RIT Senior Design Project 10662
D3 Engineering Camera Platform
Testing Plans
Project Team
Gregory Hintz
Samuel Skalicky
Jeremy Greene
Michelle Bard
Anthony Perrone
Bob Kremens (RIT)
Philip Bryan (RIT)
Scott Reardon (D3 Engineering)
Kevin Kearney (D3 Engineering)
Table 1. Specifications and methods of confirmation 3
I. P10662 Test Plan: Electrical tests 4
1. Sensor Tests: 4
A. Visual Band Cameras 4
B. Global Positioning System (GPS) 5
C. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 6
2. Data Storage and Transmission Tests: 7
A. SD Card Storage Capacity 7
B. SD Card Image Storing Rate 8
C. 10/100 Ethernet Image Transmission 9
II. P10662 Test Plan: Mechanical tests 10
1. Weight Tests: 10
A. Package weight 10
B. Storage Unit weight 11
C. Board weight 12
D. System weight 13
2. Physical Dimension Tests: 14
A. Package dimensions 14
B. Board dimensions 15
C. Storage unit dimensions 16
3. Optical compliance test 17
4. Timed Test(s) 18
5. Environmental Tests: 19
A. Temperature 19
B. Humidity 20
C. Pressure at altitude 21
Appendix A: Assembly instructions 22
Appendix B: Instructions for Running the System 25
Table 1. Specifications and methods of confirmation
The system shall house the supplied 5MP Visual Band Cameras. / design
The system shall house the supplied IMU/GPS systems / design
The system shall house the supplied OEM Camera Processing Board. / design
The system shall enable an external power source / design
The packaging without electronics installed shall weigh no more than 10lbs / test
The Storage unit shall weigh no more than 1 lb / Test
The processor board shall weigh no more than 2lbs / Test
The system shall weigh no more than 15lbs. / Test
The external packaging shall not exceed 8” x 6” by 7.5”. / Test
The processor board shall not exceed 5” x 6” x 3/8” / Test
The Storage unit shall not exceed 4”x6”x3”. / Test?
The system shall position the cameras with unobstructed line of sight / Test
The packaging shall not degrade the optical performance of the cameras. / Test
The packaging shall enable replacement of any component within 10 minutes, given a trained user, without custom tools. / Test
The Storage unit must be removable and replaceable within 5 minutes, given a trained user, without custom tools. / Test
The system shall operate in the following environment: -10°C to 30°C / Test
The system shall operate in the following environment: 80% humidity / Test
The system shall operate in the following environment: 69.6 KPa (Pressure at 10,000 ft) / Test
The system shall capture images from the supplied 5MP Visual Band Cameras at 1 frames-per-second. / test
The system shall retrieve data from the supplied GPS unit. / test
The system shall retrieve data from the supplied IMU. / test
The system shall use the supplied OEM Camera Processing Board. / observation
The system shall use an external power source supplying DC GND and +5V / observation
The system shall interface with the customer’s proprietary software. / observation
The system shall connect to a programming interface for hardware reconfiguration. / observation
The system shall enable configuration of the camera interface / observation
The system shall enable configuration of image compression / observation
The system shall enable configuration of the IMU and GPS interfaces / observation
The system shall store the raw data from the cameras and the INS data to allow for access before the next mission. / observation
The processor board shall be connected to the OEM board by a high speed header / observation
The Processor Board must be able to communicate with the supplied OEM Camera Processing Board and the on-board storage device simultaneously through high speed connections. / observation
The system shall store up to 20 minutes worth of image data. / test
The system shall process the images and output the data to the SD card within 10 seconds of the picture being taken. / test
The system shall transmit the low resolution images within 10 seconds of the pictures being taken out of the OEM Board’s 10/100 connector. / test
I. P10662 Test Plan: Electrical tests
1. Sensor Tests:
A. Visual Band Cameras
Specification to be tested:
The system shall capture images from the supplied 5MP Visual Band Cameras at 1 frame-per-second.
