP-Annual).

  • “Role of Baal Kuposhan Mukt Bihar (Child mal nutrition free Bihar) Campaign in increasing the knowledge level of Anganwadi Workers (Frontline Worker)”presented in the“Indian Association for Social Science and Health” (IASSH) in Trivandrum, Kerala on 11th Dec, 2015
  • “Risk of HIV transmission from male injecting drug users to their intimate female partners”, paper presentedatthe 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, November 18-22, 2013.
  • High Risk Behavior among Injecting Drug Users in North East India: Findings from Polling Booth Surveys, Paper presented at International Harm Reduction Conference , Beirut, Lebanon from 3-7 April 2011.
  • HIV and Drug Use in North East India: Problems and Prospect of Intervention, poster presented at the International AIDS Conference-2010, Vienna, Austria.
  • Prevailing Myths and Misconception about HIV/AID among the Young Males and Females in India and the Role of Youth Information Centre, paper presented in the 8th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in August 2007.
  • An Analysis of Socio Economic Determinants of InfantMortality in NE Regions, paper presented in National Seminar on, “North Eastern Region: Insurgency, Economy and Society”, Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, Nov 17th and 18th 2003.
  • Socio-economic Determinants of Infant Mortality: An Analysis of Two States in India, paper presented in the XXV International Population Conference of the International Union for Scientific Study of Population, Tours, France from 18th to 23rd July 2005.
  • Deforestation in North East India: A Spatio-temporal Analysis Presented in UGC sponsored National Seminar on Human Impact on Environment and Resulting Consequences in NE India, at Tezpur College, December 6-8, 2004.
  • An Appraisal of Food Security Programmes in Uttar Pradesh with Special Reference to Antyodya Anna Yojana presented at the 4th Development Convention organized by ICSSR institutes at CESS, Hyderabad, from 4-5th March-2005.

Language / Speak / Read / Write
English /  /  / 
Hindi /  /  / 
Assamese /  /  / 
Dari / 
Nepali /  / 
Bengali /  / 
Urdu / 
Permanent Address: / 301A, Hill View Apartment, Joonali, Akashi Path, Guwahati – 781024,
Assam, India.
Father’s Name: / Shiva Prasad Mishra.
Marital Status: / Married
Sex: / Male
Nationality: / Indian
Date of Birth: / 01-10-1976
1. Rabi Narayan Parhi, Nutrition Specialist, Bihar Field Office, Email: , Ph- +91-8093223340, mobile-+91-8093223340 skype id- rabiparhi, Patna, Bihar, India
2. Ms. Melody Lalmuanpuii, Country representative, Harm reduction programme Tanzania, Medecins du monde Tandika, Temeke, Dar Es salaam; Tanzania. Phone +255 68 340 25 65, Phone- +91-9678002491. Email-
3. Dr. Jayanta Basu, Director Monitoring, Evaluation &Learning, Bihar Technical Assistance Support Team (BTAST), House No. 10, IAS Colony, Kidwaipuri, Patna – 800 001, Bihar, India. Email: ; Phone: +91-9910977689
