Knock at the Door – Part II

Partner A establishes an independent activity that is meaningful to them.

Partner B knocks on the door 3 times in 3 different ways.

Partner A describes the knocks out loud. (Ex: “Angry knock”, “hurried knock”, “goofy knock”)

Partner B enters after 3 rd knock and begins repetition.

Two Points to Remember:

1. Don’t do anything unless something makes you do it!

2. “The quality of your acting depends on how fully you’re doing what you’re doing.”

***Please stick to the repetition and try not to “move things forward” or force a moment. Just be open and available to noticing change in your partner.


A - Bring in an Independent Activity that is physically difficult to do and a little more meaningful to you than your previous one(s). Now that you’ve had an opportunity to watch each other work in the space, get MORE specific with all of the details.

B – Prepare a reason (need) that brings you to knock on the door.

Look folks, the key is in being specific, it is always the way in. It is the only way in. Everything in your setup of the exercise must be specific. Anything left general will result in general acting. So, just like we had all over the walls at Neighborhood Playhouse, put a big sign over your desk, your bed, on your refrigerator, in the bathroom - - -BE SPECIFIC!”

– Larry Silverberg