The Purpose of this test is to ensure that data from the four supplied 5MP cameras is retrieved, and at a rate of at least 1 frame-per-second. One frame per second for the definition of this system is the rotation of 4 cameras to take one picture from each camera
Test set-up:
Assemble the system as described in Appendix A.
Run the system as described in Appendix B.
Examine output of the system.
1. Place a digital timer that displays fractions of a second in front of the lens of the unit.
2. Plug in a VGA monitor, TV or computer monitor, to the VGA connector and confirm output on the screen.
3. Log into the systems website http://10.1.1.xx where XX is the model number of the system. Click Download Data.
4. Open Image files
Prepare the test equipment:
Determine Rate of Image Capture
- Confirm there is 1 image taken in a period of 1 second for each of the 4 lens.
Pass Criteria
The system passes this test if the average rate of image capture is no more than one-second per image.
There is a moderate risk involved in performing this test (low likelihood, high severity), because the electronics are being tested.
Responsible Engineers:
Gregory Hintz
Samuel Skalicky
B. Global Positioning System (GPS)
Specification to be tested:
The system shall retrieve data from the supplied GPS unit
The Purpose of this test is to ensure that data can be retrieved from the GPS unit and that said data is accurate.
Test set-up:
Assemble the system as described in Appendix A.
Confirm Data Accuracy
- In a known location, run the system as described in Appendix B.
- Using a computer, access the SD card in the system over the 10/100 Ethernet cable and retrieve a Longitude and Latitude pair from the stored GPS data.
3. Bringing up Google Maps in a web-browser and searching for the retrieved Longitude and Latitude values (in the format xx°xx.xxxxxxN,xx°xx.xxxxxxW) will bring up a map of the corresponding geographical location.
4. Repeat this test 1-2 times in varying locations
Pass Criteria
The system passes this test if GPS data is captured by the system and found to correspond to the location of testing.
There is a moderate risk involved in performing this test (low likelihood, high severity), because the electronics are being tested.
Responsible Engineers:
Jeremy Greene
C. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
Specification to be tested:
The system shall retrieve data from the supplied IMU
The Purpose of this test is to ensure that data can be retrieved from the IMU and that said data is accurate.
Test set-up:
Assemble the system as described in Appendix A.
Confirm Data Accuracy
- In an open space, run the system as described in Appendix B.
- While the system runs, physically move the system along a predictable path at a consistently varying rate.
- Using a computer, access the SD card in the system over the 10/100 Ethernet cable and retrieve the complete set of velocity and directional data from the stored IMU data.
4. Analyze the retrieved data, using computer assistance such as 3D graphing if desired, to confirm that the velocity and directional data corresponds to the motions imposed upon the system while running.
5. Repeat this test 1-2 times with distinct motions imposed upon the system during each test.
Pass Criteria
The system passes this test if IMU data is captured by the system and found to correspond to the motions imposed on the IMU itself during testing.
There is a moderate risk involved in performing this test (low likelihood, high severity), because the electronics are being tested.
Responsible Engineers:
Jeremy Greene
2. Data Storage and Transmission Tests:
A. SD Card Storage Capacity
Specification to be tested:
The system shall store up to 20 minutes worth of image data.
The Purpose of this test is to ensure that the SD card located on the system itself is able to store the required 20 minutes of image data.
Test set-up:
Assemble the system as described in Appendix A.
Determine Storage Capacity
- Run the system as described in Appendix B.
- Using the 10/100 Ethernet link and software to access the SD card, record every 5 minutes the quantity of space occupied on the SD card.
- When the SD card has been completely filled with data or 20 minutes has elapsed, the test is complete.
Pass Criteria
The system passes this test if image data stored to the SD card has not exceeded the card capacity after 20 minutes of normal operation.
There is a moderate risk involved in performing this test (low likelihood, high severity), because the electronics are being tested.
Responsible Engineers:
Gregory Hintz
Samuel Skalicky
B. SD Card Image Storing Rate
Specification to be tested:
The system shall process the images and output the data to the SD card within 10 seconds of the picture being taken.
The Purpose of this test is to ensure that the system is able to process and store to the SD card complete data for one image, and do so within a 10 second period.
Test set-up:
Assemble the system as described in Appendix A.
Run the system as described in Appendix B.
Prepare the test equipment:
Determine Storage Rate
1. If system has passed test 1A then system has passed the test if it has not then continue to step 2.
2. Hook an oscilloscope probe to GPIO58 as shown in the D3 OEM board manual.
3. Examine output waveform and measure wavelength.
4. If the time between high signals is less than 2 seconds then system has passed.
Pass CriteriaThe system passes this test if images stored to the SD card are found to have been stored in their entirety within 10 seconds of capture.
There is a moderate risk involved in performing this test (low likelihood, high severity), because the electronics are being tested.
Responsible Engineers:
Gregory Hintz
Samuel Skalicky
C. 10/100 Ethernet Image Transmission
Specification to be tested:The system shall transmit the low resolution images within 10 seconds of the pictures being taken out of the OEM Board’s 10/100 connector.
The D3 OEM Board includes a 10/100 Ethernet connector, from which low resolution copies of some of the images captured can be retrieved. In this test, the system is put into regular operating mode and connected with an Ethernet cable to a computer running software to receive images from the system. The delay between image capture and retrieval on the computer is determined.
Test set-up:
Assemble the system as described in Appendix A.
Run the system as described in Appendix B.
Examine output of the system.
1. Place a digital timer that displays fractions of a second in front of the lens of the unit.
2. Plug in a VGA monitor, TV or computer monitor, to the VGA connector and confirm output on the screen.
3. Log into the systems website http://10.1.1.xx where XX is the model number of the system.
4. Click View on the webpage.
5. Confirm the image displayed is less than 10 seconds apart from the timer under the camera.
Prepare the test equipment:
Determine Transmission Rate
Pass Criteria
The system passes this test if images transmitted over the 10/100 Ethernet port are found to have been transmitted in their entirety within 10 seconds of capture.
There is a moderate risk involved in performing this test (low likelihood, high severity), because the electronics are being tested.
Responsible Engineers:
Gregory Hintz
II. P10662 Test Plan: Mechanical tests
1. Weight Tests:
A. Package weight
Specification to be tested:The packaging without electronics installed shall weigh no more than 10lbs
The Purpose of this test is to ensure that the enclosure itself does not weigh more than the limit set forth by the customer. “Enclosure” includes the external packaging components and the internal support for the electronics and lenses, but not the electronics (boards, storage media, GPS, IMU), or lenses themselves.
Test set-up:
Assemble the enclosure without electronics:
1. Ensure that the lens base is securely screwed into the triangular flanges on the interior of the center portion of the enclosure
2. Ensure that the reference plate is securely attached to the lens base
3. Ensure that the top cover (with the connectors) is secured to the top of the center portion of the enclosure and the bottom cover (with the viewing windows) is secured to the bottom of the center portion of the enclosure.
Prepare the test equipment:
1. Obtain a scale which can measure a minimum of 20.00 lbs to at least 2 decimal places
2. Calibrate the scale per the manufacturer’s instructions
Weigh the system
1. Zero the empty scale as directed by the manufacturer
2. Place the assembled enclosure on the zeroed scale
3. Wait for the scale to stabilize so that the measured weight is fluctuating by no more than .01 lbs, this may take several seconds to a minute
4. Record the system weight as shown on the scale
5. Repeat 1-2 times, recording each weight
Pass Criteria
The system passes this test if the average total enclosure weight is less than or equal to 10.00 lbs
There is a low to moderate risk involved in performing this test (low likelihood, moderate severity), because only a portion of the system is being tested.
Responsible Engineers:
Tony Perrone
Michelle Bard
B. Storage Unit weight
Specification to be tested:The Storage unit shall weigh no more than 1 lb
The Purpose of this test is to ensure that the data storage unit does not weigh more than the limit set forth by the customer. “Data storage unit” includes any SD cards which will interface with the system at any single time.
Test set-up: